And you CAN make your dick fatter, just masturbate with an iron grip for few yearsThis series is something extra.
Also, girls dig fat dicks also. It ain't only about the length.
You'd think he'd know better by now; but the plot dictates he forget that Chienko lacks both common sense nor awareness of how embarrassing he finds this whole situation.This mad lad actually gave Chienko the supplements to eat during class. Maybe he didn't know she'd just eat them for all to see. But regardless that was hilarious. Again, it continues to write itself without fail.
Thanks for the translation.
did it. dick fell off and became a girl instead.And you CAN make your dick fatter, just masturbate with an iron grip for few years
Instructions unclear, nothing really changedAnd you CAN make your dick fatter, just masturbate with an iron grip for few years