Nihonkoku Shoukan - Vol. 4 Ch. 17 - Louria's Defeat

Double-page supporter
Jun 17, 2018
Glad to see that ending with shield dude. Now go home and be a full-time family man.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 29, 2019
Shield bro survived that onslaught, what luck! That ending was pretty sweet too, feels odd to root for the guy but not the kingdom but glad he made it to his wife. That damn shield took hell and likely isn't usable anymore but damn it's sturdy. Put that as a trophy and maybe tend the family and retire as a soldier my man.

Also nobody gonna talk about the pretty modern-ish building (likely European style) with brick roads in and road lamps as well as the fancy suit the guy there has? Seems Parpaldia's a bit more modern if we compare it to Louria who's basically medieval age. Interestingly enough it seems the world map actually states which areas are more modern. Parpaldia seems to be at the "Third Civ Area" and as others have said in the past chapters this will likely progress more and more as we get a bigger glimpse of the world and maybe we'll get to that lost ancient super civilization area.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Glad for shield bro and if I remember correctly

dragon bro also survived his dragon protected him from the fall leaving him unscathed dragon died though
Aug 7, 2018
Yeah its prety wholesome. Thr fact the city not getting pilaged is same as in Gate jietai did. Common sense fo medieval era is if you lose your city your family and country is fucked up but for jsdf they had a thing that barbaric medieval era hadnt. HUMAN RIGHTS
Aggregator gang
Sep 10, 2018
@nomadicengi @vangoz In the WB the dragon guy has an important role later I don't know about the shield guy he was not in the WN maybe in the LN
in the WB the dragon guy will be ask to airlift a diplomat of japan to a country inside a lake surrounded by mountains and he was hailed as a hero in that country.
Nov 21, 2019
this time images quality is so poor and words not clear.
but .even so . thanks for your great work. this manga is amazing and your translation is the same.
Feb 4, 2019
Wait, did no one from the ground force get that shield after they saw it could withstand .50 cal fire?
Aug 18, 2018
makes one wonder how the story would have gone if japans first native contact would have been with the louria empire. would probably a really fucked up situation
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018
okay that arc ending was good, think the shield might get taken for "Research Purposes" later though
Active member
Apr 13, 2019
@RyoukoKonpaku About Parpaldia, the English wiki says that they have the technology of Napoleonic/Victorian eras and a correction to what I said in the previous chapters the official classification of technologies is this:

First civilizations: Countries that are considered to be the most powerful and technologically advanced in the world. The technology is of the First Civilization is pre-WW2, able to make fighter planes, color TVs, and even calculators (bulky version). (one nation)

Second Civilizations: Countries with WW1 technology
(One isekai-ed nation)

Third Civilizations: Countries with Napoleon and Victorian-era technology (strongest one introduced in this chapter)

About the ancient civilization area the Holy Mirishial Empire, the first civilization nation, is based there, and that's the reason they're managed to become the strongest in the world, thanks to the technologies that that ancient civilization left behind when they did a big f*ck you to the gods as they used a nation-wide magical time machine
Dex-chan lover
Mar 31, 2018
Why would they? They were currently in the middle of a mission, plus they likely assumed he still died, so the shield wasn't that great. It isn't like bullet proofing is a new concept to Japan. Sure it isn't expected with their enemy's general tech level, but there always is a possiblity for an outlier here and there given their limited knowledge of the world.

In addition, there are a few key questions which should be asked:
1, What would they even do with/gain from it?
- It likely isn't anything overly special, just either an alloy or stupidly thick. So making time to look jnto it isn't useful at the moment since only 1 guy had it. Also, a shield does fuck all to a tank round or rocket if need be. And if somehow it can, just snipe the guy, then loot the shield.

2, How/Who would carry it?
- That thing likely weighs a good bit. They already are carring a lot of gear, plus their weapon and ammo. Who wants to carry an additional heavy burden? And the shield is massive, so they likely wont fit it inside the tank.

3, Do they need to/is it worth researching?
- Likely no. If they got back and determined it to just be some kind of super heavy grade steel or something, then it isn't worth the cost to bring it home, nor the risk of retrieving it. Someone would have had to leave the tank to get it and either walk it home or ride on top of the tank, completely exposed for the most part. Just because they have a tech advantage doesn't mean accidents still won't happen.

I'm more surprised that the guy was only knocked unconscious. He took a rocket explosion point blank wearing plate armor which bullets could penetrate. The shock wave alone should have him fatally wounded, or at leased with significant internal damage.
Active member
Feb 5, 2018

You're absolutely right ... but the author made question to put a Japanese saying that they wanted to grab that shield after the battle.

And TBH I kind of understand why ; not because they have someting to learn from that shield by itself, but because it might indicate that someone more advanced was/is around. Note that, from Japan's POV at this point , they dropped into a late Medieval setting ( + wyverns for air force and magic users for artilery ), so a bulletproof shield is Schizo Tech in this setting. That alone would warrant some investigation.

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