This poor excuse for a story is so bland and unoriginal I can write the rest myself:
They flirt a little more.
The witch visits the girl and acts all tough and mysterious.
They find out the witch killed those guys.
Makoto gets spooked by just about everything.
The witch visits Makoto and flirts with him.
She tells him not to tell the girl or she'll be heartbroken.
Of course he believes her, because logic isn't allowed to put any obstacles in the way of blonde villains in a story.
The witch tells the girl Makoto was the cause of the accident and part of his magical power jumped over on her and saved her life (cause you know dark-haired girls in fiction aren't allowed to have power in their own right unless that power doesn't compare to the power of the blonde girl in the story). She also tells the girl she wants Makoto's power for herself.
The girl tries to stop her, but surprise surprise, she no match for the witch.
Makoto finds out the witch horribly wounded the girl. The girl says she's dying but she doesn't mind because it means she has found someone to love (or some similar nonsense that makes her look passive) but she weeps anyway because dark-haired girl are supposed to weep a lot and look as pathetically as possible in fiction.
Makoto goes to confront the witch like a big manly hero after he takes the girl to hospital and she begs him to stay away from the witch because she'll kill him.
He attempts to fight the witch but can't beat her until after many attempts he manages to defeat her through some deus ex machina that makes sure the supersexy badass witch never looks weak.
She laughs while she dies of course, cause she isn't allowed to look weak.
Makoto goes to the hospital and saves the girl (altough she might just die so the people with the rotting brains who need to see dark-haired girls portrayed as helpless damsels in distress get their fix).
I'd challenge the mangaka and his fans to prove me wrong, but I can't be bothered to check up on the product of a waste of ink who can't write anything more engaging and creative than this.