Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Tsumiki and Senga

Mar 1, 2023
First two chapters were amazing but now its just a waste of time.. Welp imma go to other better and real romcom manga. This is sht, where i see we have "cool" FL as protagonist (maybe soon with "harem") and beta boy "mc"
Aggregator gang
Dec 23, 2018
First two chapters were amazing
They were mediocre. Even premise was mediocre - "boy who cant find himself meet confident girl", many of them already exist in our sinful world. Only one spark of light was wolfgirl, but I think author soon will run out of ideas, if not already.
Honestly, this work would be better off as a one-shot
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Dex-chan lover
Jul 11, 2023
I'm definitely getting major shoujo vibes from this series now. The first two chapters didn't have that feeling but these later three have definitely given them to me. This series started from Yukata's perspective but lately it's been all about Tsumiki and all the cute boys who want to get to know her. The series has definitely taken a downturn since the excellent chapter 2. I'll give it a few more to see if it rights the ship but if it keeps focusing on Senga or other characters rather than the main two the story initially presented I think I'm gonna drop it. At that point it simply wouldn't be the manga I showed up to read that the first two chapters indicated it would be.
yeah, thinking about it, Senga's whole character "arc" is him being immature, and staying immature, really. The growth is superficial as he is still as attached to the concept of "true friend" as he initially was, and does not actively seek to better himeslf or change his environment; instead, he realises that tsumiki here doesn't give a damn about his innate attraction ability, and thus is good to hang out with. Fair enough, if it wasn't for the Romance tag in the description and the way the series started out; "passive compelling attraction aura" that just so happens to not work on the FMC is...eh. NGL I'm not too sure what the point of this chapter is. Was it meant to be setting up Senga's character? I'd say they made him worse. Instead of a spiteful product of human-demi clashes who is justifiably antsy but ultimately compelling (which he could've been), he is painted as this crybaby who for all his talk has the mental maturity of a 3 year old - which doesn't hold up to the much better characterisation of the FMC and MC here.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 9, 2023
this falls completely flat when we've already seen Senga himself taking advantage of people and the chapter involves 0 self reflection
Well, to this and recent comments I'd say... it'd feel rushed for his whole character arc to happen in this chapter... but who knows if we'll even get another chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 28, 2023
Forget everything else. Why is a vampire with an auto-charm spell running free in a teenager filled environment? And why nobody actually cares? Its practicely brainwashing and dude has the nerve to complain about being used? Is this a joke?

Also demo. tag needs to change to shoujo as well.
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Apr 5, 2023
I'm enjoying the manga so far.Open this comment section Is always a mistake, I thought toxic people dropped It After ch.3 but they are still here whining lol.
This is what unironic fans of Rent A Girlfriend have put up with for years. Welcome to the party, pal.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 21, 2023
This is what unironic fans of Rent A Girlfriend have put up with for years. Welcome to the party, pal.
Yeah, there's already blood in the water and it is impossible to be removed. One of the thing that author can do is try to dilute it or let it rides and double down like kanokari.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Oh look, it isn't NTR. Can you people shut up now?
These people have the collective IQ below room temp. Literal human garbage.

And to the people comparing this to Rent-a-Girlfriend, I wouldn't trust you to make any kind of judgement call on literally anything. I would sooner put my faith in a goddamn goldfish then trust it to the like of any of you.

"even the japanese side was disturbed by it."
Rafalga, stop projecting you utter brainlet. Having a few people in Japan scratching their heads is not the same as you and rest of you squealing runts, barfing all over this comment section. Now GTFO.

" I know reading comprehension is a rare accurance around here but god damn."
The fact you are telling me this unironically is pathetic. Get out and come back when you decide have an IQ that isn't below room temp
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Nov 10, 2023
Ever since chapter 3, I do not know how everything got out of hand with a lot readers of this manga. Going back to that chapter and how a lot of readers were saying that it wasnt obvious it was the Yutakas imagination, even though the page right before had the Yutakas thoughts and how it was progressing. Also on the bottom right we see Tsumikis expression being completely blank and right as you turn the page her face is blushing, meaning that isnt in reality. Not to mention while she is blushing she says the MCs name. Not to mention Senga has black hair and in that imagination the hair wasnt black, meaning Yutaka was imagining himself doing that to Tsumiki.

Now we fast forward to this chapter, and get a little more insight on Senga and how he feels, I saw a few commentors here saying that he is self serving and isnt showing signs of improvement or that he is shallow because of how he chooses to get blood without looking at it from his point of view. Without knowing what happens to him without getting blood. Going back to chapter 3, without knowing any prior conversations that Senga had with that girl, we see that blood is pretty vital for him and that he needed it right then. With prior knowledge we can see that he uses his vampire looks to get what he wants, though from chapter 5, it happens regardless anyways, but going back to chapter 3, we see the girl run off because she just wanted to talk and because she loves him, but she could of tried to look at things from his perspective and ask why he needed the blood at that moment instead of running off. We are told that blood is food, However, now we know from this chapter that he can eat regular things too, so we can probably guess that regular food and blood food are two different things for vampires. To come to the conclusion that he is shallow based on what was shown is something that I cannot agree with.

Of course, You can like or dislike whatever character you want, but I feel like if the dislike comes from your own misunderstanding of a character or scene, and then you create your own bias from that misunderstanding to justify disliking or hating the character more as the story progresses, you will miss out of obvious improvements from said characters or you might feel like the scenes that the character is in, whether nor not the scene is emotional or lighthearted, you will feel like the scene is cheap or unneeded, because of those misunderstandings then continue to blame the author without anything being their fault.

Which, going back and reading the thread from chapter 3. The ones saying the author wasn't able to convey the act of Yutakas imagination and creating exuses was just insane to me. Going from extreme to extreme, when everything they thinking wasn't even happening.

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