
Apr 1, 2020
Dunno, what's yours sheriff? I like pondering where authors whose works I enjoy are coming from creatively, you like bitching about stuff and policing. We all have our hobbies.

(Did it feel good to give yourself the title of "group leader" for nonexistent scanlation team? Are you that much starved for dopamine?)

moderation on this site is ridiculous.
Mar 16, 2019
I love this so much, I hope somebody from my country picks it up and I can actually own it as a series at home :D
Dec 17, 2019
Not all cultures are equal, especially the disgusting ones that make underage to adult arranged marriages seem "cute" or "heartwarming", get your act together Japan and the rest of the world that does this.
Mar 7, 2019
Of course this is a romanticisation of central asia and the middle east, but what's wrong with that? If historical fiction was gritty and overly-authentic they'd all be talking about their fucking diseases.
Apr 25, 2020
I like this series, and how it’s implied that they can’t all understand each other’s accent or language entirely, but they still make by in communication. It’s definitely a romanticization, but I’m open minded and I still like the characters. You can tell the mangaka and her team did a lot of research too.
Jun 25, 2018
@ihartkat i stopped reading this because they were absent for way too long, are they still not back? gosh gotta wait a few more years then
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
That depends in what you mean by "being back". Every now and then they show up again. But if you mean back together then yeah, they still are apart since volume 10.
Jun 27, 2018
@nonameanonymous82435 you're not even a bit trustworthy with that anti-white link you posted. None with a brain cares about anti-white propaganda like feminism.
And that article just reeks of Anti-Whitism. It's written as if there there is no way that two people can be good friends and physically close without sexual attraction involved, and it's filled to the brim with White Guilt-terminology like "sexism", "straight", "patriarchy", "heterosexual",etc.
Everyone hating on White men again, yadayada...

The whole story is written from the female point of view, which is why it has little focus on conflicts, politics, religion and so on, but more on the daily life around the house. We already have a lot of these stories in European literature, including e.g. "Heidi", "Anne of Green Gables", "Pollyanna", "Little Women",etc. , so this is nothing new. It comes off as strange to some people who aren't familiar with the old Josei genre (mainly 1970s/80s) and 19th century literature in general, and also because it depicts the story with beautiful artwork, which isn't common for manga in general, but it's more of a novel that tells most things with pictures than a manga that uses pictures to display activity.
Apr 1, 2020
Oh great, I'd incurred the wrath of yet another wannabe resident intellectual. Go stroke your peepee in a circle with oeconomist, definitionofinsanity or tamerlane you joke and stop bothering normal people with your missed points and non-sequiturs.

ps. you're so "the type" that even with that keyboard diarrhea you'd somehow managed to adress nothing. fuck off, I've had it with you insecure mensa rejects. blocked.

edit: forever-parting gift for you, new avatar:

Active member
Jan 13, 2020
I think you should add the title 'The bride's story' because I was looking for this for a long time but since I wrote 'the' instead of 'a' I couldn't find it.
Mar 27, 2020
@nonameanonymous82435 : Sorry if this is a bit random, but I popped into this particular comment section to see if I could get a feel for the general opinion about this manga... and then I saw your comment to Asriel there...
And y'know... that was hilariously savage. Hats off to you, I laughed. I don't even know the target nor context, but that was awesome!
Mar 27, 2020
And now I've read it all and ran out of chapters... phoo.

And to think I was lured here by that cover picture of Shirin and Anis ... or more particularly, I was lured in by Shirin's generous helping of T&A.
Shame those two are such dull characters in the narrative, constantly cooped up in their gilded cage and only allowed out to visit the other burqa-brides... =<

... Wait... why is this now marked as Seinen? Wasn't it marked as Josei last time? Isn't it Josei? I'm 99% sure this is Josei.
I've noticed an awful lot of Josei content on this site marked as Seinen. This isn't as blatant as most, but given the vast majority of focus is on soft, fuzzy topics and girly feelings, it seems pretty fuckin likely this is Josei.

Anyway... is good stuff. Amazing art. 8/10. Probably technically a 7.5 because it gets kinda dull sometimes (and the sense of wanting all these waifus is offset by witnessing their uncomfortable cultural oppression)... but decimal scores aren't an option... so... whatever.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 10, 2018
@SotiCoto The demographic category is determined by what the publisher says it is. This is published in a seinin magazine, so it's tagged Seinin.
Apr 12, 2020
I started reading this manga years ago, and to this day it's one of my favorites.
I seriously don't know what sort of issue people have with this manga, or the author, but this is beautifully written, drawn, presented, and I know that a shitton of work and research had to be done in order to present this accurately and in a way that won't disrespect the cultures shown.
The title should be obvious, it's stories about brides and their every day life. The author probably avoided including religion because Japanese are mostly uninterested in that part, and it can be easily misunderstood and very difficult to depict (especially if one is not Muslim themselves). People who think Shirin and Anis are boring and plain, refuse to see the real image presented here. Not every Islamic country follows the same traditions and rules. While Amir is a member of a nomadic tribe in the north (similar to the culture of North-Eastern Turkey, Georgia, Azerbeijan or Armenia), Anis' and Shirin's culture is closer to that of women from Saudi Arabia. It's not uncommon for men to have multiple wives there, and women generally have less freedom (especially in the past). The stories are not focused on romantic love and sexual love, but you can see hints of it everywhere. My friend who is a Muslim girl (also one who wears a hijab) loves this manga BECAUSE it doesn't show explicit love/sex scenes.

It's sad to see how people degrade the quality of this manga for whatever unimportant reasons. This is a work of fiction and I'm sure none of us have researched as much as the author did, she knows what she's doing. Cheers.

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