Milady Just Wants to Relax - Vol. 2 Ch. 9

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@AkaiHidan Asking in itself is rude, because ya'll can't get your own act together to get this out in a reasonable time. You have the translator scared that you're going to start spreading rumors and ruining their time on mangadex. You want to play the high ground then actually take it and start with a public apology at least. And offer to late the translator take up the series if -they- want to and you drop out or assist them. Not the other way around. You had your chance and you screwed up when you went two months without release.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2018
I didn’t read the previous comments because I don’t have the energy to but
1. I guess everyone’s pissed that NASS didn’t update in 2 months (i think) and when someone else tries to pick it up, NASS “tells them to stop” but if you released these chapters sooner then none of this would’ve happened.
2. Lets not yell at anyone in general, or target anyone specifically.
Dec 29, 2019
Am I crazy or did Nass just reupload Hana's chapter with a disclaimer and screenshots attached? I'm looking back and forth at the chapters and they look the same to me.
Sep 27, 2018
I genuinely don't understand why y'all don't have transparency with your audience. You have an announcement area in your discord but it's mainly used for recruitment and new series announcements. It would be in your best interest to also announce hiatuses, slowdowns, and have an area where your audience can view the progress of all your projects. Also, use the notification sheet at the beginning of some of your chapters to explain that 'hey we're slowing down on this for so and so reason'

just some advice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 5, 2019
I want to feel worse for groups that get sniped, I really do, but quite a few recently have been sniped and by the time someone realized they were sniped, they released the same chapter, and in this case '2' chapters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@AgentKuga the problem is we have a new translator who got scared out of doing a series they actually like because NASS' reputation and pettiness. That's why people are so mad, a good person and good quality scanlator could end up leaving the scene because of NASS.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2019
Somehow i knew NASS was going to immediately scramble to post something to save face after hanaatsume uploaded their translation.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2018
like the thing here is like u suddenly can upload these 2 chapters when someone else translated and it just so happened to be a coincidence that u were close on finishing it when u had not uploaded for 2 months just seems so unlikely to me idk what to say more than that
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
...Yeah, no.

Hana has done nothing wrong and, looking at this, Akai is the passive aggressive asshole picking on someone trying to appease some non-existent etiquette breach.

Naturally, messaging people for a witch-hunt is no good, but this is just bullying someone who wanted more of this series.
Mar 11, 2019
this scanlation already have alot of issues in first place to the point that affect their work, rather than force person to join ur group or whatnot why not just lending them a hand a little if they dont want to drop this series, but I guess thats not how this whole shit is work, like hell what do I know. And now suddenly releasing new chapter seems like they gonna keep abandoning this manga unless someone kicking ass so they can start working.

Tbh I appreciate their works, but if they have n issues whether irl or not (knowing this whole lockdown already an issues) to point that have to postpone schedule, why not just drop it n let other people work on it and maybe it can lessen ur burden.
Active member
Jan 22, 2018
i wouldn't really use the words "calling out". they just mentioned that they were the one they talked to. tsookki even said that they could go ahead and release the chapter if they wanted. you're going to have to deal with random internet cancer no matter what anyways; trying to shift the blame to someone who is altogether being pretty nice is the kind of thing you do when you're upset but then regret later
Sep 23, 2019
This is so stupid... You don't put updates for 2 months, and right when someone kindly translate it, just for passion, you tell him to drop it and finally put updates... I'm sorry, but this time, there is no other way to see the situation except that you act like an egoist child...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 2, 2019
This feels like very much one of those cases where the group that was translating hadn't kept up-to-pace and only decided to prioritize a work as the result of someone else releasing chapters of it. Particularly as they posted the same exact part of ch 10 as the other did, rather than the entire one.
Not saying that is a bad thing though, just saying that I think that is what happened. Though what can be considered a bad thing, I suppose, is that the fact they werent up-to-pace with the raws suggests they might have swamped themselves with more work than they have staff (alternatively time, if its a hobby thing) for.
Though it didn't sound as if they were so far behind that it would build up enough stress to actually become a bad thing, so I as such doubt its a health-hazard to them (although I suppose one could also consider it as a bad thing if they effectively "hog" popular manga, but that is a topic destined to become drama, so I will stay clear of that. Particularly as I cba to look into what else they tl).

@moderateTrouble I think it sounds more like the "drama" is regarding ppl harassing one of their staff, caused by randos assuming they bullied the other tl away from the series, as it did not specify what was said to make it stop (the images suggests it was a pretty ok and courteous discussion imo).
Responding clearly and publicly (as it is randos) with proof (screenies) of what was said seems like the apt response imo, as protecting a friend from harassment should be a high priority.
Double-page supporter
Feb 11, 2018
Come on NASS. Somebody uploading two chapters after MONTHS of silence on your end is not worth trying to start drama.

If the person already did the work to translate 2 chapters and uploads them, it's not going to kill your group. Posting ~chat logs~ for ~transparency~ is such an awful look.

As someone else already said, why not focus that transparency towards clearly telling your readers what chapters you're working on translating, and what you've put on the backburner?

This is not a good look.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 20, 2019
This is so stupid. Since when did pirating become a competitive field?
Let people do what they want. It's hilarious that these scan groups have "staff" and "projects" as if they're in some sort of official business.
Aug 27, 2019
Ummm since when did illegal translation work hav3 such official business civility? Let someone do what they want. It’s not like it’s your series, and not updating in 2 months kinda made everyone assume it was dropped. I know you worked hard on it so you don’t want to let it go or whatnot, but srsly? Akai if u can’t see what the fuck is wrong with ur message to Hana, I will be very concerned for Nass leadership like wow.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
Considering isn't a manga we can't update as frequently
chapter 9 raws are out since mid-end february

and then, you call whoever disagree with your group, to your ground? (discord server) lol. why not ask them to bring their own knife to be cut down?

For your group and any other group, YOU DON'T OWN the rights to publish these series, so you CAN'T ask that whoever wish to translate anything, to contact your group, sect leader, etc. to ask if they can translate it. Is not needed, is not even netiquette, it was something that some ppl thought was a good idea, but it wasn't because is things like this, that deters independent ppl from translating because of the fear to piss big groups, and call into their lives unneeded drama.

also the thick face to say
if you wish that much to work on it, you can allway apply to NASS!
you just forgot to point a gun to the face.

And about the member of your group that is being flamed, well, if instead of contacting others sending a cease and desist msg, just uploaded the chapter, no flame would be going into his direction.

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