Okay, so he got his vengeance. What was it again? The hero made him feel inferior? I mean, hard to argue that, when he objectively had a lot more merits that MC, albeit MC was just a mere scout and still contributed to the team's safety, but he hasn't really done as much as anyone else and yet proves that he CAN do a lot, especially as an assassin/tactician. Instead, the story just kind of seems to show the upcoming of an incel. He hated 2/3 girls in his party because they mistreated him, but I mean, they proved to have some fairly tragic backgrounds of their own, but I mean c'mon. MC hates one of them because she loved someone else, but MC wasn't even in love with said girl either, so what is he even mad about??? This was so dumb, yet somewhat enjoyable? Like a movie so bad it was at least a 6/10. Heck, MC just murdered the most capable person to be the actual hero, but doesn't even seem to have the ambition to take the mantle himself, so what even was he so jealous about? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SERIES EVEN ABOUT?! Who the fuck even was the dark figure? The evil god? A new god? The old god? Fucking puts the man back in time with a contract, but doesn't seem to have any actual reprimand or compensation for going back in time.