@Cae I think it's fair for people to be annoyed that someone injects memes and far-right politics into a manga that never references either. It would be like if the only translations of Berserk coming out removed things the scanlators deemed "problematic" and referenced fucking My Little Pony in the middle of chapters.
@Rosen_Ritter You can say racist, man. The dude is a far-right Irish racist that uses this manga as an outlet for his dumb right views. He has hijacked the manga and people defending him will say things like "It was always shit", or "it's a meme manga anyway" or the smooth-brained "if you don't like it, why don't you do better!".
Hopefully he drops this thing. The mangaka is a very nice guy, and it would suck if he knew this is the kind of person translating his works.