@Lolipop_Candy Thanks. I was autistically trying to calculate the trapezoid area without the formula[square(6*4) + triangle(2*4/2)] but the white triangle is also 2*4/2 and it messed my mind.
At first I was like, wtf, it's 28 square cm (32 square cm for the whole rectangle minus 4 square cm for the imaginary triangle you added to get the rectangle) but then I realized you had to remove the white triangle lmao
@gcodori Ever heard of the old show Quantum Leap? That's what I think is happening here...only it's her own body and not others like with Sam. Speaking of that old show...Sam's old catchphrase would work perfectly here when the lolicon hi-jinks start: "...oh, boy."
@greatninja3 I think the same. If anything, it seems more like to me that Chise is likely to cause that to develop in him by constantly exposing him to erotic situations with young girls, including herself. Which makes me wonder why she didn't leap into an older highschool version of herself if she wanted to seduce him...after all, he got a highschool girl pregnant in her timeline...not a little girl.