I take exception to the claim that this suffered from "slow release". It's been updating about two times a month pretty much like clockwork this whole time, it just hasn't been getting translated, which is why I was so mad when people would complain on Zyugoya's other works that he couldn't stick to one idea for any length of time - I feel like the relative neglect for this series from translators in favor of his Twitter work has given people on this site a misleading impression of him.
(For the record, I'm not mad at the translators - you're giving us all this for free, so do what you want, and I'll be thankful for what I have. I'm just mad at the people who seem to judge Zyugoya solely by Mangadex throughput without even so much as checking his Twitter to see what he's working on outside of what's making it here.)
And hey look, now that this series has wrapped up, Hyena-chan's getting updated again, would you look at that.
There's still over 20% of the comic's run left to translate, and I can't say for sure because I don't know Japanese, but it seems like it hits a pretty natural climax and resolution over the remaining eleven chapters. It's worth noting that the raw of this chapter was originally published on January 19th, while the final chapter only came out a month ago, so we still have about six and a half months worth of updates to go through before we hit the end.