Short recap (like this chapter): The highest god assigned an administrator for the human section (the one trying to avoid punishment) to manage it, which includes summoning heroes to fix the lack of resources (think people mana) and gave powers/skills to a sexist NTR-loving douchebag (like make slaves and magic teleport, which is super rare it seems). This goddess fails to see the scrumbag she created, that the messenger (angel of the highest god) is cooperating with MC (summoned by highest god(dess) and also given powers/skills aside from being a former master assassin with a katana, think Kenshin) by finding the human goddess' summoning circle (unknown why she even needs that..), attacks it and thus gains access to their divine realm. The messenger confronts human goddess as requested by her master (highest god(dess)) under the order "fix stuff [which I made but will not admit and am too lazy because I manage multiple worlds]".
Or there abouts.
Reread for full story.