@Yautja Sadly, you might want to rethink that. There MIGHT be one or two people joking, but he definitely wasn't joking with his statements. He was proving my points quite well about certain individuals. To believe otherwise would be extremely naive.
You can call it what you want, but you know that I hit the nail on the head with my previous statement. Sadly, the people making those comments don't seem to have the ability or the inclination to do something so simple as a BASIC internet search. In my case, I have actually had some. And you definitely not going to be able to eat them the "traditional" way, fork and knife were needed. They were quite tasty.
I think that the problem those people have are quite simply they have ZERO experience with anything outside their normal areas they stay in. And it would do them a lot of good to step out of those comfort zones every once in a while and try something different. Go somewhere they have never been before, etc. Having been around the world, I am speaking from experience there, as I have learned quite a bit from the experiences I gained. You don't have to believe me, after-all, I am just an anonymous voice on the internet, but you can't blindly discount it as you have tried.