“Okaeri, Papa” - Ch. 19 - Discord

Dex-chan lover
Feb 15, 2024
Could be a great turn of events if MC becomes evil and cunning at some point, with all the shit that happens to him 😳

I love reading unpredictable things.

Thanks for the translation ❤️
Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2019

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023
Bro deserves peace and happiness but these damn bitches 😔
if this goes like the other Manga(Kawaii Kanojo-chan), MC has lost (before he knows his Wife) and the best ending is Oyakodon (Assuming that he don't cheat) or his death
Dex-chan lover
Mar 10, 2019
I can't stress this enough: He knew there was a problem with giving the baby away from the start. She outright told him she doesn't trust the creepy daughter. She asked for the baby, and he hesitated, already knowing the issue, and then said "Naw, it'll be fine". It blows up in his face instantly, and instead of apologizing, he does this. He isn't just taking their side on the matter, but refusing to take responsibility for his role in it all. Sis just happens to focus her rage on the creepy stranger, because that's the more obvious issue, and she's not family.
And we were given a reason why the MC doesn't outright believe his sister and mother, all his life he's been sacrificing things for them and has not only received any gratitude but the opposite.

If you didn't have the prior information of the wife and daughter having ulterior motives, would you think it was okay of his sister to blow up at him for what happened? The only thing that happened was that the daughter got lost with the sister's son. He wasn't hurt, she didn't leave hin alone, she didn't do anything harmful to the son.

Sure, you can be worried, but it doesn't justify the sister to yell at the MC.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 29, 2023
OK this is the story. The MC have some thing of complex over his family, he is not dense but an irresponsible and bleantly ignores the red flags of his step-daughter. BUT i think that the yanderes have choice him also for this.
The rest is also the family fault, sister and mother have alwais to object over his choise, whithout even give him credits over his work for them. The family relationship is not the best, the MC have conplex and somewhat a simpleton, mix this and you get a perfect targhet for yandere incest lovers.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 11, 2023
The flashback where they are criticising him for dating a single mother at his age is harsh as hell. Not sure it's the same in Japan but, here in the West, the reality of dating post-thirty is dating single parents.

If he was a Japanese Chad or Tyrone then maybe a younger woman would be an option. But average salaryman-san? Yeah, not likely. Not unless there was a massive red flag or two.... like... in this manga, case and point.

Also, thanks for the translation.
Apr 10, 2023
And we were given a reason why the MC doesn't outright believe his sister and mother, all his life he's been sacrificing things for them and has not only received any gratitude but the opposite.
What he got it yet more sound advice. He's crying because they're giving him good advice.
If you didn't have the prior information of the wife and daughter having ulterior motives, would you think it was okay of his sister to blow up at him for what happened?
Yes, obviously. You may have forgotten this because of the slow release schedule, but everyone thinks they're sketchy! MC thinks the daughter's creepy, the sister thinks the daughter's creepy... she's been creepy on that very trip , and mom's getting the heebie jeebies from other mom. Sister's been wrestling her baby away from daughter this whole time, and then, just before the outing, outright told him she doesn't trust them.

MC, just before giving the baby to the already-established-as-supremely-creepy-this-very-chapter-and-already-disliked-by-baby-mama daughter, hesitated, because he knew it was a bad idea in the first place. She should have slapped the shit out of him, and that bitch daughter. Holy shit, brother. Imagine giving someone's child away to a second child, then letting them vanish to god knows fucking where. And imagine being said child, and up and getting lost when you're holding someone's infant.

There aren't a lot of reasons to smack people, but "YOU LOST MY FUCKING BABY" is definitely one of them.

If he was a Japanese Chad or Tyrone then maybe a younger woman would be an option. But average salaryman-san? Yeah, not likely. Not unless there was a massive red flag or two.... like... in this manga, case and point.
There's in a term in Japan called "Christmas Cake". It describes women who are older than 25 because they're too old to be desirable (Like Christmas Cake after the 25th). He went with the single mom because he didn't want kids. If he were serious about a relationship, he'd be shooting for women anywhere from 16 to 25.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 5, 2018
Ah, he's spiraling. He's also taking concern and turning it into personal criticism. His mom and sister in that flashback aren't attacking his choice, just offhandedly going "man, she seems kinda crazy," which we know to be true. We also know that they're going "man, she seems kinda crazy" and not attacking him because we've seen things from their perspective multiple times. His sister, last chapter, knows she fucked up and said something she didn't mean in a moment of intense stress(we still don't know what the call she got was about), and we've been given hints that this was a plan by the mom/daughter to drive him away from his family, mostly the knowing glance thing they do all the time.

Remember, his family doesn't disapprove of his choices. They're worried for him. They know that he's a compassionate and responsible man, and they're worried that someone might take advantage of that. His sister also feels like something is deeply wrong. She's not incorrect in her feelings, either, we also feel like something is deeply wrong.

I think we're seeing the stage at which we will finally see the plan revealed. I also think we've got a good idea of what the plan is, have him get his stepdaughter pregnant. Why the mom wants it, we don't know. But the indications are all there for sure.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
Mom and sister put the finishing touches on Miyako and Touko's plan and ensnare him deeper in there clutches
Ladies and gentleman, they got him~ :aquadrink:
Dex-chan lover
Nov 15, 2019
Ah, he's spiraling. He's also taking concern and turning it into personal criticism. His mom and sister in that flashback aren't attacking his choice, just offhandedly going "man, she seems kinda crazy," which we know to be true. We also know that they're going "man, she seems kinda crazy" and not attacking him because we've seen things from their perspective multiple times. His sister, last chapter, knows she fucked up and said something she didn't mean in a moment of intense stress(we still don't know what the call she got was about), and we've been given hints that this was a plan by the mom/daughter to drive him away from his family, mostly the knowing glance thing they do all the time.

Remember, his family doesn't disapprove of his choices. They're worried for him. They know that he's a compassionate and responsible man, and they're worried that someone might take advantage of that. His sister also feels like something is deeply wrong. She's not incorrect in her feelings, either, we also feel like something is deeply wrong.

I think we're seeing the stage at which we will finally see the plan revealed. I also think we've got a good idea of what the plan is, have him get his stepdaughter pregnant. Why the mom wants it, we don't know. But the indications are all there for sure.
They absolutely disapprove of his choices, and this is even before they met them.

Keep in mind this is Japan. A single mother that can no longer produce offspring? She might as well be blind, deaf, crippled, and crazy, as far as some people would be concerned.

Remember, we’re using an omnipresent reader viewpoint. We may see it as concern (and for the most part it is), but there’s definitely an aspect of derision.

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