Ore no Kurasu ni Wakagaetta Moto Yome ga Iru

Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2023
Better than expected.
As someone who almost had to go through a divorce 20 years ago (and fortunately, we managed to overcome our differences at that time), I totally understand that a marriage can derail for stupid reasons, because the couple has entered a toxic way of functioning together without really wanting it. This part is rather well written in this story and the fact that they still love each other but have to rediscover it and pass the bad memories totally makes sense to me.
Though you have to agree, you were near it but had reconciled, maybe even didn't involve lawyers. They on the other hand divorced and official divorces are usually quite messy, especially if one of the partners worked more.

As for their situation it's too vague, he is working long hours especially in Japan it isn't news. If their conflict started simply because of his long hours, i presume they already had conversation about this issue. Also by the looks of it despite him busting his ass she accused him of cheating without any base (in real world it can actually mean the opposite the accuser is cheating, especially if you didn't cheat nor given any suspicions).

Next point, many marriages are going through divorce exactly because of financial reasons (young people who don't have children and are not established OR established families when one of the partner can get a jackpot by divorcing). Young couples divorce usually due to women finding more perspective partners and our century add-on better perspectives(job), as for old couples it's once again usually women who fell out of love, grew tired and see NET benefit by taking 50% and living free. (Based on stats that majority of divorces are initiated by women and majority of reasons are financial, i excluded
irreconcilable differences due to them being just an umbrella term for real causes : finances and cheating).

Irrationality is indeed seen in their conflicts but there is also some sound logic, if you bust deadly hours at work and come back home only to get chewed and drilled, you would also quickly fall out of love and want a divorce. Btw completely not gendered accusation, if the roles would be divorced i would have the same concerns.

For example real life situations both work until 5, get back, he plays games and does his stuff while "mommy" cooks and cleans, if a wife/gf would be pissed with this i understand even if he has hard manual labor job(sadly we cannot count how much someone loses real energy), if after some talking common ground cannot be found, divorce is only option .
Other situation from real life experience, husband works 50-60 hours a week, wife does a part time 20h at best, she demands his participation in cooking, cleaning and laundry. Conventional male jobs are on him of course.

My point is mangaka once again hides the full story (probably) why they divorced. If it's really, because of his work, i blame FMC if there were some tangible offenses from him situation might change. The problem as usual, mangaka has a stupid idea, he creates it but doesn't close all the loose ends and during the course of new volumes does some first aid to the story until it collapses under it's illogical, demining and ridden with plot holes balloon. Just speaking from experience that when i busted my ass 50-60 hours doing physical job with toxic elements to boot, if someone would bark at me after that job, i would snap quite fast.

P.S. Happy for you that you kept your marriage, wish you the next decades of happy marriage.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 19, 2018
Rated assuming it'll follow through with the novel's path.
A really good short story.
I feel that the author went with 'end things while its ahead' cuz after the story concluded, he didnt event make an after story, or bonus chapter.
Active member
Feb 5, 2023
Imagined they had a kid, oh they would be heartbroken because their child would never be born if they didn't love each other again
Jan 10, 2025
i've dropped the novel real quick because the translation is god awful and the author was feeding us so many unnecessary details. also it seemed like the whole "acting like you've not been reborn in front of your ex" act is gonna be a extremely long. happy to say though that the manga is extremely funny and entertaining.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 3, 2024
Huh wth it's been a long a time that I completely forgot the story 😭
The full chapter takes a while to come out.
Chapter 8 first part came out in mid january, part 2 came out yesterday.
第8話(後編) 2025/02/06 第8話(後編)
So if the translator work quickly it would still take some days....last chapter was translated 1 month and some days after the chap 7 part 2 had come out.
Feb 10, 2025
I like this manga. i just hope they slow down a little on the content. but i will put it in spoilers below

I went to check out the Web Novel and still looking for the light novel.
if the manga follow the story of the WN, then there isn't much left to go with. the manga is already at chap 22 out of 26 of the web novel. and the webnovel ends at chapter 26.
Hopefully the Light Novel will expand a bit more on the story and the manga slow down on the contents.
Oct 27, 2023
My point is mangaka once again hides the full story (probably) why they divorced. If it's really, because of his work, i blame FMC if there were some tangible offenses from him situation might change. The problem as usual, mangaka has a stupid idea, he creates it but doesn't close all the loose ends and during the course of new volumes does some first aid to the story until it collapses under it's illogical, demining and ridden with plot holes balloon. Just speaking from experience that when i busted my ass 50-60 hours doing physical job with toxic elements to boot, if someone would bark at me after that job, i would snap quite fast.

P.S. Happy for you that you kept your marriage, wish you the next decades of happy marriage.

the reason author giving already enough to make a divorce....

MC always come home late because overworking ---> FMC is extreme shy b4 the time slipped --> FMC didn't know/wanted to understand the "overworking part" ---> MC never replied FMC message at work --> MC never said anything except getting angry or brushing off FMC ---> lead to thinking MC cheating, then the final piece both are stubborn as hell no one giving a chance to other or back down let other talk.... well i've been seeing alot of divorce or a fight bcus of this

also u miss the important point, the FMC's family is friking rich, so i don't think the finance thing is her worry, she just wanted attention and family time with her husband, but MC never give it to her
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2023
the reason author giving already enough to make a divorce....

MC always come home late because overworking ---> FMC is extreme shy b4 the time slipped --> FMC didn't know/wanted to understand the "overworking part" ---> MC never replied FMC message at work --> MC never said anything except getting angry or brushing off FMC ---> lead to thinking MC cheating, then the final piece both are stubborn as hell no one giving a chance to other or back down let other talk.... well i've been seeing alot of divorce or a fight bcus of this

also u miss the important point, the FMC's family is friking rich, so i don't think the finance thing is her worry, she just wanted attention and family time with her husband, but MC never give it to her
Been some time for me so sorry i might forget some moments.

