Moto Saikyou no Kenshi wa, Isekai Mahou ni Akogareru

Sep 17, 2020
millions of my brain cells are dying every second i read this, this is too dull
Apr 24, 2019
This is the dull history of Gary Stu cutting through any problem.

Some day he will notice that he lives in a pure white background and cut that too. Maybe then this manga will have some texture, because there is no plot
Dec 25, 2018
Weren't light novels in general meant to be targeting boys 12-16?

It is essentially equivalent to those cheap paper-back fantasy novels that have either death, ritual, cult, sword, blood, sacrifice, temple, hero, warrior, crystal, final or dark in titles...

You know, those that you can find near the cashier in most bookstores for equivalent of less than 5$ and have so generic story that after reading 2 you've read virtually all of them...
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2020
Seriously Japan, enough with the shota heroes acquiring harems.
You're really not helping your "Japs are pedos" image.
Aug 23, 2018
I was on/off with this for about a year but I just cant recommend it. I like isekai's, harems. The character designs are good and the art style and facial expressions are well drawn. But the MC is just OP'd. And thats a major downer for me. I hate invincible cool-headed characters. And every other (female) characters are just constantly in awestruck at what he does. Constantly. I just wish for some balance and development. But when your MC is just unbeatable despite zero battle experience etc just doesnt cut it for me. Female characters are cute though
Active member
Jul 25, 2020
The art:
Initially I found the art to be quite good
However it can be observed by skipping through volumes the distinct drop of quality in the art much less the obvious lack of the background. I'm actually a fan of the rough raw ish sketch like way of drawing, but having the characters standing in all white separated only by cubical panels is ummm not engaging. I'm not a mangaka in any way but I do know paneling and backgrounds are necessary to create a good atmosphere. Even the characters end up looking slightly more wonky and unloved in the latest chapters.

The story:
At first it was fresh seeing an OP mc being actually OP, since that's not always the case with some stories making stronger and stronger opponents show up indefinitely which defeats the purpose. The story might actually benefit more from insights or povs from characters aside from the MC, the teacher at the beginning was really well fleshed out. But we see nothing of that character development on other characters aside from the harem girls. The MC and the girls sound like they're the same person talking if that makes sense (but this might be a problem with translation so I don't know if that's the author's problem).

I'm bored and wanted to rant so you get this. And I guess I was disappointed in myself for liking this initially.

Spare yourself unless you have time and this is your junk food. But you can tell even the makers of this manga ended up finding this work to be difficult to churn out by vol 4.
Feb 26, 2020
Those who read this and feel like they don't like isekai, this is not what usually isekai manga is. Isekai manga are more unique and greater than this trash. So please don't judge the isekai genre by this trash. Thanks
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
Isekai trash panda reporting in after my latest dumpster dive.

This one is really bad. The description has little to nothing to do with the story. Magic as such doesn't have any part in the story, only the standard "sword cuts through everything" shlock. It has a comedy tag, but I didn't so much as chuckle once. The characters are so samey and bland I can barely tell them apart. All the lines are completely interchangeable and the sometimes poorly placed text boxes has you wondering -- or not caring even -- who says what. I keep mixing up the female characters too. "Oh, the one with the hair thingies is ... the axe girl? Magician? The sister is blonde, maybe?" (edit: nope, got that wrong, which proves the point)

Even for isekai harem trash, this one is extraordinarily bland and derivative.

Unless you're like me and have a problem like that when it comes to isekai, read something else. Ain't worth your time.

If you're still going to read it, save yourself some pain and don't spend more than a few seconds on each page. You're not missing anything.
Jul 29, 2018
Not sure where to put it but heads up there's an error on ch.21 pg 17 3rd panel buble on the left not sure what it's meant to say but its more like word soup thx for all the hard work! 😘
Aggregator gang
Mar 19, 2019
It's hard to even try to read.

First chapter felt like a chapter 0 - nothing was explained, art is getting hard to 'see', pacing is abhorrent.

Read if you've read the other 7000 manga on the site or something idk.

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