for the first paragraph, yeah, my mistake I thought the context was more about the suicide theme than the assasination attemp.
Weird enough, I'm with you with most of your explanation, as even at the time I thought Aqua's intention made sense to me, specially since Akane's victory was only one, and even if Kamiki was thrown to jail, he coule get people to support him as even the movie shows he was also a víctim and he pretty much made a sect to kill famous people, so getting him dead was a risky but plausible choice.
On the other hand and as most of the comments, the author drove himself into a corner with the choices and consistency of their characters, so the suicide or him dying in the end was a bad move that even in the live action with the "fix" didn’t actually work out.
Aka initially failed miserably in establishing Kamiki as a real threat, which could only make sense if you fully accepted the convention of him being all-powerful as an evil god. In fact, he could write how the characters cooperate to deceive him, obtaining evidence, etc. It's one of the most interesting things when characters come up with a plan to get out of a seemingly impossible situation, right? Instead of committing toxically idealized suicide, which is presented as a solution to hopeless problems, lmao. So yes, such a dark edgy ending with Aqua's death did not fit this story at all, simply looking alien and having a much darker negative effect on people than it intended.
Because as a result, we get an extremely immature edgy suicide out of nowhere, which is unreasonably presented as the only possible solution to hopeless problems, not only traumatizing all the characters close to him, but also destroying many ideas of work on the meta level. Of course, Aka's attempts to somehow justify or romanticize it only make things worse, because in people's eyes he is crudely and clumsily romanticizing suicide and trying to justify bad writing with cheap sentimentality. It's just laughable that he seemed to unironically hope that people would find it all bittersweet and inspiring.
Considering this is a dark manga we're talking about, they could also very well kill Kamiki in the process of the investigation I mentioned above and the complex but interesting plan to catch Kamiki when he tries to actually kill one of them. That would be really interesting and would be in line with the development of the story and characters up to this point. Not to mention the fact that Aka wouldn't have to come up with a bunch of conventions and plot holes to justify why Aqua didn't come up with a complex and interesting plan or refused the help of his trusted friends.
All this is to say nothing of the fact that the story was effectively completed back in the 150th chapters when Aqua was able to defeat Kamiki without violence. Aka could have easily made this a reasonable ending, just by rewriting the final scenes a bit so it wasn't so saccharine. That's all. It's not ideal, yes, but it would solve a bunch of problems that subsequently caused so much negativity towards both Aka's writing in this manga and his entire career and personality as an author in general.