Moto-Sekai Ichii Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki ~Hi-Player, Isekai wo Kouryaku-chu!~ - Vol. 3 Ch. 20

Fed-Kun's army
Nov 12, 2018
255... what a nice number, 0xFF, i like this number.
Aug 23, 2020
If they got transported120km it would only take like 4- 7 days to walk back 😆

If theres water in between they would need a boat and I'm not sure how long that would take. if they had to construct a boat and then sail that would take exponentially longer..

They were only supposed to be in that dungeon for a three hour tour and now they need to make a boat and coconut radios and shit.
Everyone Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale,
A tale of a fateful trip
that started from this tropic port
aboard this tiny ship.
Apr 26, 2019
I m not an MMO enthusiast, but are there games where you need to complete a quest together to form a party? Let alone a function like getting blown away with an enemy spell.
Active member
Feb 5, 2019
Thanks for the chapter!
New worldwide notification: Goblins are now on the extremely endangered species list. Also, MC and party are being charged with multiple counts of excessive bullying, numerous overkills of vastly lower leveled monsters, and will be billed the medical and therapy fees for the poor departed monsters whose trauma is etched into their souls preventing them from fulfilling their roles in the world.

@Denker-Bosu I've never played a MMO where had to complete a quest to form a party as most parties were just randomly thrown together when doing a raid and only permanent or long term associations were from being in same guild. As for getting blown away, magically or physically, from an enemy spell depends on the game. Ones I played tended for knocking character this way or that, instakills if didn't dodge properly, and rarely sent someplace else (within dungeon) had to hoof it back from.
Double-page supporter
Jan 18, 2018
This MMO sounds quite interesting, reminds me of EverQuest with all the things you had to infer on your own.
Mar 16, 2020
Ngl the game mc is playing sounds like Skyrim lol guess it’s another way tod can sell the game 😂
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2019
This explenation is stupid. He knew of allll of this detailed information, and vent in there anyway, but because he forgot, then he suddenly remembered after seeing the last goblin mage and hurry off to the woman 'to protect her'.. stupid writing, stupid story, I call BS.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019

This explenation is stupid. He knew of allll of this detailed information, and vent in there anyway, but because he forgot, then he suddenly remembered after seeing the last goblin mage and hurry off to the woman 'to protect her'.. stupid writing, stupid story, I call BS.

I think he only remembered after they got teleported.
Super Moderator
Aug 19, 2020
@zerio +1
@Leonkristoffer He even memorized the structure and all the details of a game with the background stories of the locations. You can forget something like that. Especially because it is now an Isekai world that is structured like the game, and not the game itself, where you can look into a wiki again before going into the dungeon.
But yes, it is noticeable that he was teleported with Yukari
Jul 19, 2023
He gave a logical and justifiable reason how he got into this mess...
But it still felt forced to progress the elf companions story, not to mention how did a guy like him who does everything perfectly and efficiently just become a slob out of nowhere AND miss a gob is kind of silly.
Well to be fair it was such a long time that he got into a 3rd class dungeon and as he stated top ranking players don't really bother going in to them unlike beginners, so it's only natural some bits of information will be forgotten be him considering the vast information on the game. What can you say, just a trait of being a human...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
So as I said, he remembers everything photographically but suddenly he forgets something like this for the sake of plot. I really hate that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2020
So, if a slave contract doesn't have lots of conditions, then a slave can basically escape by triggering a random long-distance teleporter trap. By getting "blown away" a great distance, the slave is now free and out of communication distance with the master.

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