I want to ask the author that are all the nobles supposed to be angels with white wings ?
No, they don't, nobles are more likely the one is supposed to take responsibility. They need to act harsh or even kill someone when it is needed, if you look at history you will most likely see that the nobles, kings, princes and padishahs are the ones who killed even their family. The monarchy only lets strong and clever ones alive, other are most likely turns to puppets or got killed by someone, so why is Harold's killing someone is supposed to be a problem I don't think that if nobles turned into that mindset and live long, and Harold do not even need to get permission from someone ( other than their family or the ones who has the higher position ). Royalty can not punnish a noble because they hurted a commoner, and stokes family can easily cover up the sitiuation if things got esclated. I do not understand why is '' Harold needed to be pure ''. İF MOMENT NEEDS, NOBLE KİLLS