Alright... Hmm... A couple years back... Now you're probably gonna call me stupid, and I was then. There were these protests going on that usually turned violent. And they kept getting closer and closer to home, right? I know, not all of them are violent, but the News just Highlights the Bad and not the good, and that scared me. Well... I remember my elder brother calling home from work, a bit frantic, saying there'd be a protest that evening when he worked, and indeed we were all scared! Genuinely frightened... I know, I know, but the news only showed us awful things, and he was my brother.
Now here's the M Night Shymalan Twist, It was not bad, and it was miles away from him! Play that one Seinfeld theme XD
I was young alright, it was scary, almost scarier than that car wreck, or that time that chick bumped the back of our car! WHILE there was a cop across the street, another driving by, and another driving on the other side of traffic! Nothing was damaged and I remember looking back and she was in tears, thought she'd hurt us. God's blessed me and my family... Truly! Even when we were at our lowest, and going to pantries, it was differentiation man! New foods! Would have never tried ricecakes! And they laughed at me when I said "Finally! Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches again!"!
EDIT: And oh yes, the cops didn't do anything! Everytime we drive by that intersection we have to say something! One messed up city!