Mushoku no Eiyuu: Betsu ni Skill Nanka Iranakattan daga

Dex-chan lover
Oct 17, 2020
for people wants to read ln asw-tenan.blogspot. com/2020/01/eng-classless-hero-v2c47.html
dont forget to erase the space
(from ch 23)
Aug 15, 2020
Oh, look haters for a genre they don't like calling out people for there, "shit taste" when those bitch probably have even shitter taste. Also, people need to stop 10/10 and 1/10 rating manga to get it translated or dropped. If Mangadex didn't just randomly put mangas in people's MDList 1/10 spam could be lowered a bit...
Jan 7, 2019
was checking comments to see if it may had been dropped / any info about it...
instead I got to see neckbeards crying about other people their taste in manga.. yikes.
Mar 13, 2019
Honestly for the semi generic fantasy setting, its actually a fun read. I really like the main characters personality of "Just try hard lol"
Jun 4, 2023
Honestly a pretty fun read up to until Chapter 35. Chapter 36 until the latest (Chapter 38 as time of writing), it just feels, weird. Spoiler below for those who haven't read until the latest chapter.
Basically one of Arel's sister (Mira to be precise since both of his sisters have somewhat a brother complex) has a huge brother complex towards him after he married Raina, and Mira even going to such lengths of plotting to get rid of Raina with her other sister (though she seem reluctant and questioning the methods), or at least until she mastered her title. According to Chapter 38, she gained the title Assassin's Princess, presumably being one of the highest title, and not a good one (Probably the same level as Sword and Magic deity(?)). Personally, the idea of Mira going rogue due to her having a brother complex is quite a turn off for me, and I really do hope that this "Brothercon" arc ends rather quickly, albeit the very slow release.
All in all, is a fun quick-read if you like funny, dumb and unbothered OP MC who were trained by his overpowered parents. There's also a bit of monster taming later on in the manga kinda like Slime Series, which is very funny as well. I would rate this manga 6.5/10 since the latest chapter is not to my liking, but you guys should definitely give it a try!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 8, 2020
It was dumb but funny initially but this current chase arc or whatever is terrible and ruining what this series had going for it.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2020
it's hard for me to understand how this is 7.5 stars
i'm 8 chapters in and he's already defeated sword jesus though some shadow 5 year training arc and the power of deus ex machina "my mom rocked my shit with this once so i win". there is no time spent on fleshing out the world, apparently everyone gets to be a A/B rank adventurer despite it supposedly being a pyramid (even if there are vast differences in skill level they're all the same), everyone sucks relative to how strong they're purported to be despite the MC, etc.

another thing: does he just straight up learn the skills he trains to get or does he replicate them? if the former, then what the hell is the point of classes besides getting like, one free skill. if the latter, then how exactly does he perform a humanly impossible skill (slashing twice instantaneously). in the first place, is he the only person in this world that trains? or is getting constantly destroyed somehow the best form of training?

also: mc literally only cares about breast size trope + child-like, child-appearing, adult woman trope who likes getting sexual + sexual harassment/assault trope
Aggregator gang
Feb 19, 2020
... 7.5... no, also can we all agree the evil murder sister needs to be snuffed out asap?
Oct 25, 2020
At best the series is like a 6, it's fun pop-corn manga you turn your brain off to enjoy and be entertained. I'm actually interested in the fact we'll likely be following the MC's kids now.
Dec 6, 2018
well, this one took a strange turn... he all the sudden has kids with a girl he hasn't even married. idk, maybe i missed something or just forgot.
Double-page supporter
Oct 5, 2023
Both of MCs sisters conspire against him to kill his wife and force him on a wild goose chase to find his little sister. Wastes 6 chapters chasing his sister down only to find out she changed her mind for seemingly no fucking reason. Then suddenly timeskip FIVE YEARS.

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