My Girlfriend's Not Here Today - Vol. 5 Ch. 22 - Out of Reach

Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2018
The style makes them looks like they're 20s, but theyre what, 17 or 18? Not entirely yunis fault she's dumb as fuck, she IS still a kid.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2023
There's only one thing that Yuni has done wrong this entire manga, and that's not pick Fuuko in chapter 20. She is completely and utterly justified everywhere else.
Lol ok you’re just a troll, that’s some bad bait
Sep 25, 2019
The insecurities are digging in deep. Cheating is inevitable! The melodrama is about to rear its head!!

Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
Yuni needs professional mental health help WAY more than she needs a partner.

But they live in Japan, land of "shut the fuck up and bottle up your problems until you explode"

even the author themselves intended for yuni to be unlikeable
Dex-chan lover
Feb 25, 2023
So, yuriship cant do skinship in public, while BFF can do it anywhere. Yuni lose to sport and best friend. So sad.

Fuuko break again? Now from her ex-crush who I thought the series introduction her for a reason that Fuuko depressed.

I like Fuuko, so give her new crush please... Yuni already happy with her choice. Lol.
Active member
Jun 13, 2018
I love how everyone just projects their feelings about cheating onto Yuni. Yes, she's unlikable and the second most stupid one in this manga, but everybody hot headedly start to insult her without taking into consideration the context in which everything has happened in this manga. Yuni is the byproduct of Fuuko and Nanase's shitty behavior.
Active member
Aug 20, 2023
holy moly. we already basically knew that fuuko loved her "onee-chan" but she even had a picture of the moon as her profile picture. super interesting detail. it makes me wonder if that comparison fuuko uses of the stars and moon was something she learned from her "onee-chan". could also just be a coincidence or even just a symbolic detail included for the reader. either way, the small details the author puts in are really cool. or perhaps they wont be small details as the plot progresses
Active member
Oct 18, 2023
What is up with peeps still calling Nanase a bad gf or that she is not fully committed/interested ??? What manga are you reading? She went out of her way to forgive her slutty, cheating "gf", goes out of her way to include her in plans and is trying to communicate with her- Yuni is the one completely blocking again, being uninterested in everything even if it concerns her "lover", is once again hurt and hurting others because of her low selfesteem (cause by herself feeling inferior to Nanase being this successful every single time) which should have been brought up from the ground now that Yuni chose and reassured her AND still plays victim.

!!! Also, this even is called ~open campus~, they are there to look around what might be their future university. It is a serious matter and still, Nanase went out of her way to include Yuni- maybe to give her a push even? She is being perfect right now in every regard. This is NOT a lovey-dovey 1on1 makeoutsession. !!!

Now, this all still might be a ploy to get back at Yuni and even then, she was a good (girl-)friend this chapter.
Im tired chief :fml:
What is up with peeps still calling Nanase a bad gf or that she is not fully committed/interested ??? What manga are you reading? She went out of her way to forgive her slutty, cheating "gf", goes out of her way to include her in plans and is trying to communicate with her- Yuni is the one completely blocking again, being uninterested in everything even if it concerns her "lover", is once again hurt and hurting others because of her low selfesteem (cause by herself feeling inferior to Nanase being this successful every single time) which should have been brought up from the ground now that Yuni chose and reassured her AND still plays victim.

!!! Also, this even is called ~open campus~, they are there to look around what might be their future university. It is a serious matter and still, Nanase went out of her way to include Yuni- maybe to give her a push even? She is being perfect right now in every regard. This is NOT a lovey-dovey 1on1 makeoutsession. !!!

