I feel like im going insane, there is no chemistry between them what so ever yet like midas slapping my ass after a particulerly good pick up basketball game, a gold lump as been presented to the viewing audience and told it was made organiclly.
he only has any amount of feelings for her when she is actively surpressing 90 percent of her personality and most notably not talking at all. ill conced maybe 40 to 30 percent of her aint the fucking bees knees but if a love story can only progress when one charecter is Not Talking or Not Acting Like Themselves then i dont think you actually have a love story and you should maybe let it stew for a bit longer.
maybe have them interact more, have her find more admirable traits in him, maybe have him find her funny as a major try hard, just something except for him stareing at her like shes the avatar of leprosy until he conceeds "ok, she has a cute face".