Orenchi ni Kita Onna Kishi to Inakagurashi Surukotoninatta Ken - Vol. 4 Ch. 27 - Young hero

Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@definitionofinsanity They have magic in that world though? Why can't they track her with magic? What says they can detect traces of magically erased tracks?

I forgot it was orcs. Point for you.

There is no evidence she isn't a deserter. There is NO evidence at all. She just disappeared. In military matters, assume the worst. One soldier, no matter if she's a noble, does not outweigh the risk of treason.

@Qelix Then it was worded poorly. That is not 'alternative', it's 'counter-arguments'.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 13, 2018
Desertion? Well i don't know a thing about military order but i did hear than in WW2 was pretty common to asume that a unit deserted when it went M.I.A. If it rejoin with other units or went back to HQ, they're interrogated about it.

It still sounds kinda random tho.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
They have magic in that world though? Why can't they track her with magic? What says they can detect traces of magically erased tracks?

...And? They have magic in the world of Game of Thrones, too, but there's only a very, very, very, very, very few select people that can use it and it's often only in specific circumstances or ways. What have we seen Chris do with magic? Body strengthening. Comprehend languages. Fireballs. That kinda stuff. Where in any of that does that mean that they can magically track people? If ANYTHING, there's evidence that they can't. Otherwise attempting to track her would be like a magical 404, would it not? She she's not even on the same planet at them anymore. Then again, that's an assumption that their magical system is intelligent enough to adapt to your whims and investigation and point to things like a body or remains of her if you try to scry or divine her whereabouts. Still, the fact that we have seen her brother(?) looking for her on HORSEBACK and not with a mage or something tells me it's more likely than not that magic is not a big red "Easy" button in this universe.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
It's pretty hard to say what exactly happened. In the second chapter we see her running from enemies, alone. If her job was a messenger, it would make 100% sense to run, not to fight, because her mission would be to deliver a message, not to eliminate every single enemy between the messaging points. Unless all the messengers formed a single group and weren't sent separately, nobody should know her fate. If they were a single unit and the rest witnessed her running on her own, then all this would make some sense, provided those four others made it to the capital just fine. They would have told the brass they saw Chris fleeing from a fight and never come back.

After the hospital arc, I don't trust the author too much.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@definitionofinsanity It's a fair assumption that they can track her if they have magic, we don't know the rules of their world after all. For all we know, they might age backwards!

Chris was trained as a soldier/noble, not a tracker/hunter. Makes sense she might not be able.

You don't seem to know how evidence works. Lack of evidence for something is not the same as evidence for the opposite.

I never said they could omnipotently track someone across their entire world. I meant they might use magic to trace scent or the like, from her last known location.

Her brother is shown to be a hothead. Regardless how strong he is, he recklessly charges into hordes of enemies. Makes sense he might not even think of magic, if tracking magic is not common.

Either way, I'm not saying they absolutely can track her, magic or otherwise. But you can't say they can't, either. We have no evidence.

Like I said, assume the worst. If she did desert, they're ready. If she was captured by the enemy, it won't matter. Either they find her and learn the truth, or they don't and no harm done. If she reports back on her own, she wasn't a deserter in the first place.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
Talking about realism, that brother of hers hold back 5000 enemies even though they already managed to put a hole into the wall? I know one person might make a difference, but this is.....a mary sue.

To be fair, Chris knows/does Body Strengthening magic that apparently impressed/scared the hell out of the Japanese government and she doesn't seem to have much of a reputation as a great warrior. While it's still pretty silly for ONE man to do anything about 5,000 enemies that seem to have overwhelmed a defended and garrisoned fort, I'm just going for the comedy route as my own head canon and assuming he's just that good at body strengthening and he's that much of a massive siscon (I mean, the guy was desperately on horseback searching for her) that it gives him isekai protagonist cheat level abilities.

Realistically, Shadiversity has done some really good videos on superhuman fighting strength/abilities and how useful they could be and the not-commonly-considered problems with them. But, yeah, no matter how awesome the dude is, him being able to go 1v5000 is pretty silly. I just hope the reinforcements were the real reason that they won and it was just understated.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
@cor3zone: "Like I said, assume the worst. If she did desert, they're ready. If she was captured by the enemy, it won't matter. Either they find her and learn the truth, or they don't and no harm done. If she reports back on her own, she wasn't a deserter in the first place."

