Music Tournament 2: Battle Music!

Music Tournament 2: Battle Music!

  • Anime-Only Opening Music

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Anime-Only Ending Music

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Emotional Music (Anime, Games, Movies)

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Video Game Menu Music (Lobby, Save, Customization, etc.)

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Video Game Town/City/Village/Civilization Music

    Votes: 6 16.2%
  • Spooky Music

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Relaxing Music

    Votes: 7 18.9%
  • Licensed Music In Games, Anime, Movies

    Votes: 1 2.7%
  • Retro/Classic Music

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 5 13.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mar 1, 2020
MegaMan Zero 4 - Cannon Ball (Mythos Version)
Eureka SeveN - Aerial Combat
MegaMan X5- Boss Theme
Halo 2 Mjolnir Mix
Jul 23, 2019
Nier Automata - A Beautiful Song
Eureka seveN - Aerial Combat
Borderlands 3 - Supernova Dreamsicle
Halo 2 - Mjolnir Mix
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Ugh... So tired... Freaking computer BS...
I'm just gonna vote now, then I'll count the votes + reply later. =.= Let me have dinner first, yeah?

MegaMan Zero 4 - Cannon Ball (Mythos Version) VS Nier Automata - A Beautiful Song

Another great match. While I find the other Nier song more entertaining to listen to, this one is not to be overlooked by any means. It's just a little lacking in terms of epicness and intensity compared to Cannon Ball. I'm actually glad Mythos Version was chosen, whoever submitted this track. I would have picked Nier over the GBA version, even though that version is not bad by any means, either.

Eureka seveN - Aerial Combat VS Final Fantasy 4 - Battle Theme

Ah! Another rare gem to be discovered! I have never heard of Eureka before, but this is one hell of a battle track. So much excitement and epicness in this track. I do love the FF4 battle theme, and as always FF music never fails to amaze me. However, the victory in this match rightfully belongs to Aerial Combat.

Mega Man X5 - Boss Theme VS Borderlands 3 - Supernova Dreamsicle

Hm... I'm not gonna say that BL3 track is bad, but to be frank, it has nothing to amaze me. It's just average at best, at least that's how I feel. X5 boss theme is not my favorite, and I think there are other better tracks that could have been chosen. But in this match, it is no doubt better than Supernova.

Halo 2 - Mjolnir Mix VS Resistance Fall Of Man - Stalker Compound

Ah hah! Another rare gem! I did play Resistance 2,3 and Retribution, but not the first one. Never knew there was such an epic track in that game. Resistance music has never impressed me, but this one is surprisingly good! As for the Halo track, it's not awful, but it's nothing impressive to me, and it certainly can't beat Resistance.

@Korsai Like I said, it's very unlikely anyone will know or remember who submitted what tracks. I might notice, but I won't care much. ^_^
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
@Mr_Detective is on fire today.

Also, it's bothering me, that you type "Eureka seveN" Instead "Eureka Seven"

Edit :
i see, so you follow the title on yt, nvm then, i forgot there's a reason behind it.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
Huh... Where did everyone go? Zombie outbreak? The rapture? Bingo?

Doesn't matter! Not my problem they miss the results!

MegaMan Zero 4 - Cannon Ball (Mythos Version) (12 votes) VS Nier Automata - A Beautiful Song (4 votes)
Eureka seveN - Aerial Combat (11 votes) VS Final Fantasy 4 - Battle Theme (5 votes)
Mega Man X5 - Boss Theme (7 votes) VS Borderlands 3 - Supernova Dreamsicle (9 votes)
Halo 2 - Mjolnir Mix (11 votes) VS Resistance Fall Of Man - Stalker Compound (5 votes)

So we have a few more dominating defeats!
Now, let's move on to the last sets of matches of the second quadrant!

Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss VS Shachi
Super Robot Wars V - Forbidden Resistance VS Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb
Black Hawk Down - Mogadishu Night Battle VS Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music
Star Conflict - Deathmatch Theme VS Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1

More exciting matches! Enjoy, have fun, and vote!

@pandascepter I'm actually very exhausted, lol.
@saggingtittyobaachan Old age got to me. Got them mixed up.

Heheheh. Foolish ningens. Did you assume that it was I, Mr. Detective, who made the bracket? It could have been my female alter ego, Mrs. Detective, or my Hideyoshi alter ego, Mrx. Detective.
Jan 19, 2018
Shachi (this one was a tough call I liked them both)
Trails of Cold Steel
Black Hawk Down
Star Conflict

Orz well there goes my first track 3 more lets go.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Round 1 Phase 4 Vowotes

Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss - Fucking metal, dude!

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb - Fucking metal dude!

Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music - Fucking, metal dude!

Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1 - FUCKING METAL DUDE!
Dec 31, 2019
Round 4 votes in bold:

Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss VS Shachi
Super Robot Wars V - Forbidden Resistance VS Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb
Black Hawk Down - Mogadishu Night Battle VS Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music
Star Conflict - Deathmatch Theme VS Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1
Active member
Jun 27, 2020
Super Robot Wars V - Forbidden Resistance
Black Hawk Down - Mogadishu Night Battle
Star Conflict - Deathmatch Theme
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss, but i would vote for the other one too, it was fucking great music.

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb, just from the soundtrack alone i want to play this game.

Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music, only because BHD has Slow Start as it's ability

Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1... it was good.
Group Leader
Feb 6, 2020
Actually fairly early this time! Now for my votes:
I'm actually going to justify this time. In bold cuz I feel like it.

Can't go wrong with Golden Kamuy

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb
This is one of the best battle themes from the series for me.

Black Hawk Down - Mogadishu Night Battle
This track has an amazing build up and pay off. You can feel the tension all the way through. Hanz Zimmer is a god of music.

Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1
Daisuke Ishiwatari...Need I say more?

There you have it.
May or may not do it like this again. We'll see.
Oct 5, 2018
[Spark the Electric Jester OST] 25 - Ultimate Final Boss
Super Robot Wars V OST - Forbidden Resistance
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music
Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss

Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb

Can't choose between Black Hawk Down or Pokemon because I'm biased in favor of both of them

Hard Corps: Uprising - Common Boss Theme 1
Dex-chan lover
Sep 9, 2019
Spark the Electric Jester - Ultimate Final Boss
Trails of Cold Steel IV - Burning Throb
Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver - Battle! Champion & Red Music
Star Conflict - Deathmatch Theme

Disclosure: Played HGSS before

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