y'know normally when you talk about "damaging" it's shields that you're damaging (energy shields, but still, shields) and not force fields. "shields up" and all that. force fields are usually more of an on/off affair, like tractor beams.
Dope chapter, it keeps ramping up! Those mechs looks fantastic too, love the functional design. They look like a combination of Front mission and Obsolete.
The high energy reaction from the CWH special engaging the force field of Keins mech was a nice touch. Reminiscent of Dune.
Did Akira's augmented suit shatter his bike when Alpha made him kick off it, or was it the bomb?
That explosion should have killed him and that tumble looked like concussion city, but whatever, rule of cool.
I wonder why Alpha had to make Akira wake up to fight, couldn't she have controlled his augmented suit regardless if he was conscious or not? It would have been cool if she fought back with his body and he regained consciousness in the middle of it, utterly confused.
Those slow motion scenes where you get to follow Alphas logic are awesome. Makes me think back to Battle Angel Alita, when
her "brain" was overlocked and she moved faster than her own eyes could perceive