Re:Monster - Vol. 7 Ch. 63

Nov 27, 2018
You also have to take into account the statements around them being involved with the noble faction and the fact he is scheming with the tomboy princess.
Double-page supporter
Jan 17, 2019
I enjoyed this manga for quite some time due to the unique mc.
But lately I find that he is changing his whole way of thinking and just being evil himself.
Doesn't even consider good or bad anymore. Just wants to eat to make himself stronger. What happened to the tiny bit of principles and thoughts he had during the other parts of the manga?
Feels like he just threw them all away and said "fuck it, i'm just gonna eat, kill and have sex with females"

Which wasn't exactly different from what he was doing at the start, but seems like he lost all of his humanity now.
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
I know he was brutal but he did have a line to never cross.....atleast that's what I thought at first(somewhat of a moral compass). He just crossed that line today. Mc isn't even facing them and then taking them out(smh), he's basically going Savage atleast more Savager than he already was. Embracing his monster side more than he did before.
Guess the promised to his human part of harem to not kill unnecessarily is broken now.
I didn't enjoy this chapter at all. The overly talkative dude did not deserve that.
I mean he was always looking forward to the next strong opponent he ate, emphasis on the word OPPONENT. But for a while his constant talk about eating this and that hostile or not no matter the situation was getting out of hand.
Almost looked like this change in his character might have been put their intentionally by the author for a bigger plot in the future. Or it might just be author trying to rewrite his character to go from neutral evil to just evil with idea of getting readers reaction.
Double-page supporter
Oct 29, 2019
Not a pretty world that live in for sure. I'm reminded of that yet again after a long time(typical goblin behaviour back in early chapters).
Ah, I remember him did saying that it's his rule to atleast eat one being of a certain unknown/know species no matter what. To gain their unique skills and knowledge. With that in mind I get this but he seems to be looking forward to more than one and done meal. Yikes, if he had goals like Ainz from Overlord of take over the world/expanding his rule I would accepted this kind of behaviour but he's just looking to get some mercenaries jobs and strengthen his clan so.....I don't how to feel about all this pure savage behaviour.
Apr 6, 2019
Name two people that he has eaten that weren't enemies in some way.
WANTING to eat something or someone for strength is one thing. But he has held back so far. The closest he came were the group fighting the fomor giant.
bro are you kidding me? have you read this chapter? Chapter 63? he ate gunner dude ffs. he did nothing wrong. gunner dude wasn't even hostile... I don't think he even know abt rou at this point.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
"Gunner Dude", as you put it, was on the Noble's side. Same for the other four. He was quite literally an enemy. Try again.

On the other hand. I find it ironic that you claim I didn't read, when the chapter clearly states that the nobles use "Gunner Dude" (the young man Magic Gunner) as a trump card. So which of us didn't actually read?
Nov 24, 2020
I know the guy is gonna be an enemy at some point but damn, the way he died smiling without even knowing how or why is kinda sad.
Apr 6, 2019
@riger yo, he not hostile bruh, if you gonna put it that way, then he might as well just destroy a whole kingdom just for being suspicious of him.
I guess it was my mistake tho, ur just retarded, or rather brain dead. I apologise to all retarded people for mistaking you as one of them.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2019
An enemy is an enemy. The Noble Faction became Rou's enemy, so they're fair game as far as he's concerned.

And if you see this, @Argonautilus. I blocked you for blatant stupidity. If you can't take someone poiting out that you're wrong without that crap you were spouting, then I don't think interacting with other humans is for you.
Apr 6, 2019
@riger I am sorry for being unable explain something as simple as being hostile or an enemy. being hostile is what I am trying to potray to you right now, spouting hurtful words and accusing you of stupidity. gunner dude on the otherhand never displayed such hostility towards rou, he might do it in the future, but one does not judge someone from something they had never done.
Aggregator gang
Jan 15, 2021
Cold, but understandable since they’re used by his enemies, so killing them tips the power balance in his favor, still kinda messed up
Sep 20, 2020
I feel bad for him, but he was the trump card of those who opposed the princess and wanted MC dead for being a demi-human, so it was going to happen anyway, its easier if they just ambush him
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
I feel so bad for that otherworldly swordswoman...

She doesn't deserve to put up with all that fear and stress...
Dex-chan lover
Oct 26, 2020
I feel so bad for that otherworldly swordswoman...

She doesn't deserve to put up with all that fear and stress...
Even if he didn't eat the 5, he had reasons to assassinate them so that part doesn't particularly bother me. The only thing that really gave me pause is how he treats this one particular girl though. He usually doesn't outright murder and eat (or even talk about eating) humans in front of his other human companions/subordinates (only a couple exceptions). Early in the story he didn't eat goblins in front of the other goblins either. I don't understand why he has it out for this girl... it's very out of character.
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Active member
Jun 7, 2023
hm for some reason i want to see him lose one of his wife's or children , its boring if he always wins and since he doenst care about murdering everything in sight it should be a problem to kill someone close to him too
He doesn't casually murder people unless they are a threat, which these guys were. While he is self-centered and wants to gain more power, he is always wary of the risk.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Well I was rereading... and now I remember why I dropped this series.

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