Fed-Kun's army
Aug 1, 2023
I've also just finished reading the chapter and was wondering what that alex13sk8 user was talking about lmao.
Here's the only scene with Azusa from chapter 34:

"they'll just insist that I'm your girlfriend and warn you" -> "they'll just insist that it's his girlfriend and be suspicious of me"
Now you can see why a certain moment in chapter 31 was quite important for what's coming later.
Oh and by the way the teacher wasn't all that important, that's her only appearance so far
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Dex-chan lover
Nov 7, 2023
Ah, here we go again. It's her problem and her choice to be a cocksleeve in the first place. And she accused him of being guilty in what happened to her instead of seeking his help. He has his life to live, she wasn't even close to him anymore and she didn't give a damn when he was bullied, so why would he care for her more than she does care for herself?

Still, the cast doesn't look like middle schoolers in this one. Also, Asmode and Miku are hot as fuck and Miku, while being guilty of setting up the MC, she at least knows how to properly please him. So, this title still has its positive moments.
You know thinking about it MC has no good reason to help the girl he supposedly likes. I’m hoping this story does 180 at some point and he works towards helping Asmodus with her goals. Would be more interesting then this current plot.
Jun 8, 2024
I've also just finished reading the chapter and was wondering what that alex13sk8 user was talking about lmao.
Here's the only scene with Azusa from chapter 34:

"they'll just insist that I'm your girlfriend and warn you" -> "they'll just insist that it's his girlfriend and be suspicious of me"
Now you can see why a certain moment in chapter 31 was quite important for what's coming later.
Oh and by the way the teacher wasn't all that important, that's her only appearance so far
A user told me that the last page of the chapter was created by the translators themselves, it was something they wanted to happen
Jun 8, 2024
You know thinking about it MC has no good reason to help the girl he supposedly likes. I’m hoping this story does 180 at some point and he works towards helping Asmodus with her goals. Would be more interesting then this current plot.
Well, his reason for helping her would be the fact that they were childhood friends? We don't know why Sakuraba stopped talking to Asuza, there may have been something big or not, and what about Asmode's goal? So far we only know that she had a good part of her power stolen and so she decided to make a contract with Sakuraba to recover it, no one knows if recovering her powers is Asmode's only objective, and in this the protagonist is helping her even though the She's complaining that he's taking too long to put the next step of his revenge plan into action.
Dex-chan lover
May 14, 2019
1. Assumptions, assumptions. Firstly, is being charged for bodily harm or murder really worse than being a cocksleeve? If so, then what's the problem? She's content with what she's got. Secondly, about evidence. Face like a mashed potatoe, torn hymen, etc. of course are not the evidence by any means, right. You can go to Japan and start raping JK girls left and right and no one will do a thing about it, of course. Especially if you have "evidence" on your phone to blackmail the victim.
2. Well, it's really her problem. Why would a rapist use someone to lure her out? Why would she ask her "friend" why did he do so? Nooo, of course not.
3. She didn't know about it because she didn't give a damn about her "child friend".
Stop being delulu, sir white knight.
As a way to disprove your own delusions that you can’t back up. Here are some reply’s to your only points that you have been saying.

1.) Is being charged with bodily harm or murder worse than being a cocksleeve? If so what’s the problem?

In Japan the best outcome for attempted murder she would get 6-10years minimum if prosecuted.

For murder she would get the death penalty, life imprisonment or 10 years minimum for good time. When she gets out she would have NO job opportunities when she gets out, won’t be able to set up a bank account or register for a mobile carrier because of the Ex-con Stigma that Japan has.

If you are about to say she can defend her actions because Tokushige was threatening her; in Japan she would have an extremely high obstacle to show the force was within reasonable limits. Like in one case where a woman was raped against a wall and was struggling but the court though he raped her against her will she wasn’t struggling enough so the rapist wasn’t convicted. Japan JUST PASSED a new law in June 2023 where non-consent wouldinclude situations the victim was/is intoxicated with alcohol and/or drugs, subject to violence or threat, frightened or astonished to frozeness, abuse of power where the victim is worried of consequences of refusal. Before you say it, we DO NOT KNOW THE YEAR this story is suppose to take place.

