Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~ - Ch. 97 - Turning Point III

Dex-chan lover
Aug 1, 2019
The hell does Norn reasonably think she can do... I get she's a kid, but come on. Lol.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 14, 2018
Funny to see how many people here are braindead that are attacking Rudy as if it was an easy decision to make, the whole point is that both sides have good points.
In one side:
Sylphy is pregnant for the first time, she might have difficult times, physically and mentally, for her to have to pass through all of that without Rudy would be though, besides, Elinalise is an S rank adventurer and is going there already.
On the other side:
Sylphy is safe, Rudy's family is not, there are people there that might help Sylphy, but Rudy doesn't know if the same is true for his family.
But here in the comment section i see both haters for the series and people complaining like it's a decision he could do in a heartbeat...
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 27, 2018
The complaints in this chapter are so funny and sad at the same time. The importance of "regret" and "selfishness" has been highlighted for this chapter as the problem but clearly the comments here will prefer to choose selfishness and regret it later. They would think that they've given all the possible logic to justify that Rudy is in the wrong again when he's still in deliberation from his choices. How naive would the MC be if he would just blindly trust all the factors he has when clearly there are things he can't control and would end up for him to regret again. Anyways both choices will require a sacrifice, same in reality whenever we have choice that will change the course of our life.

If we really want the MC to follow a realistic choice, we also need to be realistic for our selves.

For those who can say they can decide a problem like this in a heartbeat, clearly haven't experienced a choice that would greatly impact their lives and will regret when choosing either of them.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 25, 2018
that bastard is clearly evil, why does this cretin of a protagonist not understand that, exactly?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2023
Come boot lickers, one and all, and continue to tell me what a great person Rudy is.
Tell me how every decision he made is okay, and how MC is not a selfish piece of garbage.
bet you turn blind eye to stuff like MHA or Nagatoro tho since its not a reincarnation, just sexualized children, you could also just not take fantasy so serious and live in reality lmao
Dex-chan lover
Apr 1, 2023
that bastard is clearly evil, why does this cretin of a protagonist not understand that, exactly?
as far as he's concerned he's never lied and nothing he's told Rudy to do has ended up hurting him, won't spoil anything but he couldn't predict Orsted at all, and he's truly a omniscient being who could turn on Rudy if he doesn't follow him. If you wanna start bickering and going against a God who can just enter your mind uncontested and literally see's the future then that'd be your funeral, not Rudy's lmao
Double-page supporter
Feb 27, 2020
I feel like people who are confused as to Rudy's hesitation are self reporting that they don't have a family nor are within grasping distance of having a kid. Parenthood is pretty life changing, and many people are no longer able to care for their parents on top of raising a child. Another thing is that Paul is still a former S rank adventurer, and he isn't exactly there alone. It's not even set in stone if he really did need help because all they have to work off of is an extremely delayed letter.

I just don't understand the people who don't understand that this is a no-right answer situation, and why it's called a turning point, because we know for a fact that the decision he makes either way changes the course of his life intensely.

The problem with Human God's advice is that you never really know what would've happened to Rudeus in particular if he doesn't follow those advice. (
In fact, he can definitely see the threads of Rudeus' life decision tree, but he isn't actually as sure of the long term effects. It's clear multiple times that he's bluffing his way through it. There is a grander reason for it all though

) Sara in the spin off could've easily eventually cured Rudy's impotence, and he would've been far more of an adventurer than a person with intense connections with the ones he gains in the academy. Most of the characters here are important to the world, and we will see these fold out in pretty unexpected ways.

If he doesn't go to the rescue, there are an awful lot of things that just don't end up happening. He says it himself. It's like a year's trip, if hopeful. He's not some all-powerful jet conjurering teleporting op dumbass, he's just a guy confined to the mechanics of that world but has insane amount of mana. If he had the time, he might've even invented some mode of transportation, but we know from other things later on that a self-supplied mana device that can move is extremely inefficient and would take years of work from multiple people just to get a slipshod thing that's all style.

Rudeus has lived for a decade and a half in that world and explored the demon's continent and lived as a high ranking adventurer for at least 5 of those. His analysis of how long a trip might take will probably be accurate. This trip is basically like 2/3 of a demon continent exploration but without Ruijerd to carry his ass.
Active member
Dec 4, 2018
That's cute. Except that everything you say actually supports my point. His wife and siblings are in a pretty safe environment, with no actual enemies, surrounded by "civilization", allies and with a relatively high living standard. His mother, on the other hand, is effectively in an (mostly) unknown situation, in the middle of a continent with a pretty hostile environment, and most likely trapped in a labyrinth with who knows what happening to her. She could be living in paradise, or getting tortured everyday. Who knows? MC certainly doesn't seem to know. Or even care, apparently. A passing thought of worry is hardly what I would call a strong level of attachment.

