Nihonkoku Shoukan

Jan 28, 2020
Now we're talking... I thought this has been dropped. The novel was great so I was waiting for this. Many may criticize this series because of how things are going but trust me, this military themed series will get more good when an all out war will happen... Also, some just read and say they hate the series but ... "why in the hell did they even read it..?." 😅
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@WhenMarkers the problem is instead more of "military theme" it more like to "jappon best country and prowess" theme, unlike JSDF where it thread carefully where it go, this one straight up not even trying to shove nippon is best of all and everything else to almost every chapters,

and you can even see how the mediocre enemy was drawn while the "good guys" and japan peeps and soldier is drawn with more detail and to make them look brighter as the good guy, it seems the author or artist trying to make Hokuto no Ken evil guy shading badly that it became the manga standard art and drawing.

would had enjoyed it alot more if its not JSDF wet dream rip off and too lean on japan empowering

well said, couldnt agreed more
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2018
So far, this feels legit. Enemies against the modern fire power aren't at the peak of this world, just a rising power being supported by a greater power. This very war could lead to other countries seeing various weaknesses to Japan via various methods. Heck they might even have magics to see evens at other locations, otherwise known as scrying. This means that the tactics and technological capabilities of japan can be planned against before the encounter. Some simple diplomacy and spy work on the allied nation will also reveal the "war is illegal" part of japan as well.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 23, 2020
can't really get angry at Japan in this one because even though its basically a japan wank at least it doesn't have bs politics as in JSDF
Apr 22, 2020
What is it with these >Human< supremacy stories

Just because its the norm of todays mainstream talks does not mean fantasy should incorporate it into every story
its getting to be a real drag with every story beeing about how humans are supremacists, or demons are supremacists or whatever
there are some good isekais and fantasy stories but everything seems to revolve around one ideology of supremacy
thats retarded.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2018
The enemy army was behaving so perfectly the whole conflict (and the time it passed between translations) that we almost forgot that the king ordered his soldiers to commit a genocide.
A lot of honorable knights but in the end they "only followed orders".
Aggregator gang
Mar 27, 2019
> finally a version of gate that doesn't have bs politics

You haven't read the novels, have you?
Enemy captures & executes 200 Japanese tourists while Japanese politicians debate about THEIR OWN policies while mostly ignoring those of the enemy.

> The premise sounds like it’d make for a very interesting story political and conflict wise. How will the citizens react? How will the government react?

Oh yes. Early chapters are just that, and it'll be repeated in future chapters as Japan comes to contact with other countries.

> The author could also tackle some really important subjects of prejudice

That too, and those committing it end up as enemies of Japan.

> What army and government would just let one rando boi running around in a strange new fantasy world gathering up waifus?

I don't know... One who is in friendly terms with defense minister? And Japan Summons has that going too.

> Well damn if they thought this was bad we should have gone a few years back to the imperial army

Oh don't worry; it will be mentioned.

> This is colonialism porn. Modern nation desperate for the most minor justification for war vs far less advanced society.

What you say? Securing food for citizens is "the most minor justification"? You got it really good when you can afford to say shit like that.

> I'm wondering, what's the situation with satellites and wifi alike, or have they most probably already launched more satellites?

It's not mentioned in novels or anything, but their wi-fi should still be working as usual.
No satellites yet. They will get to it eventually.

> This is hardcore Japanese SDF and imperialist propaganda.

I have read the manga AND Web novel, and thus I don't buy your anti-Japan propaganda.

> Heck they might even have magics to see evens at other locations, otherwise known as scrying. This means that the tactics and technological capabilities of japan can be planned against before the encounter. Some simple diplomacy and spy work on the allied nation will also reveal the "war is illegal" part of japan as well.

We have seen agents from stronger supporting superpower in manga already.
However their reports are deemed "unbelievable" and agents themselves get branded as "delusional". Otherwise "magical photograpsh" of Japan's war ships with 1 gun each with assumed range of 1 km aren't deemed a significant threat against superpower's 100 gun war ships with firing range of 2 km.
TL;DR: They don't know who they are frakkin' with.

> What is it with these >Human< supremacy stories

Because we've got a very real and long history about it. So having a straight white human ruler discriminating against other races is easy thing to write. Don't worry though: Web novel mentions other races discriminating against humans, so almost certainly it will make it to this manga too.
Oct 7, 2018
Woah, ch.17 has a ton of different resolution pages.
Its so off putting, going from normal resolution, into tiny resolution, into into a giant resolution.

Seriously, was ch.17 not from said groups release, and instead pulled from some other manga site that reduces the filesize+resolution or something?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
This is actually fun an not like gate

In gate every enemy is evil and somewhat stupid but here everyone is given a perspective even the enemy foot soldiers to the point you actually want them to survive
shield bro survived good for him and his back to his wife
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Otaku_Gandulf The leaders yes but common soldiers you can’t really say their evil if they were then the allied forces should have committed genocide on the Germans too considering they killed the evil leaders due to their war crimes then common german people should also be punished by the same war crimes their leaders committed.
May 29, 2020
Mmm feels more and more like propaganda for the JSDF, love the whole no war crimes act when they refuse to apologize for the war crimes they committed in the second world war. This is such a farce lol

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