I expected another light, heartwarming isekai like Elf-san, but... Anyways, I like how the manga depicts reality, as most of other isekai don't even touch on this topic. But it's TOO realistic. I hope this one doesn't turn into a tragedy of sorts.
If you want sex, the isekai market is literally saturated with it. Why bother reading something that doesn't immediately cater to your tastes if there's so many to choose?
There is an equal number of titles dedicated to the MC getting slaves to do the dirty with. Christ there's one where it's literally about the MC going to different brothels. And that's without even getting into any titles from hentai mags. It's major problem with the genre since it's so focused on male wish fulfillment there's an unfortunate amount of hand-waving problematic elements to get insert characters laid because reasons.