Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

Jun 22, 2019
Thank you for the updates!

From what Iā€™ve seem, you can be sure that you will find a lot of support from readers, but also donā€™t force yourself to make something that makes you uncomfortable.

As for NASS, considering the recent drama theyā€™ve found themselves in, I really donā€™t anything past them.
Aggregator gang
Sep 26, 2018
@hanaatsume Your translations/editing are top tier, better than NASS's!

Please disregard their "demand" to have you stop. They don't own the manga, they haven't released a chapter in a couple months, and there is literally nothing wrong with having two different groups working on the same series! They only reason they told you to stop isn't because of "sniping", it's because they know if given the choice between two, people would choose yours because it looks better. (I think the accusation of sniping is effing BS...if they're not using your translations then it's NOT sniping)

Besides, NASS is in no place to complain/threaten others considering all the crap they've been involved with (hooray /r/scanslationdrama)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
do they own the copyright or what? they haven't release anything in 2 months, and they aren't the owners of the rights to publish it to english readers, so if you want just keep translating, there are times when 3 or 4 groups do the same manga, so don't pay attention to them.
Sep 25, 2019
please keep translating! I really like this series, and the other group didn't update for over 2 months.
Apr 22, 2019
Team: doesnā€™t update for months
Person: does all the work singlehandedly to release new chapters for a series they like
Team: (insert navy seal copypasta)

People get so nit picky with ā€œsnipingā€ and ā€œā€etiquetteā€ā€ but all I care about is reading new chapters. Thanks for translating and I respect your decision to stop, I wouldnā€™t want to deal with this either.
Double-page supporter
Jan 20, 2020
@hanaatsume I hope this doesn't deter your from translating in the future as there are a lot of abandoned series (I have a pretty long list of them šŸ˜‚). But yeah next time ask first since sniping isn't considered good etiquette. Thanks for the updated though. Appreciate it

@mitsuki48 lol their translation is decent and pretty good but there were quite a few small grammar and spelling mistakes here and there so saying it's better than NASS is kinda an overstatement. (I'm trying to be objective so please don't assume I'm some NASS fan)

It's really funny how people are lashing out at NASS in the comments because hanaatsume had readable and decent sniped chapters. Yet when the sniper has MTL, bad grammar etc. everyone would jump on the sniper and protect NASS (or whichever group is translating). Very interesting lol. I also want to read this regularly but imo 2 months isn't that long for groups with multiple series. But 6+ months and no update then yeah they should really give it up. Still no where as bad as Chibi Manga who has mangas that haven't been updated in years and they still won't give any of them up šŸ˜§
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
It's not sniping if the group leaves the series untranslated for literal months. If they wanted their claim to be 'respected' they should have acted on it.

NASS has clearly overreached and is getting shit for it. Fuck 'em.
Oct 19, 2019
I think the best option if you want to continue would be to talk to NASS again and ask why they keep so long or when they are going to continue it (they are pretty active in other stuff so maybe they did plan a mass release or maybe someone responsible for this stopped answering for some reason everything is possible) if they don't have any good reason for waiting so long or if they don't plan to update this in the near future, then they shouldn't be prohibiting other people from releasing. People usually don't have a problem giving a story up if the person who wants to do it contacts them first and is capable of releasing the story faster than they could. Scanlation teams are always looking for translators so maybe you guys can collaborate or release simultaneously. In the unlikely case they don't respond and/or are uncooperative, then you have every right to continue this without being the bad guy in anyones eyes.

tldr: Drama happens when translators don't communicate with each other, don't listen to what the comments tell you because they tend to only consider their side and demonize the other translators not on their side (be it the other translators or you).
May 5, 2020
So this is actually going to be the first comment I have ever posted on this siteā€¦.there goes my personal record :( (Also, made this on a temp account as I donā€™t want to be banned yet) So, first off, YOU SHOULD NOT BE SORRY Thank you so much for doing this and at such a great level! Second, scr*w nass. Scr*w them big time. I have stopped reading any manga done by them, which sucks because I genuinely liked most of the series they were doing. But I just got done with all the drama that comes off in waves any time that something upsets them. Also, the fact that the mods have been directly intervening on nassā€™s behalf in the past few weeks is super skeezy to me.

Before, with the whole Jaminiā€™s box and other groupsā€™ drama, I was wholeheartedly on mangadexā€™s side since I thought that they would continue to be the impartial hosting grounds for wonderful little gems like this one that give me the ability to escape my life for just a bit. But now that there has been all this talk and evidence given about how the mods are specifically intervening on behalf of the bigger scanlation groups at their requests and not allowing the independent scanlators to try their hand at a manga that has been shut down for so long just makes me kind of sad.

I miss being able to read mangas, appreciate the effort that people took out of their lives to do such awesome work and not feel like Iā€™m being used as a weapon. The reason nassā€™s whims are being catered to? They are scanlating the popular mangas that are getting the views, which leads to higher traffic for the website as a whole. But they know that there are many groups and individuals who would be happy to take over. Us readers are being regarded as nothing less than another tick on their view count.

Having someone else scan instead would mean nass has less power and influence on the site, which is why any sniper is immediately branded as a traitor to the community and ought to be burned alive at the stake. The biggest reason why nass gets so pissy about manga like this lovely one being taken over after two whole months (during a time when basically everyone is trapped at home) is because they view it as a threat to their power. If nass genuinely cared for its readers and about the stories being shared, they would welcome the help on manga and comics that havenā€™t been updated in forever. But nope, manga scanlation is now a territory game and youā€™ll be d*mned to h*ll if you dare to think about taking their manga.

I have nothing but a pessimistic view of nass and the recent events and facts about them that have come to light. If nothing else, I just want to say thank you, as you have now guaranteed everyone else a more consistent update rate on this, as nass will feel the need to p*ss all over this and reclaim their territory. I will miss reading this manga and thank you again for doing such a lovely job with this work. I am so sorry that you feel threatened by a group that doesnā€™t have even the hint of a right to be so horrible about all this. Thanks for coming to my TED talk and stay healthy!
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 30, 2018
Thanks for the translations.

I don't fully understand these group dynamics and dramas, but I do understand you wanting to avoid them. Hopefully, something else will catch your eye and we'll see more of your good work. šŸ˜
Dex-chan lover
Jun 12, 2018
I need spoilers about her stupid brother, I want to know if he gets what it's coming to him.

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