Towards the cocksleeve comment, she would be worried about getting STDs, getting pregnant and now being passed off to other guys. Which he has been shown talking about at school.

So she is caught in between two horrible choices. So being coerced into sex with the bully may be the less of the two bad choices. She may have some semblance of a work life.

She is content.
Not true. You can tell by her face and her words. No smile just disgust of wanting it over with.

Even Miku was going through the near same thing. And before you say she was enjoying by saying “it’s great.” They both said it just for it to be over with.

Evidence. Face like a mashed potatoe, torn hymen, etc. “Evidence” on phone to blackmail the victim.
By Chapter 31, I had counted that about 30-35 days had passed since her rape. So the mashed face means nothing.
Injured eye, emotional face


No injuries, disgust, pleading

The torn hymen means nothing. The police will write it off as either torn during excercise or being sexually active. That is not enough evidence to go off on. The photos on Tokushige’s phone could be explained off by him saying it was sexplay with his girlfriend or sexfriend and that she went to them because she saw him with another girl. Tokushige is known being around a number of girls at school so the police will believe his story over hers.

Why would a rapist use someone to lure her out?

Because he wants to have sex with her and she would never come out if Tokushige called her out himself. He proclaimed loudly that he wanted to have sex with Azusa and ecstatically claiming her to be a virgin.

This shows how much/badly he wants to fuck Azusa.

Why would she ask her “friend” why did he do so?

Because in Azusa’s mind her childhood friend broke her trust just to lure her out to get raped. The ONLY REASON she was in that location was because of a message she received on her phone from “MC” to meet “him” in that location.

She believed she was going to meet MC there alone but instead met Tokushige that would later rape her.

She didn’t know about MC bullying because she didn’t give a damn about her “childhood friend.”

In Chapter 1, MC contemplates over telling Azusa about everything which would mean telling her about him being bullied. But decided against it because she would worry. If she would worry that means she cares about what happens to MC.

This also shows that MC worries about getting Azusa involved and possibly getting hurt as well. This also shows that they both are still in contact with each other. If not they would not still have each other’s phone contacts.

The bully group would always bully someone in a secluded area.

MC didn’t know that Miku was being bullied until he came across and saw it happening in the hallway one day.

MC is in the SAME CLASSROOM as the bullies and Miku. MC didn’t notice Miku’s bullying.

If MC didn’t know of Miku’s bullying and he is IN THE SAME CLASS then how could you possibly say or believe Azusa should know about the bullying of MC if she is in a different class.

Also the bully gang try to make sure they don’t get caught bullying others
like lie

Or blackmail

She didn’t seek MC help.

Azusa didn’t seek MC’s help in the first place because she believed he was the reason she was put in that situation in the first place. The message to have her go to that unpopulated area came from MC’s phone telling her to go there alone.

Even if she knows or learns later he didn’t send the text. MC did not check it when he was contemplating telling Azusa what was going on with him and MC did not lock it to keep it from being used/looked at by someone else.

Also she didn’t want MC to worry just like MC didn’t want her to worry about his own bullying because they both don’t want the other to get involved with their torment. Plus she would have the guilt of blaming him when he had nothing to do with it (if she learned he really didnt) and the shame of being forced to have sex & not wanting MC to see or know of it.

Why should MC help or save her?
Why did MC try to help Miku? Just because. No.

The bullies were looking to aim for Azusa because of her relation to MC.

MC later finds out she was raped AFTER the bullies were talking about involving her. With his own phone being used to lure her out.

MC ended up feeling guilt and responsible because they went after her because of her relation with MC even when he tried keeping Azusa out of it. Using his phone when he was unconscious to get to her. You mix that with his justice mindset he would want to help or save her and make the bullies pay. He was willing to commit double murder or attempted double murder. Which in Japan would give him the death penalty.

She was living her life being popular and not giving him the time of day.

She quite literally turned down offer to hang out karaoke just to hangout with “MC” alone.
She is even running to meet with MC. This shows how she is willing to turn anyone or anything else down just to be with MC. All he has to do ask to hangout. Even in that text she responded “what happened?” because she is worried (showing care) about what is going on with MC.

She could go to the police.