  • IF i remember correctly HE CLEARLY stated at first that he is working and tired (overworked). After some time she still continued to drill him and demand more, then he stopped responding and only got angry.
  • She had no reason to think he was cheating.(NO reason at all, like i stated when there is no reason, usually it's the one who accuses who cheats)
  • He clearly stated that they had some talks at the start. (I get this statement, i talked with my partner once and my partner would return to the same problem as if forgetting or brushing the last conversation i would also stop communicating THOUGH to be honest i would file for divorce rather than endure this.
  • I don't remember about her family being rich but YOUR PARENTS MONEY ISN'T YOUR MONEY. She might have siblings if not then in either case her parents income doesn't go to their family income. Usually they will receive money as inheritance and in most cases he doesn't have any claim to this money.
  • Pure speculation, if she doesn't understand the overwork culture that means that she is a housewife, if she is bitching about him no giving her attention or demands more things to do on the house, she is out of line. Taking care of apartment isn't hard any single person can understand this, it's a pain in the butt if you work 50-60h per week but it's not hard, irritating at best.
Active member
Sep 5, 2024
these adult can't mature at all
just divorce and get someone else ffs,none of chars are likeable
Oct 27, 2023
Been some time for me so sorry i might forget some moments.

  • IF i remember correctly HE CLEARLY stated at first that he is working and tired (overworked). After some time she still continued to drill him and demand more, then he stopped responding and only got angry.
  • She had no reason to think he was cheating.(NO reason at all, like i stated when there is no reason, usually it's the one who accuses who cheats)
  • He clearly stated that they had some talks at the start. (I get this statement, i talked with my partner once and my partner would return to the same problem as if forgetting or brushing the last conversation i would also stop communicating THOUGH to be honest i would file for divorce rather than endure this.
  • I don't remember about her family being rich but YOUR PARENTS MONEY ISN'T YOUR MONEY. She might have siblings if not then in either case her parents income doesn't go to their family income. Usually they will receive money as inheritance and in most cases he doesn't have any claim to this money.
  • Pure speculation, if she doesn't understand the overwork culture that means that she is a housewife, if she is bitching about him no giving her attention or demands more things to do on the house, she is out of line. Taking care of apartment isn't hard any single person can understand this, it's a pain in the butt if you work 50-60h per week but it's not hard, irritating at best.
umm you know, you talk like someone that never have a relationship...

that's just how women are, missed their call, late to reply of 5 minutes even u are in important meeting/work, doesn't respond gently while they talk madly, doesn't celebrate together important day of her/us, coming home late after overtime.... seriously the more i listed the more bad memory coming up so i stop here

do u never in this situation at dating time or if u are already married at newlywed ??
Dex-chan lover
Jul 15, 2023
umm you know, you talk like someone that never have a relationship...

that's just how women are, missed their call, late to reply of 5 minutes even u are in important meeting/work, doesn't respond gently while they talk madly, doesn't celebrate together important day of her/us, coming home late after overtime.... seriously the more i listed the more bad memory coming up so i stop here

do u never in this situation at dating time or if u are already married at newlywed ??
It's how "girls" do things. Women on the other hand have "common sense" (not all of course).
I'm over 30 here, i just don't deal with kindergarten bullshit anymore, it's called having boundaries.

What you described me now is my dating life before 25y old mark. After 25y i started to be selective, i had years without any relationship with women just because i started respecting myself more.
For example the waiting game when she expects me to reply in a short amount of time but she herself can wait for hours until she replies but get's pissed when i don't reply for quite some time. I would rather have no relationship than to go back to toxicity of this level ever gain.
If my partner doesn't understand overtime and overworking concepts i communicate with her. I provide solutions for example working less but expecting to cutting our expenses and urging her to make more money :ROFLMAO:. (Though i prefer not to take overtime, somehow after working crazy hours i understood that it's not worth it)

The ideal mixture is to find a sober minded partner. I don't care about "important" days but if she truly regards them as important i'm willing to compromise. If she drills me with annoying talks and i feel irritated and I respond angrily or coldy i don't shy away to apologize WHEN i overstepped my bounds. But prior to responding coldy or angrily I usually warn her that i'm not in the mood today. Basically i expect some form of emotional maturity from a person.

that's just how women are
Is a cheap excuse for shitty women. Like some men cheat and say that's how men are, no we fucking aren't. We have more sexual desire maybe but we are the decision makers in the end, we choose to do bad or good and these actions are controllable, you simply choose to do bad actions (lack of discipline).
Feb 16, 2025
Manga yang sangat bagus, gw rekomen buat orang2 yang suka genre romance yang bener2 romance, buat yg suka manis2an ini cocok banget si, gk berat dari segi cerita, dramanya yang gk terlalu lebay, gw berharap ni manga konsisten ceritanya kaya gini sih, bener2 bisa dinikmati buat yang mau romance manis2, jangan sampe ada drama2 aneh yang gk perlu aja si, fokus ke mereka udah lucu banget, fs nya juga pas.
Rating personal gw : 7,8 (gw berekspektasi tinggi sama manga ini)
1> = karya terSAMPAH
1 = karya sampah
2 = karya gagal
3 = karya pasaran (jelek)
4 = karya pasaran (biasa)
5 = karya pasaran (lebih baik)
6 = karya pasaran (baik)
7 = karya hebat
8 = karya sangat hebat
9 = mahakarya/masterpiece
10 = mahakarya sempurna

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