The problem with that is, that dead don't talk and her being a noble daughter and everything will shame her whole family, as far as we know our everyday fantasy settings. There is harm done without any evidence, which is so obvious, that not only us as the readers, but also those characters in the story should have "noticed" that. (Of course they can't notice anything, as they are fictional, but they have to be written in a such a vivid way, they must look like they are capable of it.)
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
"Where did you read that she got into enemy territory"
"She was escaping from orcs"

...The fact that you think that doesn't torpedo your own argument is... fucking fascinating.
"She wasn't in enemy territory. She just ran into the enemy forces." Do you even listen to the shit you're spouting? The very fact that she encountered the enemy establishes the fact that it's enemy territory. I'm guessing you just ran off the assumption that in a battle the two enemy forces face off at each other like it's a chess board and there's nothing like auxiliaries, scouts or cavalry or probing units that go off elsewhere. Like "it's okay, she was running to the area behind the fort so that's not enemy territory". Try telling the enemy that. I'm guessing you're also running off the assumption, incorrectly, that enemy territory means the enemy has occupied it, killed all your forces and literally planted their fucking flag around the entire area.

I give the fuck up.

wow such a fucking retard yeah please give up even give up your life, you aren't fit to it.
She is in a fantasy world, where there are monsters (explained when she was in medical isolation) so if you can't differentiate between monsters and savages then I can't help you with your lack of intelligence.
She is leaving from a fort probably in a border, the kingdom is beyond them which explains why they are doing a last stand (the savages are breaching said fort) she is leaving to deliver a message to the capital, do you understand how a border and a capital works?, you saying what I assume to be enemy territory when with your arguments you demonstrate that you don't even understand how a frontline fort works or how retreating from the frontline is done, probably you are thinking that they send 5 messengers to breach the enemy impasse. you aren't considering monsters, bandits, etc...

yeah you are right give up, you don't have any idea about what you are talking, give up on showing your foolishness, I don't have the time to humor you, so unless you can point me to some chapter, page, frame, about how she is behind enemy line, which would support her not being declared a deserter then don't mention me, because you are not up to it to have an argument with me.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@Qelix She's female though. Traditionally, they are thought less of. And in the first place, unless the family is already disgraced or Chris is the black sheep, they wouldn't declare her a deserter. Just missing.
Dec 21, 2018
I am a bit surprised that no one else has said this, but perhaps the reason why Chris has been declared a deserter is not because the military leadership thinks she deserted, but for purely political reasons. She is the little sister to the kingdoms hero/God of War, who is probably the most powerful person in the kingdom. Her family is a Count, in most mangas they are typically in the middle of feudal noble hierarchy, though it's possible that a Count is higher up on the chain.

So chances are that other noble families view Bart as a threat to their power and influence. So how do you keep someone like him in check? Go after his family and use every little thing to hurt his family's reputation.

In these feudal societies, it's your family's reputation that matters most. Even if you are a war hero, if your family has a coward who fled a battle, your enemies will always try to downplay your heroics and up play that one time your family member deserted their post and ran away.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
wow such a fucking retard yeah please give up even give up your life, you aren't fit to it.

Stay triggered.

She is in a fantasy world, where there are monsters (explained when she was in medical isolation) so if you can't differentiate between monsters and savages then I can't help you with your lack of intelligence.

1.) What the hell is even the relevance of this? It has nothing to do with anything that was said. And I neither put emphasis nor give a shit on the distinction between "monster" and "savage." You do. For relevant reason.
2.) Chris herself calls them savages while in the VERY SAME FUCKING PANEL it shows the same kind of orcs that attacked her when she jumped off the cliff. See it right here:

Meaning that this is cavalcade of hubris and irony since you accused me/others of "not paying attention/reading" when you've done it multiple fucking times and I just proved you were wrong about facts in the manga itself right now. And insulted my intelligence while doing so... after you made a non-argument over a point literally no one raised in some pathetic attempt to make yourself look good which only showcased your own ignorance. Do smart people start shit over nothing that only succeeds in hurting them even more so where you're from? It doesn't sound intelligent to me, but I lack the big boy galaxy brain you do, so what could I know?

