Music Tournament 1: Video Game Music

Music Tournament 1: Video Game Music

  • Will participate in the next one.

    Votes: 17 53.1%
  • Will not participate.

    Votes: 4 12.5%
  • Only if there's a prize.

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Will consider it again later.

    Votes: 5 15.6%
  • Other.

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Fair, though I would say that it's hard to set parameters because some of the music works best in the context of understanding the game or setting the mood.

"Welcome to Rapture" for Bioshock both captures this sense of grizzly horror and terror, whilst also having this mournful side as well of a civilization that has fallen into ruin over the years and this sorrowful ambiance, whilst still getting the impression that there's still some hope left in the story, and that you just have to dig it out for yourself.

Pretty much everything in Dawn of War captures the horrific and barbaric aspects of what you're fighting. The theme for the Necrons is mechancial, and yet still feels arachic and ancient, like awakening something ancient. The Chaos theme sounds insidious, like the enemy is around any corner and ready to use some daemonic magic to corrupt the world around you. The Dark Eldar's theme sounds like you've walked into a trap and their predatory gaze is on you. These only work in the context of the setting of the game and probably don't sound very good on their own without it. @justforthelulz @afiaki

Though, again, I will say just as my opinion, I do think that you need to be really careful when talking about video game music because there's so much that varies and does different things depending on the context. Smash Bros has badass and kickass music I listen to over and over again, but it's not atmospheric or meant to set the mood like something in Hollow Knight is.
Apr 1, 2019
You don't have to strictly speak, I completely support that intention and was thinking of it myself. Although I did shy away from picking obscure songs in the end. But this selection makes the whole thing a lot more interesting in my opinion.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
I picked what I liked,
haphazardly picking them,
no thinking involved.

Most of us would dump gigabytes of songs if given the chance so....
Apr 1, 2019
Yes! I thought so too. Since there was no restriction on genre or category it was a free-for-all, which punishes songs that don't match listener preferences and for many other reasons. Some categorisation would have been very helpful.

But ultimately "this tournament is just for fun". I don't think that there was ever an intention to dictate what songs are inherently better than others.
Video game music was the general theme, for Mangadex users, first-in-first-served, put whatever you want, just have fun.
I thought it was fun.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
My votes:

SOCOM Combined Assault Main Theme VS Borderlands: Welcome to Fyrestone
I think Fyrestone is one of those tracks that are only fun to listen to within the game's context. I personally don't... see anything entertaining about the track. I never played BL, so maybe the track is good when you get to a certain area. SOCOM Main Theme is about the same length, but the exciting and patriotic vibe it gives me makes me fall in love with it within the first few seconds.

Chrono Cross - Time's Scar VS Katamari Damacy - Lonely Rolling Star
These two make an even match. Ultimately, I chose the latter, because it's catchier and somewhat more memorable. I like the innocent feel it has, too.

Monster Hunter World - Zinogre Mount Theme VS King of Fighters '98 - Mad Fantasy
I'm probably gonna be the only one in this. Zinogre is a good track, but I find Mad Fantasy more to my liking. I like the mysterious vibe it has and how catchy the entire track is. I can listen to this one many times before I get bored of it.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R - He Was a Good Stalker VS Dragon Quest XI - Overture
This is similar to the first match-up. Good Stalker is not a bad track, but... there's nothing about it that wows me. Maybe it'll be emotional to listen to it during a cutscene in the game, but not solo. Overture is more exciting and entertaining to listen to, and of course, has my vote.

@Tamerlane @EOTFOFYL I was actually surprised to not see a single song from DMC.
Since you two are here, why not just vote as well? Especially the latter, who submitted some of the songs. You have about 2 more hours before the deadline.

We have someone who PM'ed me their votes, since they were banned from commenting like hazzack.

Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
SOCOM Combined Assault Main Theme
Chrono Cross - Time's Scar (I had a really hard time deciding between these two...)
King of Fighters '98 - Mad Fantasy
Dragon Quest XI - Overture

Disclosure. Never played any of these games.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
It's time for the conclusion of round 1! (Sorry for the slight delay!)

SOCOM Combined Assault Main Theme (6 votes) VS Borderlands: Welcome to Fyrestone (4 votes)
Chrono Cross - Time's Scar (4 votes) VS Katamari Damacy - Lonely Rolling Star (6 votes)
Monster Hunter World - Zinogre Mount Theme (8 votes) VS King of Fighters '98 - Mad Fantasy (2 votes)
S.T.A.L.K.E.R - He Was a Good Stalker (6 votes) VS Dragon Quest XI - Overture (4 votes)

We have our first lopsided defeat of the tournament already... Came close to having a draw, too.
The bracket will be updated soon! Thanks those who voted!

And now, time for the next match-ups!

Mabinogi Theme VS Behind The Door
Ace Combat Zero VS Roar of The Jungle Dragon
Dialgas Fight VS Soul of Cinder
The Streets of Whiterun VS Bushido Blade 2 Intro Theme

Enjoy the music, and have fun voting! You have 24 hours from now to cast your vote.

@Tamerlane I understand. I sort of agree. But I also think that if a track or a song is really, truly great, it will be enjoyable to listen to no matter the context. For example, the song "It has to be this way" is an excellent song, regardless of whether you listen to it in-game or solo.
Dec 31, 2019
Round 2 votes in bold:

Mabinogi Theme VS Behind The Door
Ace Combat Zero VS Roar of The Jungle Dragon
Dialgas Fight VS Soul of Cinder
The Streets of Whiterun VS Bushido Blade 2 Intro Theme

Also, what happens in the event of a tie? Many of those 6-4 votes last round could just as easily have been 5-5.
May 30, 2020
This shit is so fucking great

Mabinogi Theme
Ace Combat Zero
Soul of Cinder
Bushido Blade 2.

I vote for them
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Yo buddy, still alive?

Soul of Cinder, even though it's such a massive downgrade from Lord of Cinder that it's not even funny.
Bushido Blade 2 Intro

Reminder that if Zero doesn't at least make it to the semis I'll nuke myself in protest.
Apr 1, 2019
Mabinogi Theme
Roar of The Jungle Dragon
Dialgas Fight
The Streets of Whiterun

Six quarter percent:
what your bias represents,
so vote for the rest.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Mabinogi Theme (Didn't know about this game, but the sountrack looks good)
Roar of The Jungle Dragon
Gonna have to go with Soul of Cinder, sorry Dialga, i love you but you can't win me with the MD version.
Bushido Blade 2 Intro Theme because it sounds super cool.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
Once stage one is done
shit will hit the fan quickly.
A river of tears.

Once we get past the 1st stage shit is going to get ugly fast, loser bracket for honorable mention?

Here, it's a haiku;
my modus operandi
shall continue on.

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