Nidome no Jinsei o Isekai de

Aggregator gang
Oct 28, 2018

You call me a fascist, yet fascists often use the notion of defending their traditional culture as justifications for their acts. Are you going to tell me the Nazis did nothing wrong? After all they were just protecting their culture by getting rid of the jewish threat and purging all the reds. The wanted to protect their traditional German culture.

You know why you aren't going to say that Nazis are good? Because their fucking white. You're making all these claims and trying to base them in logic but there is really an enthymeme (unstated premise) that you are relying on: whatever white people do is bad. Your whole argument relies on the notion that every culture is somehow inherently superior to what people have and therefore they should be able to do whatever they want. You dress this up with anti-imperialist claims, but that is the crux of the matter.

When is a shitty practice just a shitty practice, and when is it part of someone's "culture". I don't think you can make that distinction. I would argue that White people have a long history of colonizing and oppressing others. Therefore, couldn't you say it is part of White culture? If so the practice is perfectly acceptable, since when people do shitty things that are a part of their culture it is OK. You've already condoned racism and sexism as being perfectly fine, so why not imperialism. You're not going to state that because all of your arguments hinge on the fact unstated premise that whatever White people do is wrong. No matter what the practice, no matter how shitty, you'll defend it as being a "cultural right" so long as it isn't a value shared by White people. You just fucking hate Whitey and you're trying to dress it up as some noble anti-colonialist sentiment.

If you think they're so fucking just, why don't you go join ISIS or whatever. Then you'll have the cultural right to rape and murder all you want. If any White people come along and try and stop you can call them imperialist pigs and tell them to stop forcing their cultural mores on you.

Seriously, your allowing this author to be racist because why? Because Japan has a history of being ethnically homogenous and their not White? I hate to break it to you, but Japanese people are basically fucking White. The Nazis even considered them "honorary Aryans". So now what are you gonna do?
Aggregator gang
Oct 28, 2018

You do also realize that during WWII the Japanese had colonial aims and fucking conquered large portions of Asia, right? They're not some fucking oppressed minority—they were the fucking oppressors. Furthermore when has there ever been systematic discrimination against the Japanese other than in WWII? You're calling me imperialist fascist, yet your defending a guy expressing racist imperialist sentiments. Man you are fucking stupid. You contradict yourself at every fucking turn.
Mar 16, 2018

Mmm yes, replying to a 4 month old conversation and fixating on a line ignoring everything else. How much does the ADL or one of it's sister companies pay?

I assume you're not living in/near China's area of influence?
May 7, 2018
Who cares about all that past events, I won't hold any grudges against current generation of Japanese. Btw who the jell is the girl at the end of the chapter. Need spoiler.
Mar 5, 2019
upset that i didn't even know about the anime does this meen the mangas gonna be cancelled
Aug 15, 2018
@icee The whole moral outrage that got the anime canceled was quite some time ago, if they were going to cancel the manga I'm pretty sure they would have already.
May 30, 2018
The moral dilemma he was talking about is the twitter rant of the author where he was being openly racist towards the chinese, and thing is the studio that was going to animate his work was chinese, you can guess what happened after.
Aug 15, 2018
@atifaslam7 I thought so too, but it's just that the first half is recap

@JustNatsuki What @moedev said, except that they failed to mention that this was all from tweets from 2012, we thoroughly discussed it in this thread like 4 months ago so go back if you want to see it but otherwise the conversation died a long time ago.

Started around here, just follow the tags from there
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
I read through to page 18 or so and everything I was going to say has pretty much already been said...

Is there any possibility of a Japanese/Korean/Taiwanese studio to make this manga's anime? I know Taiwanese people don't like to consider themselves as mainland Chinese people, just like Hong Kong people.
Nov 3, 2018
It's scary, it's really scary how a single person, who you will probably never meet can destroy all the work you've done.

By the way, does anybody who how old is the author?
Jan 6, 2019
when i first found out about this manga, i dropped it within the first chapter because i knew by the how the author was jerking off his japanese culture that this was gonna be nothing but japense propaganda with the MC shoving everyone around morally and physically.

and then look what happens lol, he offends other cultures in the real world, (one of which he depends on), what a fucking idiot nationalist. I hate manga like this, and im glad he got fucked over for this reason.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Good lord, what a dumpster fire of a comments section. Here I came to look and see what people were saying to find out whether or not this manga might be worth my time, but instead all I got were inane rants and ravings about what the author has done or said in his past that I could honestly care less about. A mod should honestly come in and clean up here or something, this has been spiraling way off topic for far too long.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 16, 2018
@Rozoro I'll say that this manga is pretty good, I personally have fun reading it.
It's kinda like your typical action shounen manga which looks pretty cool and also feature pretty awesome fight and of course a virtually Over Powered main character, as per your Isekai main character does.

Though it comes to personal preference I suppose, give it a read if you have time.. who knows maybe you like it as well, but if you don't, sorry in advance. 😅
Though if you read it you might somewhat understand why the comment section filled with criticism for the author.
Mar 31, 2018
@Rozoro It's a neat read and it's funny, like the person below me said it's a typical action shounen but it has some neat elements like heavily going on the samurai theme and the art is like 9/10 imo.

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