Now, this all still might be a ploy to get back at Yuni and even then, she was a good (girl-)friend this chapter.
I don't get it either. Nanase has been doing pretty well and being completely normal. Thinking about her future and caring for Yuni. Yuni is just not interested in anything and keeps complaining. Like, if she wants something to do with Yuni, why not just tell her? Again, since the beginning, Yuni has just been like this. She just doesn't open up at all. I get that it can be hard, but cmon, after everything that's happened she's still acting like she always have. Not opening up at all.And I swear she gotta stop all that 'what's best friend' shit. Just because she doesn't have anyone close to her that she can spend her time with, doesn't mean others have to be the same. Yes, she feels lonely, but she's the one who's doing this to herself and blaming Nanase for all this. It's BS. I still like Yuni and I understand her problems. But she hasn't developed even a bit. People don't see it, but Nanase has done a lot, she's progressed a lot. I've explained it all in previous chap with a big ass paragraph. So I'm not gonna type it here again. But people who think Nanase is a bitch gotta go and read some of the previous chaps again with their eyes completely open and understand what's going on.
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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
To be fair, although I wouldn't say she was justified to cheat, (and I would say she should've picked Fuuko, Fuuko is just better) I can at least see WHY Yuni cheated.

Nanase definitely hasn't been that attentive throughout the relationship and it seems like she's been the only one allowed to be the priority in the relationship at most times. Fuuko on the other hand treated Yuni like the priority, something that she was clearly wanting and needing. Yuni still shouldn't have cheated, but it totally makes sense as to why she at least did it.

She's a dummy for not picking Fuuko though. Fuuko actually deserved to be picked.
Fuuko was really attentive towards her because she was in the process of making Yuni cheat on Nanase and fall in love with her. Not saying that Fuuko didn't love her or anything. She did love her, her feelings towards Yuni were true. But giving her so much attention and care was not only because she really loves her, but also for her to cheat on Nanase. She was manipulative.
Active member
Oct 18, 2023
Really? No effort? Dressing up in a nice Yukata for what was suppossd to be their festival date, being overly understanding with Nanase spending very little time with her and when we did see them together it was in a group setting where she was essentially ignored or Nanase spent the time talking about herself/volleyball, and she went to a different city despite not having the means for it solely because Nanase asked her to.

You can dislike Yuni, but she definitely put more effort into the relationship than Nanase ever did
No way Yuni has shown more effort than Nanase.
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Active member
Oct 18, 2023
This is my half comment from chap 20-

Let's talk about Nanase. At first I didn't really liked her that much. I thought she should give time to Funi instead of her Volleyball club and all. But I understood afterwards as the story progressed that it's not too easy. And I think people gotta understand it too. Sport is something that you can hold really close to your heart. Because it isn't just a sport for some people, but there passion. And no fkin way you'll just leave something you love, your passion just because your Gf/Bf says so. I understand that the relationship with your Gf/Bf is just as important, but your partner has to understand that you just can't leave your passion behind. Nanase is passionate about Volleyball and that's why she's so serious about it and doesn't wanna skip the club. But I think she should've made time for Yuni and go on dates. There's mistakes on both the sides equally. It's not like only the one is completely at fault here. Nanase should've made some time for Yuni and Yuni should've also understood things a bit better and shouldn't have had an 'affair' with Fuuko. Ik she was in a bad state. But she wasn't as broken as she got afterwards. That is her fault. Because after it happened, there was no easy way out of it because, well, Fuuko was a monster. If only Yuni had talked with Nanase about her problems, the things wouldn't be as they are right now. I see people say that Nanase forgot their anniversary and all. But cmon, she only forgot it this time. Because we see Yuni herself saying that Nanase has always texted her before she did. She only forgot it this time because her Volleyball match was coming. And well, as I said, someone who's passionate about the sport, match is a big deal for them. People who have played any sports would understand. And well, when she doesn't get a text from Nanase she really loses it because she was already weak and Fuuko took advantage of that. Yuni also herself says that why can't she be the one to text her, to talk to her? She always wants Nanase to be the first. And Nanase texts her just some minutes after 12 but it was a bit late, but she did text her. Nanase also says that she was wondering why Yuni hasn't texted her the whole day. Means she constantly has Yuni on her mind too and she didn't sleep but kept thinking what would've happened and then she realizes that it was their anniversary and texts immediately.