She is leaving from a fort probably in a border

1.) Conjecture/assumption.
2.) Irrelevant argument and point.

the kingdom is beyond them which explains why they are doing a last stand (the savages are breaching said fort) she is leaving to deliver a message to the capital, do you understand how a border and a capital works?, you saying what I assume to be enemy territory when with your arguments you demonstrate that you don't even understand how a frontline fort works or how retreating from the frontline is done

I might not know much, but I know that it's called "laying siege."
And I do know that one of the most popular tactics of siege warfare is to SURROUND a fort or castle in order to cut off people fleeing in or out, prevent supplies from getting in, and to stop reinforcements from getting to the defenders or to stop them from sallying forth or retreating from the fort/castle.

But, nah, bro. You showed me. They got them border frontline fort shit things and they got borders and capitals 'n sheeeit. Frontline enemies and enemy frontlines and border lines and all that shit. Yeah. Man, I learned a lot from you.

probably you are thinking that they send 5 messengers to breach the enemy impasse.

God damn you love the word "breach," don't you? Also I have no idea what the fuck you're trying to convey in any human language about thinking about 5 messengers and breaching the enemy's breaches or whatever you were trying to go with. I doubt it would've been anything poignant or relevant anyways.

you aren't considering monsters, bandits, etc...

He's definitely gonna backpedal like a motherfucker when he realizes his "y-y-yeah, well, they was orcs and not SAVAGES so they wasn't the enemiesesy! so ha!" argument is completely dead in the water.

yeah you are right give up, you don't have any idea about what you are talking, give up on showing your foolishness, I don't have the time to humor you, so unless you can point me to some chapter, page, frame, about how she is behind enemy line, which would support her not being declared a deserter then don't mention me, because you are not up to it to have an argument with me.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@definitionofinsanity you say it only makes sense if she had something suspicious, like a load of money, but what about the rare "get out of shit free card" that is the teleport scroll, the one that accidentally sent her to Japan. Say one of the surviving messengers saw her break away from the path to the capital, and people know she has a valuable magic scroll on her, how is it likely to be spun? Did she use the scroll to save herself, rather than report to the capital, did she flee to another country, and sell the scroll, or is she just missing?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@definitionofinsanity First, you sound like a jackass. Tone it down.
Second, you're accusing them of the same thing you did a few posts ago.

1.) Conjecture/assumption.

You mentioned there was no evidence of tracking magic, so it doesn't exist.

2.) Irrelevant argument and point.

They have magic in the world of Game of Thrones, too, but there's only a very, very, very, very, very few select people that can use it and it's often only in specific circumstances or ways.

Not relevant in the least.
Aggregator gang
Mar 25, 2019
i get why they would label her as a deserter but thats pretty fucked up if she died on the mission and was found later...
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
you say it only makes sense if she had something suspicious, like a load of money

No, I didn't say that. I said that her deserting would only makes sense if there were circumstances or damning actions done by her. Bringing along money would indicate a need for it and thus premeditation. Which would probably be useful if you were on the run with little to no supplies. The fact that she had no money, doesn't look like she prepared to do this at all, and hasn't been spotted or tracked one bit whatsoever in a month is problem. How can she desert and run away without supplies? Without money? Anyone seeing her is going to notice her and she's going to stick out like a sore thumb. And that's before wanted posters of her were put up. If she deserted, someone, somewhere, should've seen her by now. Even if it's in a neighboring country.

but what about the rare "get out of shit free card" that is the teleport scroll, the one that accidentally sent her to Japan.
First of all, no one knew about the teleportation scroll as far as we can tell except the Archmage that gave it to her. She does say it was "concealed" underneath her armor. So unless she had a habit of letting everyone else handle her armor (she would, at most, have a squire or something - if that) and they somehow for some random reason knew about teleportation magic... Well... I don't see it being likely. And this argument works entirely on the premise that others knew about it.

