Regarding Group Delays and Harassment

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Jan 19, 2018
Sad to say, but in this day, there are far too many people who are self-entitled, immature, and with serious ego problems (e.g Donald Trump). Some are even lower on the scale. Funny thing is, those are probably some of their better qualities.

If you are that desperate, find the raws and translate them yourselves. Anon death threats like that are just plain dumb.
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
This is sad to read. I don't expect everyone to actually be polite or anything and thank the team for their uploads, but at least stay quiet if you can't do that. These people are doing us all a FAVOR, and no one should be acting entitled. I also don't see what's the big deal with going to their site. Maybe I'm spoiled but none of the scanlator's whose site I've used are bad.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
...scanlator groups have been receiving some very nasty emails and death threats due to group delays on MangaDex.
So these people take the trouble typing out their threatening letters when it takes way less time and effort to simply visit the scanlator's site? Talk about inefficiency.
Group Leader
Mar 9, 2018
Well. Time to warm some Ban Cannons and problem should get solved.
May 15, 2018
Using death threats to get the groups to produce content faster seems like a counterproductive method to be frank.
Double-page supporter
Mar 17, 2018
I just wonder what kind of death threats they are. Is it typical troll "hope you die"/"die you cunts" etc. which were even used in this thread by one user? Or were they something serious? Would really want to see messages together with their nicks. Anyway, just joining the bandwagon of telling those people to sit on a cactus with their bare asses.


Apr 10, 2018
That is horrendous, I can't fandom why people do this!

We are getting access to FREE scanlations- the people are taking their time and money to deliver us new chapter, WTF is wrong with them!

Is there a way of banning these people or else make a block-list for those individuals?
Jan 18, 2018
Why? I mean, really, why would you do that?
I hope it's just things like what @Tikibo said (which are still bad, but not as bad as what the OP said).
Nov 28, 2018
Why am i not even surprise
And tbh that is why many people look down on us so much
Group Leader
Jul 9, 2018
So the other day I was reading this manhwa and it seems a dude was bored and translated a chapter of it. I saw like 20 pages of comments shitting on him for doing it. All because they thought the scanlation group who took it up first is entitled to exclusivity of the project. I didn't know scanlation rights were a thing. So @Zephyrus , what's your take on people shit-flinging at groups that want to release their own versions?
Mar 10, 2018
Who send dead threats is a scum that do not deserve to take part in the anime and manga community. These people are sad losers and should be insta banned and their ip blocked.

However, when you give to people too much freedom there are always some assholes that exploit it and ruin the experience to everyone else, is because opening comments and ratings wasn't a wise idea without a more strict moderation.

I think that when a group post a chapter, they should become instant moderator of such chapter and block or ban the offensive comments (something along the yt policy where you have 100% control over comments posted in your videos).

I also think that admins should hire more moderators to check the comment section and take immediately action when something bad occur. I can offer myself as a mod if this position is required. Tolerance zero toward these immature people (i'm sure they never pay a cent to support mangadex or the original author).
Apr 23, 2018
Chuunibyou syndrome must be spreading through the site. I can imagine the spoiled children now.

"12hr delay.... Ahhh! My eye, my eye! The darkness is overtaking my eye! If only I had the healing light to calm its overflowing energy. But the corrupt church of manga is hiding it for themselves. Giving it only to their closest followers and leaving us nothing but the remains on the floor. How dare they! The light of the world is to be shared with us in all its glory! If they wont yield it willingly, I will fight them for it to the death!"
Aggregator gang
Apr 3, 2018
@KebabRemover It's called being respectful. You do realize that if a group is already scanlating a manga, high chance they also got people working on future chapters. Sniping the manga without letting them know is basically wasting people's effort and ruining their motivation. You're wasting manpower that could be put into other projects. If the guy is bored, there is tons of other great manga/manhwa that are still not translated. Why would he go for this one popular manhwa someone is editing, I wonder?

No one here have the "rights" over any series. But generally, whoever pick it up first should have the major say over it, simply due to respect and convenience. If I am working on a project and someone asks me nicely to hand it over to them, I will. It would free up my time to be used on another series. Sniping imo is only fine if the project is already months behind, so likely no one is working on it nor is anyone caring enough to continue it. Otherwise, it's pretty rude that someone is wasting my time I put into the chapters when I could put it in another manga. Also, more often than not, sniping is a result of ulterior motives, not really true "this project is stagnating, so let's pick it up so people can continue enjoying it".
Instrumentality Instigator
Super Moderator
Jan 29, 2018
MD doesn't police scans unless they can be proven to be a troll release.

Personally, I don't believe that groups own the series that they're working on. I believe that's a form of entitlement. I'd like to make it clear that *no one* on MD should be subject to harassment. Unfortunately, there is only so much I can personally do unless I am made aware of the offense. There is no way to report comments yet so I'm forced to rely on people making me aware of rules violations.
Jan 5, 2019
This can't be legit, it has to just be trolls, seriously death threats for delays (I mean death threats in general is bad and illegal but the reason in this case it is just plain dumb)

If its legitly a fan of the manga... my faith in humanity has lowered (not that it was to high to begin with.) There are lots of options; just going to there website, donate, learn the language (japanese,chinese,korean, etc.) or wait you ungrateful S O B, its not that difficult.

I personally like delay's it gives more recognition to translators and there staff.
Group Leader
Feb 7, 2018
Sorta makes me curious what the numbers on that actually are.
Like, if it's just one guy doing that, like last time with those troll comic page edits, I don't think it's actually worth that amount of attention.
One Madjack McGee in >how many users does this site have again< doesn't seem that bad.

On another note, some time ago we also had some special kid coming to our discord server, telling us "to get cancer and die" in a massive wall of text before leaving again. I think he did that like twice, before we banned him.
And you know, hearing this makes me kinda curious if he may have come from here. *thinking face*
Jan 21, 2018
It would help if the comment system was rejiggered so that it's much easier to discourage negativity.

Direct replies chains so negative commentors can be ignored/pushed out of the discussion.

Upvotes/downvotes for the same reason

Report buttons and a ban system.

A reputation system, that give a % chance of hiding a users comment, or starts them with downvotes, or adds a delay timer to comment visibility.

A friend/acquaintance system so that you can have a soft bans that makes a user only visible to the people who have friended them/direct replied to them.

Comment order randomisation, because first comments are more emotional so it's not good to put them at the top of the discussion.

Instead of "BBCode allowed" as the default reply text change it to "The scanslators have worked hard to bring you this chapter, say something nice back" to encourage reciprocity.

Put a positivity meter at the top of each comment section that will lock the thread if there isn't enough, to remind people that the comment sections are a scarcity and that they should use it to its best while they still can.

Give positive commenters awards that show how knowlegable or veteran or proactive they are so they get more attention than negative commenters, to make them more authorative and encourage others to follow their lead.

Have commenters answer a question before commenting like "pick one: This manga is; cute☐ cool☐ interesting☐ beautiful☐ etc.☐", to encourage consistency in positivity.

Have a bot that puts the comment from the Scanlators as the first comment, even if it's just a generic compliment like "Thank you for all the help and positive comments, it's fun to hear from people who love manga as much as we do" by default that can be edited by the scanslator to personalise it. It's harder for people to be dicks if you can get them to like the scanslator.

Add a tag next to their username saying "one of the 99.3% of users that left a positive comment on this series" to let people know that the negative users are just a small vocal minority.

Lots of stuff you can do to foster a more positive mangadex community.
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