Murabito Desu ga Nani ka?

Active member
Jan 24, 2018
The true title of this series is 'Flashback: The Manga'. Every other chapter it's "here's where we are and now flashback to how we got here."

Virtually no character chemistry either. Sage hates Ryuuto because Ms No-Personality paid more attention to Ryuuto instead. Even though in isekai life: take 2, you don't see Sage anywhere and Ryuuto wasn't there much either.

Ryuuto is the only name I can remember and that's only because it's said several times on each page. It'sbbeenfforced into my skull. Everyone else is a nameless lump of rock; and not an interesting kind of rock. I'd call them lumps of clay or plasticine, but that implies creativity and that they can be molded into something more interesting and I don't think the author has any intention of that.
Apr 1, 2019
I Know this Manga doesnt makes sense to us but i mean it’s like a story saying, as you grow, the world grows even stronger feel. it’s very random and gruesome and dark but these things make up for a lack of common sense in these story. this story maybe doesnt have a visible lead or end point but the story is progressing in a mysterious way, and the action scenes. 9/10 for me mate.
Dec 3, 2018
Lil confused by the latest chapter, wasn't it mentioned earlier in the story that using farming cultivation skills for combat would cause them to fail.

Yet it stayed active long enough for him to use multiple moves and fight the emperor class oni.
Jul 20, 2019
For people who are okay with this kind of
trash, messy and stupid
storyline, you can continue read this.
But for those who can't handle it, i suggest you stop and go read other isekai stuff.

Here's my review :
This series starts off really good, but the story keeps going into random directions, It doesn't even make any sense anymore. Lot's of rush and skipped stuff.
Too many not important side character are introduced, I can't even remember most of them.
Seems like the author has ran out of idea don't know where to go with the story, he just keep putting lot's of different ideas / arc
It's such a shame for such a good manga turn into dull and messy storyline.
Rate 1/10
1point for the drawing.

Maybe some of you are okay with this kind of shit. But nah, I'm dropping this.
Hope those who are enjoying will keep enjoying it 😉
Active member
Nov 23, 2018
Something I'm trying to understand is the power ups in the series.

Since the main guy is a villager the weakest class he had to rely on other species to change his class first he becomes a dragon person and actually a dragon king title for strongest dragon. He then meets the demon Lucifer gets a demonic ability of god eater and beelzebub.

I think in this series evil dragons are dragons who go are powered by demonic attribute which he is so technically his current class is of a evil dragon.

And we know theres also divine attribute which will be his next power boost. This is definitely building up to him facing up a uber strong opponent in the end.

As for his harem the hero naturally has a strong class which has the ability to naturally beat dragons and demons. Currently the protagonist is trying to surpass her potential. Which he has long past surpassed since he had a head start to catch up seems she tried to learn a demonic ability to attempt to catch up. Which inevitable will allow her to catch up but with his god eater ability his potential growth is now limitless.

Now the mage has a lesser growth potential compared to the hero in order to catch up she awakened an ability to awaken the power of a dragon for a short time. It will be interesting to she how she will continue to build.

But seems the protagonist has combined abilities of all his harem, the hero seemed demonic power, the mage dragons power and seems the priest or whatever her job is using divine power.

Can't wait to see what his dragon king mode looks like.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
Yeah, this was fine at the start, but it's clear at this point it's a messy accumulation of random encounters, fights, tropey plotlines without a real bond.
I used to never drop a read once started, when I was younger; but maybe that's because I didn't read crap like this.
Aggregator gang
Feb 16, 2018
@Geany: Nah, dude, you just got older. When you get older, your tastes are more specific and your expectations are at certain levels. Even in manga, it's more accurate to say that the more you read, the more refined your tastes get. Of course by "refined" I don't mean anything bourgeois like reading more classical stories or high-end reading. I literally mean you just have specific requirements to what you want to read.
Happens to everyone but nobody every sees it coming or notices it happening. The curse of every reader, man.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
to be fair his class now is not a villager but a
and he has according stat-scalings and not ones of a villager, only a hero has better stat scalings than him, at his point calling him a villager is nonsense
Jan 19, 2018
I hope chapter 32 has the oni screaming "Nani?" in the first page. It's the only logical way to follow chapter 31's end.
Apr 2, 2018
I left that chapter expecting the "omae wa mo shindeiru. nani" joke and I wasn't disappointed
Jan 3, 2019
it's crap but it's better than the other crap you find on this site i strayed from this manga for a long while only to return because compared to other current series that are being translated regularly it's the least stupid one of them
as they bait you with a pretty girls and non existence story like even if this story is crap at least they have a clear plot or goal to follow
as good manga are either dropped or not being translated to being with
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
It depends on standards, I guess... Maybe this isn't below average as Isekai-ish stories go, but that just proves how low is the bar for this genre.
I simply don't want to waste my time on something "not so bad" (and that's debatable), when there are many better options.
Jan 3, 2019
eh not only isekai-ish ,the translator teams began to spam a series of many harem non isekai manga which are basically crap instead of translating good thing
there are only a few manga that are being translated regularly without being isekai or harem or wish fulfillment or just plain fanservice
even if we exclude them there is also PvP manga (kind of contest manga to determine the best ) which are good at the start but get repetitive really fast
just look at the top manga in the lastest 6h and see how each of them fall on this category
even if you find good manga chance are it'll get dropped really fast because it wasn't click-baity enough
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 18, 2018
I don't really see such a trend as you say, maybe because I mainly pick already completed titles.
But I also follow many good mangas that are being regularly translated, so I guess it all depends on our definitions of "many" and "few".

(Let's keep it at that, I don't want to jam this comment section with too many not related comments.)
Active member
Jul 17, 2019
The story is bearable, but the artist sucks at atmosphere.
I can't even tell if a scene is supposed to be comedy or serious because the artist kept throwing vague symbolism everywhere.

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