the moment I see the update I was like "nooo goddammit, I'm gonna sleep with a bad note"
first, people talking miya and the dad are not equals are right, he's the dad... BUT when TF was she trying to understand him, pretty much after escaping for a friggin long time on her room, she gets to school and escape from him. And she returns after so long, specially since seconds ago she didn't want to return home and saw the mom freakin out on her... the actual option was go with him and help her friend (that moments ago she actually forgave and say she was her friend, then friggin help her and while doing that make the dad don't f*ck out more).
the other part, no Kousuke you don't love her, you need to say dad so she still needs you, she was finally the safe place in the middle of all the shit that was happening, but she's a friggin bomb and you knew all the time about that. So if he ends in jail it's gonna be his fault 100%.
So yeah, it's official all the main characters are pieces of shit, kudos author for making horrible and kind of realistic people 👏👏👏.
the only decent people we have seen so far where the cops that actually listened to the story... and that's unrealistic af, so kinda BS.