No, chapters are not split originally. It was most likely split by the raw provider and by that toc, volume 2 of this manga (which we are currently reading) has been done some time ago just translations are behind.Is this actually a split chapter originally? Seems a bit strange when 6.1 has a table of contents implying it's from a complete volume, and not just a monthly/weekly serialization.
I would doubt it because it seemed like just about everyone in that town stole money from himmy question is: Now that they know how crooked the guild master is, are they going to go back and review that Aix NEVER received the payments he was supposed to receive? That city owes Aix an incredibly huge amount of money that was basically stolen from him and should pretty much be treated like an noble for how much he's contributed.
Also, sorry receptionist girl even if you up your looks you're still lacking behind Luca in both looks and cuteness of character.
I hope she gets just as punished as the rest of them.While the guild girl didn't do anything illegal like the guild master, she's just as guilty cuz she must have known just how much everyone's taken advantage of the kid. She also tried to get him back when the dude quit, she should have supported that or at the very least contested when he didn't get his pay or got a demotion.
I mean at this point I think like 80% of critical systems in town are going to fail cause they all relied upon MC, If I was MC I'd have left town ages ago and taken loli mage with me so we could both not be taken advantage basically all of this is Guild master fault lol.
his rank never rise and all the payment never reached him. now it explain about where all the A rank quests payment goes.
with MC didn't do any high rank quests anymore and no adventurers received boost buffs from him(as they're all weak). guess the town guild adventure will collapse soon. and definitely somebody from capital will be sent to investigate.