Secondly, she is literally incapable of utilizing said magic. Not like "forbidden" or "not allowed," but unable to (and if she was able to do it willingly she obviously would've returned right home after realizing it was probably the teleportation scroll, but she didn't do anything even when the scroll's lines started to fade' the fact that she has no idea how to use it outside of "jump off a cliff and unknowingly pour your mana into it" and knights aren't expected to be able to know or do it, a freakin' ARCHMAGE is the one that gave it to her and the fact that she hasn't returned home yet shows that even if they did know she had it, they should be damn curious how she successfully used it - and they DON'T know she has it). And she's puzzled and shocked over that it actually worked.

Hell, we don't even know why her Archmage friend had it and gave it to her. It could've been she was ordered to get it out of the fort so it didn't fall into enemy hands or something. We simply don't know. Not that it really matters.

Did she use the scroll to save herself, rather than report to the capital, did she flee to another country, and sell the scroll, or is she just missing?
Nope. Again, she was given this to her by an Archmage and it was kept hidden in her armor. And she lacks the ability to use such a magic and isn't quite sure how it worked outside it might have been due to her pouring magic into it unconsciously. And from her musings, it's almost like she's not expected to know how to or be able to utilize it as just a matter of fact. Although that's nearing speculation.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2018
First, you sound like a jackass. Tone it down.

>Get told to basically "go kill yourself retard" in the post I'm replying to which is what you're quoting right now (which isn't even yours)
>Claim I am being a jackass and to tone it down

1.) That post was not even addressed nor had anything to do with you.
2.) That's fucking rich.
3.) No.

Second, you're accusing them of the same thing you did a few posts ago.

I have no idea what you're referring to, especially since you're replying to a post that wasn't even in response to you or anything you said, and frankly I'm out of fucks to give.

You mentioned there was no evidence of tracking magic, so it doesn't exist.

Literally has not one god damn thing to do with what you're responding to here. And no, I did not say that.

Not relevant in the least.

False. You basically just went "THEY'VE GOT MAGIC!~" as if that's somehow a fucking argument. This explains concretely IT IS NOT.
You made the assumption that magic = big red easy does everything button and it means tracking magic because... reasons. Again, magic is not a fucking answer to everything, especially when you have absolutely zero reason to think that said magic exists.

Now in the future please try to respond to the correct god damn post that actually is in reference to you or what you said (that one was not) and not get them confused. Thank you for your time and thoroughly wasting mine.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 19, 2019
@definitionofinsanity Right, so other people being assholes, excuses you being an asshole. Gotta remember that. Wait, that should excuse me too, so you have no reason to be upset, right?

In your last post before I replied, in which you replied to kaminomikan, you accused them of:
1.) Conjecture/assumption.
2.) Irrelevant argument and point.
In a post before, in which you replied to me, you wrote:
...And? They have magic in the world of Game of Thrones, too, but there's only a very, very, very, very, very few select people that can use it and it's often only in specific circumstances or ways. What have we seen Chris do with magic? Body strengthening. Comprehend languages. Fireballs. That kinda stuff. Where in any of that does that mean that they can magically track people? If ANYTHING, there's evidence that they can't. Otherwise attempting to track her would be like a magical 404, would it not? She she's not even on the same planet at them anymore. Then again, that's an assumption that their magical system is intelligent enough to adapt to your whims and investigation and point to things like a body or remains of her if you try to scry or divine her whereabouts. Still, the fact that we have seen her brother(?) looking for her on HORSEBACK and not with a mage or something tells me it's more likely than not that magic is not a big red "Easy" button in this universe.
Mentioning how magic works in Game of Thrones, has no relevance on how magic works in this manga. They are not the same fictional world, so magic would no work similarly. Thus, it is irrelevant. You write about the magic we've seen Chris use, and claim that is evidence that tracking magic is impossible. Which is conjecture/assumption.

I did not claim
magic = big red easy does everything button and it means tracking magic because... reasons
I claimed that it was possible such tracking magic might exist. I have reason to think such magic exists, because it has not been proven to not exist. Thus there is also absolutely zero reason to think it doesn't exist. Note that everything I quoted came from your posts.

I did not get confused in the slightest. You made a public post on a public forum, which I responded to in a public post on a public forum. Get over yourself. If you didn't want other people getting involved in your discussion, you should have used a private message.

Now, I'm not sure what I expected from someone with such a user name. I'm done. Have fun trolling.

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