Yay, we're getting to one of the scenes I really like in ORV

I definitely prefer fable >> narrative. It feels more gimmicky, like an item you could obtain in a game, and honestly, that's pretty much what the scenarios are. Not quite sure what the actual korean word is, but what would be wrong with "story"? Tbh I liked that one more than fable. But either way, as long as the terms are consistent, anything is fine!
@henlohenlo Thanks a lot for translating once again <33 And idk if you'll see this comment or if you even care but there's a typo in one of the last pages (where Dokja is thinking something along the lines of "what Joonghyuk DID'T know")
edit: read some other comments.
1) agreed with keeping narrative grade constellation later over fable grade constellation etc. as long as there's no mixing of same terms for completely different matters, whatever you choose should work just well!
2) Am liking "tale" a lot as well. For me it'd be tale>story>>fable>>>>>narrative