In Japan the police are uninterested in wanting to solve rape cases. Even in this story the cops are uninterested in solving why Azusa had been skipping school.
Japanese police strongly discourage rape victims from filing reports or pressing charges while warning the victim they could lose their career and livelihood. The arrest rate for is low. If a rapists does get arrested they are more likely to receive no prosecution. If they are found guilty they could have a good chance to serve no jail time by saying sorry and paying damages WmESPECIALLY if they have connections.

Victims like her would have to relive the events by telling in graphic detail to male police officers (because female officers aren’t put on the case and
re-enact the assault where it was committed in front of numerous male cops.

The most likeliest reason is because she is anxious the photos will get posted online if she does. If they get out they will harm both her and her mother. With Japan being a collectivist society where they prioritize social order over individualism, she would not want to disrupt the social norm PLUS she will get death threats and harassing phone calls on the daily. Her mom will get harassed at work which would lead to her mom getting fired for causing a disturbance at work. Both will be harassed at home (with her address on her school ID) with a graffiti and trashed home, the neighbors talking behind their back, blaming the mother for her parenting, the rapists mother saying what you’re saying that she wanted it and blaming Azusa for ruining the rapists life/reputation. Why do you think the bullies blackmailed MC and their former teacher with video and photos
…that’s their M.O. to control people because it ruins lives.

Before you say anything, we have yet to know if Takushige took a video. So far we only seen he had taken a photo of the aftermath which won’t be enough to show rape but possible intercourse.

Why believe the rapist over her “friend?”

At first she didn’t believe the rapist. She was calling out for MC thinking he may be there or somewhere close to there since “he” called her out there. Even when Tokushige told her MC sold her out she didn’t believe him.

It wasn’t until Tokushige brought up how MC told her to come here and MC has yet to show up or tried to save her that she starts to believe Tokushige. You can tell because she stopped trying to tell for MC to save but for anybody to save her.

The only one who would know that she was going there would be “MC.”
Since “he” sent her the message to come there alone.

PLUS the fact that MC had yet to come out or even later show up at the location at all. So she was forced to believe the rapists words. The next time Azusa sees him MC immediately asks “what happened” like he set it up (in her mind)

(In her mind)
MC doubled down in asking “what happened?” as if
he wants to hear the details like a sick pervert which would start to solidify her belief MC set her up.
She says “you called me there…” and MC replies “I didn’t do it” as though he may/does know what happened. As oppose to saying “Called you where?! What are you talking about?!” as a way to make her start believing MC really doesn’t know what happened.

Now she asks who “else could do it” because the message came from MC’s phone and most likely MC would never give his phone to someone else so they could act like him to call her out to an unpopulated place (keep in mind She still does not know that MC is being bullied)

Azusa doesn’t care about what happens to MC’s life.

When “MC” had texted her Azusa first thought to ask is “what happened?” This shows that she is interested in MC’s life. This also shows concern for MC meaning she cares about MC. She is running hurriedly to get to where MC is shows her interest and wants to be with MC.
This whole scene shows how important MC is to her over everything else.

Even in Chapter 30, she didn’t want MC to get involved with her situation or the rapists (shows me that she still doesn’t know MC is being bullied especially by this same guy)