And Yuni, I like her but, what has she done? We've seen no development in her. Like she's just there. She's just been controlled by Fuuko and didn't have her own mind. She was just falling deeper and deeper and that's all. I understand that she was in a weak state, but like I said, she was in her senses when she did what she did with Fuuko. I don't know what else to say. I understand Yuni is just not able to speak. Her mind just wasn't in a great condition from the start. And it wouldn't have been this worse but Fuuko just fkd her up pretty badly man. I don't feel like blaming Yuni but she is at blame as much as Nanase is.

All I see here is development in Nanase, slowly but surely. And it would've been faster if Yuni would've talked about her problems with Nanase. But instead she cheated on her. You have to be emotionally prepared if you're in a relationship and tell whatever's on your mind to your partner. I understand it can be hard and scary to talk about and what would your partner think. But still.

This chap comment-

Nanase has been doing pretty well and being completely normal. Thinking about her future and caring for Yuni. Yuni is just not interested in anything and keeps complaining. Like, if she wants something to do with Yuni, why not just tell her? Again, since the beginning, Yuni has just been like this. She just doesn't open up at all. I get that it can be hard, but cmon, after everything that's happened she's still acting like she always have. Not opening up at all

And I swear she gotta stop all that 'what's best friend' shit. Just because she doesn't have anyone close to her that she can spend her time with, doesn't mean others have to be the same. Yes, she feels lonely, but she's the one who's doing this to herself and blaming Nanase for all this. It's BS. I still like Yuni and I understand her problems. But she hasn't developed even a bit.

People don't see it, but Nanase has done a lot, she's progressed a lot. I've explained it all in previous chap with a big ass paragraph. So I'm not gonna type it here again. But people who think Nanase is a bitch gotta go and read some of the previous chaps again with their eyes completely open and understand what's going on.

There's no way some people think that Yuni has shown more effort than Nanase. All the efforts and care and understanding of Nanase for Yuni is being overshadowed by Yuni always looking hurt and miserable because of her own fault at this point and people don't even understand that. Just because Yuni is hurting doesn't make it all Nanase's fault.
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Aggregator gang
Nov 30, 2023
Fuuko was really attentive towards her because she was in the process of making Yuni cheat on Nanase and fall in love with her. Not saying that Fuuko didn't love her or anything. She did love her, her feelings towards Yuni were true. But giving her so much attention and care was not only because she really loves her, but also for her to cheat on Nanase. She was manipulative.
And that's why Fuuko's best girl! She has a right to be manipulative.
Active member
Oct 18, 2023
And that's why Fuuko's best girl! She has a right to be manipulative.
Well, I don't really care who likes who. People can like whoever they want and hate whoever they want. Everyone has a reason they can be hated and loved. Personally, I hate the fck of out Fuuko. At least for now. I'm not completely closed about liking her. But I'm gonna have to see more from her for that to ever happen
Feb 2, 2023
i reread whats out again i loved it so much reading it for the second time made me appreciate all the art more and the dialog too since i wasnt devouring the plot as fast as possible, this shits a masterpiece straight up
and i see we speeding up again aaaa this is so exciting
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
Everyone in this manga is a piece of shit. Some more than others but everyone. The best friend still hasn't been shown being one but I bet my left testicle that it'll come to pass.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 17, 2020
To be fair, although I wouldn't say she was justified to cheat, (and I would say she should've picked Fuuko, Fuuko is just better) I can at least see WHY Yuni cheated.

Nanase definitely hasn't been that attentive throughout the relationship and it seems like she's been the only one allowed to be the priority in the relationship at most times. Fuuko on the other hand treated Yuni like the priority, something that she was clearly wanting and needing. Yuni still shouldn't have cheated, but it totally makes sense as to why she at least did it.

She's a dummy for not picking Fuuko though. Fuuko actually deserved to be picked.
Cheating is never the answer. That's the cowards way out of a relationship. Have the decency and morality to stand in front of your partner and tell them to take a hike. Then do whatever the fuck you want after because you are free and no longer attached to anyone. Don't be a pussy and cheat then expect everything to work out somehow with the person you cheated with or cry a river when you get caught and somehow blame the other person when you were the one to fuck up. Stay single if you can't be a decent human being.

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