Ohayou Toka Oyasumi Toka - Vol. 5 Ch. 27 - Letting My Father Know

Mar 23, 2020
the parents should've never had kids and i don't like when they pop in whenever they feel like it but I'm glad the girls won't have to go through the pain of growing up really knowing their parents effectively abandoned them. also as much as I hate seeing the parents, the girls really hold their familial ties close so I guess I'm glad they aren't forced to let go of them
Nov 11, 2019
No fuck this.

The problem is there's no understanding.
He drops in whenever he pleases and everyone else is supposed to be happy that he's here.

This works while they are kids.

But this lack of reliability will rankle over time.

There's no proper support, no proper thing done that parents normally do.

Dropping in and having fun is not what parents do - that's what the fun uncle or aunt does.

You or anyone will never convince me that this is a healthy relationship - no matter how much the kids are happy because their father looked their way once.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Honestly, I’m pretty okay with the dad. He’s not the best adult or frankly a good parent, but he knows that and owns up to it. Unlike say the Mother who who’s a terrible parent and tries to make everyone’s life worse by playing the “adult card” and pretending she can just show up and solve everything. Then there’s Wahei’s mom who just left and abandoned them (knowing the father is constantly absent). Personally, I’ll against the idea that just because you “have” children means you need to drop everything and force yourself to take care of and raise them 24/7. Like anything else when you force yourself into a position you just aren’t suited for you’ll make everyone involved unhappy and do a terrible. For some parents the best thing they can do is leave it to someone else. The father is hands down just the worst at being a father and a dad, but him forcing himself to be something he’s not would only make things worse. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love or isn’t concerned over his children (as he comes running at the first notice of danger). He still wants “a” connection with his children, but realizes he can’t (and honestly he shouldn’t) be the primary adult in their lives. He’s good at being the uncle and I wouldn’t say that’s all that bad.

That said, this is largely only because the circumstances themselves are very favorable. Wahei is a successful adult himself who is doing well enough financially to care for his three sisters without sacrificing too much himself, and he wants to, and he’s a responsible adaptable adult, and he has the time to be a part of their lives and assist in their development. Plus it really helps that the older sister pulls a lot of the weight herself and the twins aren’t too much of a handful. Something like Wahei’s childhood would be a much worse case. Admittedly, I would also say that people who are nor prepared to be, able to be, or would be even okay at being a parent just don’t need to have children. This is also why two parent housholds are necessary (worse case scenario there’s at least someone to raise their kids). I would even say consider abortion or adoption right after birth if all you’re going to cause your kids is pain.

That’s just my two cents. The dad isn’t a good father, but I don’t think that’s the end of the world. I would hate him if he randomly showed up and took everything over or tried to uproot their lives, but he does have enough self awareness to realize who the primary adult is in their lives and what his role is at this point. That alone makes him better than both mother’s (which to be fair isn’t a huge hurdle in this manga).
Jan 21, 2020
No joke to confess that when you reach a certain age, you don't have any more energy to be immature.

Or maybe, you still have that but too lazy to use it up so you keep those grudges into yourself
Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
I could be down with the dad if he actually seemed to care that he majorly fucked up with Wahei. Instead he just blows it all off and still does basically the same thing with his daughters. I don't want him dead or cut out of the story but the dude hasn't even tried being redeemable and you gotta keep people like that at arm's length because they clearly don't care about others.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
Don’t care for the dad much if you don’t want to raise your children don’t have any
He would constantly leave and made his first wife leave and then wouldn’t put in the effort to raise his son he raised himself
Then you have whole new family abandoned them asl well and push them off to your son oh ya also fail to tell him anything
Then you try an act like a parent when it convenient for you and then leave them right away cause you don’t want to stay long
I would of punched the dad the moment he would ever show his face

Ps I actually did this to my own dad
Oct 25, 2019
Oh whew, I’m glad I’m not the only one who want to punch the soul out of the dad. He didn’t even seemed sorry for abandoning his children and he only comes in when it’s convenient for him. NOT only that, but he also will make Wahei feel guilty by saying “oh I was such a bad dad” “ oh, he used to hate me” “oh, I’m doing my best now” HE MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL
Jul 10, 2020
Ngl, it's pretty annoying how the mother is made out to be a demon for abandoning her children, but the father is just some silly old man. They've both been shitty parents, but at least the mother realized it and tried to take responsibility.
Sep 14, 2019
i hate how normalized this type of father is, he's abandoning his children and its played like it can't be helped

I'm glad those kids at least got their brother to provide a more stable home and a family
Dec 31, 2019
Shitty "redemption" arc for the dad, but Wahei has made some sort of peace within himself, so at least it'll be less of a mental block moving forward.
Aug 26, 2020
Honestly I sympathized with the mom a lot more than the dad. At least she seemed to show remorse for her actions. The Dad just casually neglects his kids, inserts himself back into their lives whenever he feels like it, and then leaves just abruptly as he came. The mom rightfully got called out for being selfish, but the dad is just as bad, if not worse.

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