Soo what more unproven assumptions do you have? What nonsense do you have left to say? And PLEASE show receipts from the story to back up what you say.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
I am 99% sure he destroyed that dam was stopping her from committing fall..😂
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2023
@Remy88Lebeau I won't bother reading all that wall of delusions and will just address some of them until I'm done with your bullcrap.
In Japan the best outcome for attempted murder she would get 6-10years minimum if prosecuted. For murder she would get the death penalty, life imprisonment or 10 years minimum for good time.
Only if you are a male. It is widely known for anyone remotely educated that women get much shorter sentences, or don't get them at all in basically any more or less westernised country.
When she gets out she would have NO job opportunities when she gets out, won’t be able to set up a bank account or register for a mobile carrier because of the Ex-con Stigma that Japan has.
If, when, blablabla. Assumptions, assumptions. Of course, you have studies which could prove that your point is valid, with clear case numbers, male/female distribution, rates of men/women who could and could not find a job (and exactly what those jobs are)? As if it is even ever was vital for survival to have a bank account and a mobile carrier. I don't have an idea how people lived for centuries somewhere outside today's Tokyo. I'm not even talking about other possibilities she could choose, like talking to her parents, ignoring his demands, etc. And what you are doing here is white knighting her decision to put the blame for her situation and her DOING NOTHING to get out of it on literally ANYONE but her.
If you are about to say she can defend her actions because Tokushige was threatening her; in Japan she would have an extremely high obstacle to show the force was within reasonable limits.
Again, fair mostly for men.
Like in one case where a woman was raped against a wall and was struggling but the court though he raped her against her will she wasn’t struggling enough so the rapist wasn’t convicted.
Oh, the whole THAT ONE CASE, which fits your position. Okay, me wrong, you're right. Kidding.
Japan JUST PASSED a new law in June 2023...
And probably had reasons to do it. Or not? It's not like there are countless legal mechanisms, funds and programs which mostly benefit women? Like there is no way for a rape/violence victim to receive any kind of support?
Evidence. Face like a mashed potatoe, torn hymen, etc. “Evidence” on phone to blackmail the victim.
By Chapter 31, I had counted that about 30-35 days had passed since her rape
My words were for Chapter 1, not Chapter 31. Judging by your train of thought, by Chapter 100 she is a virgin once again and not an overused onahole, right? It's as if not doing ANYTHING to save oneself from this situation doesn't solve it at all? I'm shocked! How so?
She was raped in Chapter 1! And it was her responsibility to do something at that point. Or her parents' one, or whatever. She was a stranger for the MC, deal with it.
And now I'm done with you and you can continue coping all by yourself however fits you. Or you can unstick your head out of your rear end and actually start thinking.
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2019
I thought I dropped this. but seems I forgot to click the bell (why is this trash even being translated?)
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 1, 2023
Been a while since the last translated chapter, huh? I have a present for you if you decided to check up what's new here. Decided to look up the volume raws to see if there's any new content there and found out that each volume includes a mini story from the author in a novel format. The 1st volume includes Episode 0 about Asmode just arriving to the world of mortals. I won't give you the whole story, just a gist of the first 2/3 and a full translation of the last 1/3 that actually covers the most interesting parts.

So it starts with Asmode appearing nude in front of some man, taking control of his body using her powers, forcing him to fuck her and sucking him dry as he climaxes.
The moment the girl whispered her final words, the man’s body went rigid, releasing a muffled groan. His energy spilled out in bursts within her, and simultaneously, he seemed to wither away, growing gaunt and frail.

As the last drop was drawn out, he collapsed, a miserable figure reduced to skin and bones.

"Hmph... This barely even makes a difference", she muttered, shrugging as she looked down at the man’s lifeless body. Her name was Asmode, once a demon of the Seven Deadly Sins—Lust, to be precise.

But "once" because she no longer held that power. Betrayed and stripped of her position by a former subordinate demon, she had barely managed to escape to the mortal realm. It was an ambush, but among demons, there’s no such thing as playing fair. Still, she wasn’t one to take disrespect lying down. First, she needed to recover her lost strength.

She had drained the man’s life force, but the power she regained was barely a trickle. After all, she wasn’t a low-level demon that could just get by on scraps of energy.

"I suppose... I need a contractor", she murmured. The most efficient way to replenish her power was through extracting concepts: obscene acts, raunchy situations, the struggle against desire, the anguish, rage and sorrow of having one's woman stolen. The immoral pleasure and grief of betraying a man, the ecstasy of submission, a dizzying feast of lust.

She needed a partner who would create such scenes for her to feed on.

Asmode tapped her chin in thought.

(Now… where should I begin my search?)

It couldn’t be just anyone. A young man, brimming with revenge—that would be perfect. Revenge twists one’s moral compass, and if she could steer that dark resolve well, he could subjugate many females, allowing her to draw a steady stream of energy.

She had already read the memories of the man she’d consumed. In the mortal realm, she appeared to be around high school age.

(In that case, I suppose it makes sense to start my search at this high school.)

Using his memories, she magically formed a school uniform and put it on. This was his sister’s high school, and though it was some distance from here, for a demon, physical distance posed no problem.

