Im still confused about this they them shit. I didnt know till recently that there are males that doesnt want to be called he and girls she. I cant believe how the whole world became retarded since vegans started to act like stupid ppl. Idk tbh why ppl get mad at it. Like im talking with one girl on internet. And an average english speaker from a non english country,i said she likes and she git mad at me. Whats the fuss? Can anyone tell me?whats the reason like they like making a sentance about her or him eith them is retarded. Especially to someone from balkan where ppl are stupid but not on this lvl. I would understand a girl or a boy acting oposite gender so for example a girl likes being called he,cause she has a same hairstyle,same outfit,tries to look the same pronoun. BUT WHY THEY? better use we so we can joke to u we woos,yeah we woo,we woo