Musuko ga Kawaikute Shikataganai Mazoku no Hahaoya

Feb 24, 2020
Anyone else get the feeling that Zeke is Gospal’s dad?

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Sep 6, 2019
This drama is hilarious. I don't care if you sniped it, people who like the series tend to care about it more. It was rather lame though how the last guys just layed down and took it when you yoinked a few chapters from them. Stay safe, and make sure you take care of your health.

Edit: a typo.
Apr 27, 2020
Great job on the translation! No clue what sniping is but you do a good job and you're working hard at it. Thank you!!!! Loved the new chapter
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Today I learned that people get pissy when other people do scanlations for a series others are scanlating. I'm clinically diagnosed with high functioning autism, so I know autism, and let me tell you: that's pretty autistic. Probably the most autistic thought that's entered my head all day, and while it's still morning, I suspect it will remain the most autistic thought of the day. As if two people can't translate mongolian cave etchings, I mean really. The horror of there being more than one.

New translator, ya did good kid. If you actually want feedback, I'll add that I sorely miss the scottish accent, and the southern accent of the nurse. That was quality stuff. Oh, and your guide made me chuckle.
Jan 21, 2019
@xxsaznpride I dont need to know japanese to know your translation makes no sense in the context of the story, what youve made them say is factually incorrect about their circumstances. I have basic reading comprehension, something you apparently lack.
Get a new proof reader who knows english and has actually read the rest of this manga
Active member
Apr 28, 2018
@The_Archivist Sniping: in the context of scanlations, the art of self gratification. The manga has had several groups scanlating it over the last few years, but in the past, the groups had dropped it. After a while (usually several months of inactivity) another group will pick it up and carry it until, the cycle of said group drops it. This was not the case here. Entropia Scans was working hard on translating, posting new updates on a weekly basis, when this anonymous person/group decided that they wanted the "glory" of scanlating it. I was already way ahead of schedule on cleaning, and had just received the omake raws that were missed a few years back, when a/anonymous chose to do this. Entropia has chosen not to let this be a battle field, backing away until a/anonymous realizes it takes work to actually do this. While I'm the exception, the rest of the Entropia are younger people at the various universities around the world. We do this for the love of it, not the glory. I will say that when doing this project was discussed, I came here to see what those that came before me had done. I fell in love with the story, and, even though my job is "cleaner" I didn't know what the chapter was about until it was uploaded here (I often suspected, but not actual knowledge)

Entropia has a good team, and, when our translators aren't sure about something in translation, they ask the rest of the team.

Currently, we have other projects waiting in the wings, and I'll be getting on them as soon as I'm advised of what we're working on. I've already sent the cleaned oneshot up the line for the typesetting. I suspect a/anonymous will likely burn out as others did.
Mar 10, 2020
Oh, are we doing this again? Okay.
Literally no one is stopping you from continuing your releases but you.
>they wanted the "glory" of scanlating it
If I wanted "glory", you can bet your ass I wouldn't be scanlating. Stop making assumptions.
>not to let this be a battlefield
I would not care in the slightest if you decided to continue your releases. Go for it. The readers having another choice for their pirated manga would be a good thing.
>until a/anonymous realizes it takes work to actually do this
So I guess 11 chapters in a week isn't enough for me to realize how much work it takes to do this? I guess spending a few hours today going back and fixing a bunch of errors and then uploading said revised chapters isn't enough for me to realize. And I guess translating for the last 10 years isn't enough either. Huh. Maybe I'm just a fucking retard. Actually, that would explain a lot.

That's a wonderful narrative you've woven though... You scanlate out of love and camaraderie, but when I do it, I'm a cunt.
Aug 11, 2018

That's enough, let's put it aside. As you mentioned, the field of scanlation is huge with other unknown works that others hadn't had a chance to read. And so, since we have decided to drop MKS and pass it over to others who may be able to take better care of it, we should be looking ahead about our new responsibilities instead. Please refrain from engaging and antagonizing the commentators even if some of them are untrue. If you are unhappy, feel free to talk it out with me. I'll make it up to you for your cleaned chapters that I was unable to work on.

For the rest of the readers: (please read the whole thing, and I swear I never accidentally reveal any spoilers)
Thank you for your enquiries. I'm writing it here again because my old message got buried and people aren't updated with the valid information.
I'm dropping the series because I'm unable to keep up with the pacing of chapter updates. With my personal commitments, I'm only able to do 1 chapter per week. Since there was someone who has proven that he's able to release the chapters faster and at a pace where it's keeping up with the reader's demands for catching up to the raws . Isn't it fair that I step aside and let someone take over it? It benefits the series and the readers as a whole since the popularity of a series increases where there's frequent updates and readers also do no have to wait for long to continue reading the story line.

I'm also dropping the series as I'm too tired to deal with the negative backlash of working on this series. When I picked this up last year, I only decided to work on it since it was largely forgotten and it's also the first Manga that I read. Back then when Mangadex wasn't even well known yet and I was still using some weird downloader to get the chapters in .cbr file format to read on my daily commutes lmao 😚 But anyway, the continuous stress of receiving hateful remarks and jeers had clouded the joy that I once felt for being able to scanlate this work, and thus the "sniping" incident only accelerated my decision to stop working on it. To put into perspective, if you guys say that it's alright for anyone to work on a series even if there's someone working on it, then shouldn't it also be alright if I take a break from it as well? 🤔 Well technically, other than the translations scripts, I do not have any rights in this series at all, so no one can say "only Iota/Entropia can Scanlate this". But from that perspective, it also means that Iota/Entropia can also"don't" scanlate this. So if there's someone who can do a better job at maintaining this series, does Iota have the rights to allow that new comer to take over that series and humbly make way for him? I like to believe Iota has it🙃

Finally, from the bottom of my heart, I thank those commentators who has defended me against the false accusation that others have been making. Thank you for your sincere thoughts, but I would like to ask you to move on. As I've mentioned earlier in my post and also my discord post, you are brought here because you love the story, this series. Not me. So although I'm not working on this storyline anymore, please continue to enjoy the story. Don't ever let the joy of reading this series fade over such trivial drama matters. It's a shame to also hate on the series just because of this. We are not doing the author any favor.