(Let’s hope I find a suitable one there...)
As you can see the part about her past and the reasons for her making a contract with MC were already covered in this bonus story quite a bit earlier compared to the manga.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
Been a while since the last translated chapter, huh? I have a present for you if you decided to check up what's new here. Decided to look up the volume raws to see if there's any new content there and found out that each volume includes a mini story from the author in a novel format. The 1st volume includes Episode 0 about Asmode just arriving to the world of mortals. I won't give you the whole story, just a gist of the first 2/3 and a full translation of the last 1/3 that actually covers the most interesting parts.

So it starts with Asmode appearing nude in front of some man, taking control of his body using her powers, forcing him to fuck her and sucking him dry as he climaxes.

As you can see the part about her past and the reasons for her making a contract with MC were already covered in this bonus story quite a bit earlier compared to the manga.
and then people somehow will claim the author is not a cuck :pepela:
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
Soo what more unproven assumptions do you have? What nonsense do you have left to say? And PLEASE show receipts from the story to back up what you say.
Damn man, thats some good digging you made. One a level I agree with almost everything here, as by reading this conversation between you both, you are right -> but only on the technical terms. This manga has many error in its story since it dosent follow either on real world human logic, or on its own established world "rules"... its always a back and forth between these two.

I mean, on one hand the story would be over within 2 chapters if it was following simple, human behaviour. Let alone where such stuff gets treated harshly even in japan, especially with minors:
  • She gets raped, she endures it, she reports it (or their parents) to the police, the investigation starts and depending on its evidence the rapist will be brought to justice or the case dropped.
  • With all the cliche japan has about "rape victims not coming out", Japan has a rather strong attitude towards such cases, or the whole sexuall harasment cases. I think its not a big-brain momvent to look at her and see something is wrong, let alone when they take DNA test and compare it with the rapist. That is already enough for this "story" to end its "revenge", IF it follows realistic scenario.

But since it wants to be a "revenge" story with some "stealing" other girls from the bad-evil guys, some ego power trip and a good amount of steamy sex, despite the MC being your typical normie loser, some rules has to be twisted for it to even beginn, let alone if you want to expand on it further down the line.
  • In your post you pretty good explained why it happend and how bad the investigation would go, IF we would believe that one conversation with the teacher as it kinda sets this world "rule" of why her not acting like a normal human compared to our world. And to some degree I dont mind it. Heck, we have even (once again) magic powers who do convenient wonders and only in specific ways, despite could have been used otherswise.
  • Yet, as some readers had brought it up: The MC could have simple do X or Y to help his Childhood friend in the first place, as there are more then easy and good options for him to do them as now magic is involved, especilly his convenient teleportation powers. It all piles down the authors wants for them to act as such, hence they dont like it becuase its not consistent and even stupid.

Im aware that Azusa IS the victim of all this, and I do believe she tries to "keep the MC safe" by what she is doing now when she is fucking the douche. I also believe she dosent really enjoys it when she does it, same goes for the other chick with the ponytail. However:
  • It dosent change the majority of the readers view as it only being the storys way of excuse of her forced "sacrifice", even though the author really wants to portray her as much. The point being is here rather simple -> she fucks others, she is done, let alone when she enjoys it or is being "damaged". Not to sound radical, but even here in the west purity is important, but its kinda hard to accept such characters when she/them has scenes how she/them liked it and/or gets crempied (Though I must say thats more of the readers interpretation with her cheeks being red and/or the artist drawing it).
  • When it started it was already on a thin line, but with such pointless scenes it only provokes its readers, and with no real "treats" for them to stick around, im not surprised its get labled/hated wrongly.

If I dont remember it wrong, except that one deliquinet girl, ALL love interest have sex scene with other dudes, some more then once. Some were acceptable for plot, others were... rather questionable even with its twisted logic. If I wouldnt know it better, I would suggest its the author fetish leaking in, which in this case dosent mix well.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 11, 2018
I still don't understand his plan. To steal girls Tokushige doesn't care about? The only one that seems to matter is the sister and he doesn't want to drag an innocent into it. Author might ass pull the little sister being trash later.

And while this chump is enacting his plan Tokushige is doing the same to Asuza. So I'm just going to assume that down the line Asuza will be "in love" with Tokushige and Sakuraba will confine her to "steal" her back.
HIS plan?! hahaha, this is Asmode's plan all over, and I'd bet she doesn't really give a shit about anyone involved (other than herself). She's a demon, I'd wager she's using him for her own goals as much as she's using the others (through him).

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