So, riddle me this. Considering all that and, as you ki~ndly pointed out, the dangerous shitty world they live in, who is in more need of asistance? The people at Ranoa, or his mother?

As for being plenty of experienced people already there, what do you mean plenty? There are four: Paul, Roxy, Talhand and Geese (Lilia doesn't count because she can't fight for shit). So? How is that any guarantee that they can push through whatever obstacles in their way? As you nicely pointed out, that world is incredibly hazardous and you don't know what kind of dangers you can find in (essentialy) "the wild". Simply assuming that they are strong/skilled enough to just solve the problem by themselves with no actual details on Zenith's situation is just stupid, no matter how you look at it.

Riiight. Except not really. Instead of helping, what he has done is giving instructions, and vague ones at that, that happened to be sometimes helpful to MC. Unfortunately, this is one of those instances that MC is being forced to be stupid for the sake of plot. He never questions why this shifty guy is giving questionable guidance. There's no reason to assume he has good intentions, and yet MC ends up following what said shifty guy tells him to do and subconciously trusting that guy's word. A level of naivety more fitting for a child than an adult, yet MC is actually around 50 y/o (could have fooled me).

(Bleugh CBA to fix this first paragraph on mobile)
Your point about Rudeus does not take into consideration how Rudeus sees himself at this point (and this stands until a much much later point in the story). This point is reinforced a great deal in the OG LN multiple times. (Eris left due to this for example, he just didnt conveyed ‘well’ he referred to himself)

His past life experience of being mostly alone combined with himself not seeing himself a bigshot (especially after being defeated by Orsted who is literally the strongest being there is) makes him not realize they in fact have all the social safety net needed for Sylphie to give birth safely while Rudy takes off to an other continent.

Calling him 50 years old is physically true while he was bullied and a shut in the first X years which is probably unrelatable to most people but its a premise we can only work with and which has ultimately left him as… socially inept. This strongly connects to why he doesnt questions Hitogami’s authority until a bit further into the story (which imo is the best part of the whole story). ‘A chick coming out of an egg sees the being in front of them as their mother’ kind of thing.

Because past traumas can be that strong… they overwrite one’s logical needs and desires and if you dismiss this story poorly written plotholey due this fact then I can be only happy for you to have never experienced anything traumatic.

And it’s unironic that Norn the normie is a great reality check for him about the possibilities he truly has if he takes a step to deal with the traumas holding him back.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 4, 2020
ah its nice too see him again, his real form real body real personality inside that dream, just to remind us he is an ugly pedo pig, a typical weebs/otakus
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
This is some weird defense ngl. One issue with pedophilia is an adult with developed mind, experienced and knowledge advantage over a naïve child, and will use those to exploit said child for sexual gratification, and will cause irreparable, psychological damage on the child.
Nonsense. That doesn't excuse the large body of pedophiles with IQ's below ninety, or implicate brilliant children. Complete sophistry.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
Nonsense. That doesn't excuse the large body of pedophiles with IQ's below ninety, or implicate brilliant children. Complete sophistry.
Nothing in what you quote suggest that I excuse low IQ pedophile abusing children, or I excuse brilliant children to have relationship with adults. Adults shouldn't be in relationship with children, period. And Rudy has been using his past adult self's experience/memories to have an advantage over Sylphy and Eris, that can't be denied.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 7, 2018
Nothing in what you quote suggest that I excuse low IQ pedophile abusing children, or I excuse brilliant children to have relationship with adults. Adults shouldn't be in relationship with children, period. And Rudy has been using his past adult self's experience/memories to have an advantage over Sylphy and Eris, that can't be denied.
Rudy is like everyone else in that world except he retains memories of a previous life. That's it. He has the body and brain of someone his age. You're deliberately creating false dilemmas so you can pontificate and virtue signal. Memory isn't your brain and it isn't what gives you maturity.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 18, 2020
Rudy is like everyone else in that world except he retains memories of a previous life. That's it. He has the body and brain of someone his age. You're deliberately creating false dilemmas so you can pontificate and virtue signal. Memory isn't your brain and it isn't what gives you maturity.
Ah yes, Rudeus is acting his age. A boy of his age perv on his mom's boobs or get annoyed when his father "interrupt" his enjoyment of his mom's boobs. Or that Lilia is weirded about Ruddy's behavior that doesn't look like a boy of his age. Really, his memories and experiences of his past life have no bearing on his current life, that's why Ruddy got afraid going outside when Roxy asked in order to show magic, or that a boy of his age was able to tease Roxy when she blew his mom's tree. Rudeus smirking at Roxy when he found out that Roxy spies and masturbates on his parents doing the deed. Or when Ruddy didn't cow down to his father scolding him and actually corrected him.

I don't understand why you double down that Rudy's memories/experiences have no bearings when clearly the story show you it does. Rudeus act above his age, source: the damn story. Just read the first 5 chapters. There is no "creating false dilemmas so you can pontificate and virtue signal".

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