Thus, please also be civil with one another and not flame any naysayers/snipers, we're all humans with personal commitments in real life as well. Since reading/scanlating manga is like a hobby to get our mind away from the stress of real life cough covid quarantine cough , I don't see why we must make something that's meant to be relaxing stressful for everyone instead. So please, just drop it and move on with life. Thank you for the support that you have given me in the past~

I drop cus
1. I'm slower and have lower quality
2. I'm tired

Please stop with the harsh remarks against the sniper for providing you with the chapters, and just read it and enjoy the storyline and don't care about the other stuffs o/

Thank you very much for reading ^ ^
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
@ClairvoyantNara: Talk is easy. Put your money where your mouth is and prove your claims, otherwise shut up and let the grown-ups talk.

For your information, your insistence that xxsaznpride's translation doesn't fit the context and is thus alleged evidence of him lacking reading comprehension is blatantly false, because I read this chapter and the rest of the manga as well, and it fits a lot better than Entropia's often error-ridden translations do. And I have yet to see anyone else besides you who shares your opinion, so until solid proof to the opposite comes out, I'm going to have to call you a big fat liar who is too biased with Entropia worship and misplaced outrage to be credible.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
@Iota: Sucks that you got hate. Also sucks to be the adult in the room. Really sucks that handing off the task of schezuan graffiti scanlating requires an adult in the room. Sadly, any public involvement in creative endeavors requires a thick skin, because there's always some cunt who will hate your work, and hate you. And they will not hesitate to inform you of this at every opportunity.

Do what you enjoy. Translation is a unique art, and among the most difficult arts - you know why. So ignore the insults - they probably couldn't do better, and in the unlikely event that they could, look for the feedback and critique within the insult so it becomes something useful to you. The only thing you should focus on is making each translation better than the last. Growing one's ability is the second highest joy of the artist. Sharing that ability, and seeing what it can inspire in others, is the first.

Take care.
Aug 8, 2018
Ignore the shitshow in the comments below me, manga is good.

(Also thanks to Iota for the work they’ve done so far, quality stuff, thanks to xxsaznpride for the work they’re going to do <3)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
All those bountiful tracts of land...
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 23, 2018
xxsaznpride, big thank
Iota, huge thank for not making a mess about it

spoiler tag so people can skip the dumb shit
Usually, people who scanlate manga because they love it have no problem with competing scans, since readers only benefit from having more options and if a group thinks that their releases are better than the other guys, even if they're slower, they often don't mind fast scans being there for readers who don't care about quality. The only people I've ever seen throw fits about their series being sniped are people who are mad that their translations aren't getting read anymore because they're bad or people who are upset that they don't get the """glory""" anymore. Or people who want ad revenue on their personal websites from delayed releases or whatever. If a translator chooses to stop working on a series it's exclusively their choice and they can always just come back to it if it turns out the "snipers" are crap.

Iota has a pretty positive outlook on this and seems to at least be happy that people can keep reading the series. I'd imagine that if you really loved the series as much as you say you do, you would've gone to /a/ and given them your ahead-of-schedule cleaned pages so they wouldn't have had to do as much. Not that they need your help, since /a/nons – having trained in the arts of isolation for long before the Quentin Quarantino – are usually some of the best and most efficient scanlators around.

And boy, they sure are thirsty for that glory, what with the marking their group as /a/nonymous which is literally a collection of anonymous groups from /a/ and rarely even having credit pages and not having any specific website/discord/community for the manga, at most directing readers to their mongolian horse-bartering forum to read chapters pre-typesetting. What a bunch of assholes who are clearly out for that e-peen cred and definitely not just wanting to help readers read manga they like as quick as they can translate it. I'm positive that these clearly new and inexperienced /a/nons working on this particular manga who have already put out a dozen chapters in a week will burn out after they realize they forgot to link us to their patreon to give them translate dollars.

Side note, it's really weird that you're pointing to "when our translators aren't sure about something in translation, they ask the rest of the team," as though it's somehow special that a translator would ask people how to phrase something if they're stuck. Like, of course they do, it would be crappy to just go "oh well I'm not sure, time to just release this without consulting with anyone."
Not saying that Entropia is bad or anything, just that what you're citing as a good part of them is what most people would expect out of any group.

Thanks for just getting rid of the Kansai dialect. Translating it has never really worked. There might be some hypothetical way to change some vowels and make up some words in English and make it come across as a weird dialect without just using some other accent from a completely different language, but if it exists then I've never seen it done.

Also ya'll should remember the manga isn't the only cute story about comfy moms raising comfy kids going on here.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
It was Kansai dialect? That's a first for me. Usually when that's part of a character's speech, the go-to english translation would be the southern accent. Her speech(back then) reminded me of a scottish accent.

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