@Onithyr I don't know what to tell you if you can't see the clear change in how he behaves. His personality bounces around constantly. One chapter he is confident in himself, the next he is acting like a kissass for really no reason, then another time he isn't. The way he behaves isn't always polite and meek, far from it, there have been many times where he was the opposite of that in conversations and shit. Again as i said when there is a major change it makes sense, like when the girl he loved left him, or when his dad and him were having the melt down and shit, but others, like this school arc, make no sense. One moment he was confident and smart, then the next he's acting like a moron and kissing up to some dude for seemingly no reason. There is zero consistency in his character at this point. It's not that he has always been meek and polite, there were plenty of times where he acted and talked with confidence, and as for your statment of the world having a habit of kicking him when he acts with confidence, that isn't true, as i stated he was doing fine before the school arc, and now suddenly he's acting all meek and shit with no reasoning for it, so what kicked him down there this time? Like i said, it's seemingly at random at this point, and i suspect it's due to the author not knowing where they want to take the character, or simply wanting to use it as a plot device to insert specific things into the story that they don't know how to do without setting it up this way first.