“Usually, the good Lord works in mysterious ways. But not today! This here is 66 tons of straight-up, H.E-spewing dee-vine intervention! If God is love, then you can call me 'Cupid'!”
I like how normally it takes a while for Mimic here to go from "normal" to "oh geez oh geez oops need to keep that human aaaa" where this time it was just instant. It's a nice touch to emphasize how this impacted her.
@justforthelulz I don't know why I didn't think in that one. Anoted.
@Epicredeemer "When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-schamanzy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon - and we had to share the rock!"
Lol for sure a weird name. I don't think can really be 'Diz' because of the ス, but close enough. 'ディスリスペクト' is how you would literally spell 'Disrespect', so it is probably meant to be 'Dis', read like 'this', or 'Dis' read like 'these'