@cksn controlling behavior no matter what is not excusable you don't have the right to control what someone does, and physically disciplining a child has shown to be ineffective causing increased child aggression(Doesn't happen here but females are less likely to solve conflicts through violence), lower intellectual achievement(Doesn't happen in this case due to the mother physically discipline her if she gets less than good results), poorer quality of parent–child relationships(the child in this relationship finds the mother very annoying, this was a direct quote) , mental health problems (such as depression, anxiety in this case), and diminished moral internalisation. Sauce(For you to fact check): https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/publications-resources/journals-and-magazines/social-policy-journal/spj27/the-state-of-research-on-effects-of-physical-punishment-27-pages114-127.html.