Even the gods are a bit too common? Like Yay we got the Susanoo, Bishamonten, Heracles, Zeus, Thor, Odin...sigh...author-san please you have so many pantheons to choose from and japan has already adapted quite a bit of them in other works so you can't play the ignorance card...Huitzilopchtli from the aztecs could have provided a nice bloodbath...Lugh from the celts...Anansi...etc...and from the human side like ok, Jack the Ripper is the de fact option for this type of stories and every author's chuuni side demands him to be there, but no Alexander the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Darius...etc but many japanese and chinese...is this a fight for humanity or just for china-japan area of humanity? Plus some other little parts of other countries...heck that would be fun lol. "No chosen from your continent, you're dead by de fault kek".