or hes ambition-less, slothful, spineless and likes the status quo. He also "has a mother complex" so leaving the "nest" should be hard, this does not point to romantic love this is a contrivance.
Aunt provides a stable life, a parade of woman and its platonic so she aint going to throw him out randomly like is common with girlfriends if you move in with them.
MC was terrified of women, now your telling him he had the" opportunity" to jump ship from living with FAMILY to mooching off a STRANGER he only knew for a few weeks/months and only went to for SEX- and by "skipping" that hes clearly in love with his aunt???
No. this is bros before hoes - his aunt is a bro - you dont just dip out and ruin her research which HELPED YOU IMMENSELY because there is a chance some rich woman would take you in as their boy toy.
He will be out on his as in a few months if he moved in with any of those girls.
Never move into their house before marriage. kek
although the set up is clear, aunt loves MC - only reason to even use this research is to make her monogatari character real and have sex with him