Wrong. Saitama does not identify monsters by looks anymore. Remember how he handled the scariest looking monster to this point: Orochi. He was just asking him to keep it down as a good neighbor, and was not planning on fighting him until Orochi attacked him first.
Even when he fought Garou. At the beginning of the fight, he did not know it was Garou. He was just asking him to keep it quiete at night even after he destroyed several S-Class heroes in front of him. Only when he told him he is Garou the Hero Hunter he was intrigued and wanted to experience fighting him.
When Flashy Flash attacked him, he refrained from attacking him before confirming if he is truly a monster.
All beings seem to look the same to him now. He does not even remember the monsters he defeated because they are all the same.
So no, Saitma will not punch someone just because he looks like a monster -whatever the definition of a monster-look is.