Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 10.1

Aug 26, 2019
Mmm... 🤔

Well, usually the drama comes from snipping, which is when you start translating from the point where other team left. I can understand asking you to stop there, because you're piggy-back riding on the work the other group did by translating all the previous chapters.

BUT, if you are willing to take the chore and start translating from chapter 1, all the way to the current release, then nobody has any ground demanding you to stop, because you would be building up only on top of your own effort. This is why other popular series have various groups translating them and everybody just mind their own bussiness.

Ultimately is your choice if you think the effort is worth it, nobody has the right to stop others from translating because no translator owns the manga, but they do own their own version of the translation so it is only polite to make your own from the ground up.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 5, 2018
I too, would like to mofu mofu and bury my face in a lion's mane.

So...does NASS intend to release chapters for this soon-ish? If they don't have a chapter in the works, they don't really get to say "stop" just because they had dibs on it. It's been a couple of months, with no status update on the project as far as we know, so it's free real estate. This isn't even a snipe because this wasn't getting regularly/actively worked on.

I don't really have any loyalty to NASS, especially with some of the drama I've seen on other works, so I do hope you continue to update this. Don't be too scared, there's a bunch of people supporting you, whatever you choose to do!
Jul 1, 2018
I agree with Poisondilu, it would be more appropriate for you to start translating from the beginning of the series rather than from where the team stopped. Don't get me wrong, I'm super appreciative of your update, and tbh I'm really getting annoyed at NASS lately, but I think it would look better if you started at the beginning of the series instead. That way you don't get accused of "sniping", like that's even a valid reason when their manga translation is also a FAN translation, and not legally legitimate.
You clearly love this manga, and provide quality translations, and I'd really like to see you continue! Regardless of whether you do or not, I appreciate you providing an update in the first place
Jan 11, 2019
Ah yes, NASS back at it again holding a bunch of series and not working on them :)
May 8, 2019
Please continue, it was excellent work so far you have amazing skills obviously. NASS has been taking they're sweet time(2 months) on updating in comparison with they're other work. We can tell it's pretty obvious who the majority is rooting for, either way do what yo think it's best were rooting for you!!!
Mar 9, 2019
Sigh, I’m against sniping and I don’t have a problem with the scan teams in general but I’m tired of this. Some newbie/random is providing translations after months of nothing being updated, they were polite about it and are what seems to be being bullied into stopping. Original scan team could still post their chapters as planned. I also don’t think you need to redo every chapter up till now if you chose to continue to upload, it would be pointless. Very disappointed over the atmosphere that’s being created.
Anyway. Thank you so much for the chapters!! I’ve missed reading this series so much, it’s too cute❤️


Jan 23, 2019
Could you possibly respond to them by saying you'd like to keep going and hope to coexist? I've heard things about NASS, but I don't see how they can refute that without sounding entitled or rude.
I understand if you want to stop, though. I hope you end up doing whatever is the most comfortable for you ! 😊
Aggregator gang
Apr 18, 2018
They don't own the manga, so they have no right to tell you to stop translating...

So you shouldn't feel bad for anything cuz you're not doing anything bad.

And you are not piggy-back riding anyone effort, you translated with your knowledge, not theirs, you did it because you want to share what's next to the story to other people, so you are not back riding.

I repeat myself

They don't own the manga, so they have no right to tell you to stop translating... I don't know why scans do this kind of things
Feb 2, 2020
Honestly I feel that if you want to continue to update, continue to update. This series isn't being updated regularly anyways (are the original translators even still working on this one??) And I think it's pretty childish to get mad at someone for trying to help out.
Also, can you even call "dibs" on something like this? I'd understand if the actual author got upset, but not someone who is translating. It's not like they own this series, you know. If you decide to start from scratch to get away from the needless drama, def let us know. I know personally, I'll switch over if yours gets updated on a regular basis. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Oct 21, 2019
You didn't do anything wrong, it's been a few months since the last upload.
And you did your own translation. It's not like you used their translations and put it under your name.
Aug 15, 2018
There is no "you shouldn't scantilate XX" in fan scantilation, no one can call dibs or reserve or anything about it, if you were uploading their scans without permission, that would be different, but you're uploading your own work and we are grateful for it, so don't let anyone tell you what you should or shouldn't scantilate unless it's the author on someone acting on the author's behalf.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 6, 2019
Probably just reiterating something smarter people haves said..... but I don't have the time to meticulously go through everyone's comments.

I mean, if they intend to keep translating the series then they could ASK you to stop. I can somewhat understand the potential argument that it wastes the other group's efforts already put towards their release and why that might upset them..... But there's NO rule multiple groups can't scanlate the same Manga.

People can chose to read one, or the other, or both (I actually find it quite fun to compare release from different groups to determine which one I like better). Something something capitalism (without the actual capitalism).

Unless the second group posted their release explicitly to be malicious to the first group..... they shouldn't be mad. They should be happy that there is another person helping to bring Manga to people that otherwise wouldn't be able to read it. Ya know, the purpose of scanlation in the first place.

If a group gets upset over someone that was sincerely just trying to help people read manga...... then that means their first priority is actually Money and the act of scanlating manga is just the means they chose to use...... In which case, screw them!

If you are so eager to assist in getting this manga out to the masses..... they should have offered to work together to get this out faster.
Jul 27, 2019
Thank you for the translation! I’m not telling you to discontinue translating but scanlation war and drama as well as the readers’ comments can be mentally frustrating so I guess if you don’t have the resolve to finish the series, best not continue scanlating for your own good. I do not like how big scanlation team sometimes abuses their name for non-existent “right” and delay releases for I dunno what but they have the credibility to most likely finish the series (i hope). So if you wanna continue translating I guess there isn’t a rule saying u can’t but have you should get the resolve for it cause it takes hardwork like literally..

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