
May 1, 2018
This is basically just a creepier, skeezier, overall worse version of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime. Do yourself a favor and read that instead.

And holy shit, @banjomarx, if you're going to flip out because someone doesn't think your favorite masturbatory power fantasy is "great literature", do yourself a favor and learn to proofread. There are few things more underwhelming than a self-proclaimed intellectual who can't string a sentence together.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Swagner I just don't bother with the whole proof reading since yknow, comment on a manga on the internet... chill... also you assume that people arent ALREADY reading the slime one, theres nothing wrong with reading both lol, and my previous point stands, you are hating on something for being poor literature without understanding literature lol go read some kurt vonnegut or other post modern literature writers, I guarantee you won't understand them at all lol. The basis for your arguments simply don't match up with the reality of post modern literature, and until you face that fact you will continue to spew total nonsense onto the internet that will be laughed at by intellectuals for untold time.
May 1, 2018
@banjomarx you find me one literature PhD who'll back up this manga, then we'll talk. Until then, though, ignoring criticisms to instead rave about post modernism (as though it had any relevance) and demanding literary credentials of others (while providing none yourself) will only keep proving everyone who says "this is atrocious, creepy writing that attracts egomaniacs" right.

BTW: saying "you assume that people arent ALREADY reading the slime one" is itself an erroneous assumption. I didn't say (or even imply) "you must not know know about X", I said "X is worth reading, this isn't".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Swagner actually you said read the slime one INSTEAD which implies that they arent already reading it so ya thats on you, also im not saying literature phds are gonna like this, im saying that the foundation of your argument is flawed. You can say "the sky is blue" and have it be true but if you say "because aliens did it" thats a bad argument, doesnt mean the sky isnt blue, just means you have a shitty argument. Your argument against this piece as literature is a really bad one, doesnt mean im saying its a masterpiece, just that you dont know anything about literature xD and the fact that you DONT know how post modern literature is relevant to this discussion just proves my point lol.

The main issue is that theres a huge difference between saying you dont like a manga and saying its a bad piece of literature, if you are going to make that argument you need to have a reasonable case you are ready to press, such as by what standards are we judging? how can you say this is "bad literature"? define literature etc. Literature is a loaded word, and you cant just throw it around like without people being annoyed by misuse, because the question of what good and bad literature are is an ongoing thing, its not something you can just say "this is bad this is good" which is why people spend their entire lives studying literature...
May 1, 2018
@banjomarx "which implies that they arent already reading" again, you're literally putting words in my mouth. That sentence's meaning remains relevant whether or not they've already read it. If they haven't read it, they should read it instead of this one. If they have, they should still read it instead of this one. Seriously, I can't take you seriously when you make such high-and-mighty claims about literature in the same post where you demonstrate not only a stunning lack of reading comprehension, but also a willingness to double-down on your own misunderstanding.

Yes, the discussion of what is "good" and "bad" literature is controversial. But you know what? You haven't given a single argument in support of it being good literature, or even a single counterargument against why it's bad, all you've done (from your very first post) is attack the credentials of those who say it's bad, hypocritically denying the intellectual rigor you demand of everyone else.

Your analogies are just as schizophrenic: "Re:Monster is a masturbatory power fantasy, and thus bad" is nothing like "aliens did it". Hell, you haven't even said it's wrong (I suspect you can't, because you know it is), you've just fallen back on nebulous claims of "standards" and "shitty arguments" (again, with no sense of self awareness).

You know why I can say postmodernism (or, for that matter, any literary movement) is irrelevant? Because you haven't given any reason why they're relevant. If you think other people are obligated to research your own point for you, you're wrong, and so devoid of intellectual honesty that you're not worth talking to. For example, if someone said "I think bitcoin is a scam" and I responded with "well, you must know nothing about the work of Ron Rivest, then", they would have every right to look at me like I was a retard until I connected the two somehow, and if I said "oh, you don't know? that proves my point lolol", they'd have every reason to write me off as a lunatic, like I now have with you.
Active member
Feb 24, 2018
Wtf, the MC had a moment of weakness and something resembling normal human emotion? In this dumpster fire of a series? Someone e-slap me, I must be dreaming.

@Swagner Although I totally agree with you that this is a worse version of slime (Isekai with an OP MC with abnormal abilities, focused largely on gaining power through consumption, given by some unknown, probably divine, entity with a large focus on the creation of a civilization of both monsters and humans), I wouldn't say everyone is better off skipping this and reading that instead. I have been deriving great enjoyment out of just how bad this series is. It's blatantly a super creepy power fantasy that its own edgelord author probably jerks off to, but it takes itself so seriously that it's hilarious. Take this latest chapter (43). It's clearly supposed to be a momentous and harrowing occasion but it's so stupid that I couldn't help but laugh through most of it. Plus I sometimes get the feeling that the manga adaptation is taking the piss out of the story a bit. I tried to read the original WN and it was just too creepy to even laugh at. I get the distinct impression that this adaptation is trying to play things a bit more tongue-in-cheek, and its much more entertaining when read that way. Still a complete dumpster fire, but a dumpster fire can be fairly entertaining.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Let the tradition of bashing this adaptation(for completely subjective reasons) commence!
Jun 27, 2018
?????Right hero Rou is going to become a monster beyond your comprhension SPOILER Vajaraska Overlord King of Gluttony extinct species level of awesome power ?
Jun 23, 2018
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWESOME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More please ??????????

fear St. Elmos Fire ?
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Holy crap! No one bashed it, people usually hate on this like it's going out of style.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
@gaigous I would. Like there were two pages I glossed over because I thought it was just random crap to be an asspull later. Looked like a shoddy way to hide an unexplained OP skill later down the story to me.
May 5, 2018
@Wightwalker Can you even read? It's written quite clearly, you know:

Notice: You can now comment on individual chapters, where spoilers are allowed. Please do not post spoilers on this manga comment thread.

You not only posted a spoiler, but you didn't even use the spoiler tag.

<sarcasm>I'm impressed by you, really </sarcasm>

Something like that, but instead of using sarcasm, you write spoiler.

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