Jnovels.comWhere can I read the novel?
I don't recall at which volume because all of my epubs are corrupted but currently we're on volume 10 and it's only getting sweeter and sweeter.For anyone who read the LN. I have a question
At what volume in the novel they started dating? And where are we now currently. Do we have to wait until 2035
For anyone who read the LN. I have a question
At what volume in the novel they started dating? And where are we now currently. Do we have to wait until 2035
Although that's just a matter of having the blessings he himself unwittingly bestowed on Itsuki returned to him.Amane is definitely blessed to have Itsuki as a friend
Give her (and Chitose the Angel Whisperer) another two and a half months.AHHH IM 36 MINUTES LATE!